Russians kill another innocent in the UK.

There is a lot to be disturbed about here.

First, if this is residue from the first attack (they're still not sure), then that is a long lasting nerve agent. If it is able to stick around that long, think of what would happen if it was used in an actual bomb.

Second, if this was actually another attack and not some leftover residue, that brings up all sorts of questions about Russia.
There is a lot to be disturbed about here.

First, if this is residue from the first attack (they're still not sure), then that is a long lasting nerve agent. If it is able to stick around that long, think of what would happen if it was used in an actual bomb.

Second, if this was actually another attack and not some leftover residue, that brings up all sorts of questions about Russia.

An interesting read on this topic: Nerve agents: introduction, physical and chemical properties, binary technology, mechanism of action, symptoms, antidotes and methods of treatment
A pile of BS as usual, even British Media stops buying that sh*t. In March "Russia poisoned Skripals" 10 days before presidential elections in Russia. Now "Russia poisoned" two British dopers 10 days before Trump/Putin summit. Didi it really benefit Russia or it benefited those who hate Russia?

Lots of accusations with ZERO evidence. Russia CAN NOT be guilty only because Teresa May says: "It's highly likely Russia." Prove it, Teresa, or shut up.

I am told that only Russians have access to the poison, known as novichok – though the British research station of Porton Down, located ominously nearby, clearly knows a lot about it. Otherwise, I repeat, I have no clue. I suppose I can see why the Kremlin might want to kill an ex-spy such as Sergei Skripal and his daughter, so as to deter others from defecting. But why wait so long after he has fled, and why during the build-up to so highly politicised an event as a World Cup in Russia?

The most obvious motive for these attacks would surely be from someone out to embarrass the Russian president, Vladimir Putin – someone from his enemies, rather than from his friends or employees.

If the novichok was planted by Russia, where’s the evidence? | Simon Jenkins
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A pile of BS as usual, even British Media stops buying that sh*t. Lots of accusations of Russia with ZERO evidence.

I am told that only Russians have access to the poison, known as novichok – though the British research station of Porton Down, located ominously nearby, clearly knows a lot about it. Otherwise, I repeat, I have no clue. I suppose I can see why the Kremlin might want to kill an ex-spy such as Sergei Skripal and his daughter, so as to deter others from defecting. But why wait so long after he has fled, and why during the build-up to so highly politicised an event as a World Cup in Russia?

The most obvious motive for these attacks would surely be from someone out to embarrass the Russian president, Vladimir Putin – someone from his enemies, rather than from his friends or employees.

If the novichok was planted by Russia, where’s the evidence? | Simon Jenkins

If only the Russians have this agent, as well as the fact that Russia is the place where this stuff is made, it's a pretty good bet that it came from Russia.

And, if their rules for handling and use are as strict as ours, you can bet that there are a few people in the leadership that knew about it. And, one of them would have been Putin, because authorization for use of something like that has to come from the highest levels.
Murder inquiry after Novichok woman dies

If this were an honourable place the England team would come home.

Rogue state.

You'll suggest anything so that England aren't crowned World Cup champions, won't you?
As if that were possible...................
A pile of BS as usual, even British Media stops buying that sh*t. In March "Russia poisoned Skripals" 10 days before presidential elections in Russia. Now "Russia poisoned" two British dopers 10 days before Trump/Putin summit. Didi it really benefit Russia or it benefited those who hate Russia?

Lots of accusations with ZERO evidence. Russia CAN NOT be guilty only because Teresa May says: "It's highly likely Russia." Prove it, Teresa, or shut up.

I am told that only Russians have access to the poison, known as novichok – though the British research station of Porton Down, located ominously nearby, clearly knows a lot about it. Otherwise, I repeat, I have no clue. I suppose I can see why the Kremlin might want to kill an ex-spy such as Sergei Skripal and his daughter, so as to deter others from defecting. But why wait so long after he has fled, and why during the build-up to so highly politicised an event as a World Cup in Russia?

The most obvious motive for these attacks would surely be from someone out to embarrass the Russian president, Vladimir Putin – someone from his enemies, rather than from his friends or employees.

If the novichok was planted by Russia, where’s the evidence? | Simon Jenkins
Russia is a rogue state. It is in keeping with their criminal behaviour.
new its official Putler´s crime org Ozero , is a terrorist state, much like IS
A pile of BS as usual, even British Media stops buying that sh*t. In March "Russia poisoned Skripals" 10 days before presidential elections in Russia. Now "Russia poisoned" two British dopers 10 days before Trump/Putin summit. Didi it really benefit Russia or it benefited those who hate Russia?

Lots of accusations with ZERO evidence. Russia CAN NOT be guilty only because Teresa May says: "It's highly likely Russia." Prove it, Teresa, or shut up.

I am told that only Russians have access to the poison, known as novichok – though the British research station of Porton Down, located ominously nearby, clearly knows a lot about it. Otherwise, I repeat, I have no clue. I suppose I can see why the Kremlin might want to kill an ex-spy such as Sergei Skripal and his daughter, so as to deter others from defecting. But why wait so long after he has fled, and why during the build-up to so highly politicised an event as a World Cup in Russia?

The most obvious motive for these attacks would surely be from someone out to embarrass the Russian president, Vladimir Putin – someone from his enemies, rather than from his friends or employees.

If the novichok was planted by Russia, where’s the evidence? | Simon Jenkins

you posted it from this torrent right?

Russian unleashes torrent of alternative facts in Amesbury poisoning case

Within hours of British police announcing last night that a couple from Amesbury, Wiltshire had been poisoned with Novichok, Russia’s propaganda machine was firing out projectiles in all directions with the usual aim of casting doubt and confusion in people’s minds. The real story is fairly straightforward: Charlie Rowley and Dawn Sturgess were taken ill on June 30 and are now in critical condition, probably due to coming into contact with Novichok residue in Salisbury from the attack on Sergei and Yulia Skripal in March.

By now Russia’s tactics in these situations are tried and tested, and even boring, but they’re still effective. Plenty of people in the UK would rather believe that they are being duped by their own government than by Russia – supporters of Labour’s Jeremy Corbyn in particular – and they form a fertile audience for Russia’s lies, which they then repeat and embellish themselves. The cycle continues with Russian media quoting the British “sceptics”, who are depicted as being smarter than those who trust the “official narrative” – in other words, stick to known facts."
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Murder inquiry after Novichok woman dies

If this were an honourable place the England team would come home.

Rogue state.
Putin knows he can attack the West with impunity.

He exploits conflict in the EU the consequence of Brexit, the immigration crisis, and the rise of the neo-fascist right.

In the United State Putin interferes with elections protected by his sycophant Trump.

The use of nerve agents in the UK is yet another facet of Putin’s war on the West.
Murder inquiry after Novichok woman dies

If this were an honourable place the England team would come home.

Rogue state.
Putin knows he can attack the West with impunity.

He exploits conflict in the EU the consequence of Brexit, the immigration crisis, and the rise of the neo-fascist right.

In the United State Putin interferes with elections protected by his sycophant Trump.

The use of nerve agents in the UK is yet another facet of Putin’s war on the West.

Europe's Far-Right Enjoys Backing from Russia's Putin - NBC News
Feb 12, 2017 - Russia Investing in Europe's Far Right Parties to Upend EU Politics, ... Nigel Farage, one of Britain's loudest voices in favor of the UK's exit from ...

Why the European Right Wing Loves Putin - The Atlantic
Jan 6, 2017 - The roots of Russia's political appeal in Europe and the United States. ... One critical variable of the Trump presidency may be how far this radical shift in ... Putin is radically different to that of Mr. Obama,” Le Pen told a British ...
Murder inquiry after Novichok woman dies

If this were an honourable place the England team would come home.

Rogue state.
Putin knows he can attack the West with impunity.

He exploits conflict in the EU the consequence of Brexit, the immigration crisis, and the rise of the neo-fascist right.

In the United State Putin interferes with elections protected by his sycophant Trump.

The use of nerve agents in the UK is yet another facet of Putin’s war on the West.

Europe's Far-Right Enjoys Backing from Russia's Putin - NBC News
Feb 12, 2017 - Russia Investing in Europe's Far Right Parties to Upend EU Politics, ... Nigel Farage, one of Britain's loudest voices in favor of the UK's exit from ...

Why the European Right Wing Loves Putin - The Atlantic
Jan 6, 2017 - The roots of Russia's political appeal in Europe and the United States. ... One critical variable of the Trump presidency may be how far this radical shift in ... Putin is radically different to that of Mr. Obama,” Le Pen told a British ...
Murder inquiry after Novichok woman dies

If this were an honourable place the England team would come home.

Rogue state.
Putin knows he can attack the West with impunity.

He exploits conflict in the EU the consequence of Brexit, the immigration crisis, and the rise of the neo-fascist right.

In the United State Putin interferes with elections protected by his sycophant Trump.

The use of nerve agents in the UK is yet another facet of Putin’s war on the West.
What is the motive?
Cui bono?
Salisbury and Amesbury are just 6 and 5 miles away from British secret chemical lab Porton Down. Coincidence?...


The major incident in Amesbury saw two people poisoned by the same nerve agent that almost killed the Skripals, government scientists have confirmed. The attack turns attention once more to Porton Down, the mysterious laboratory that has unintentionally become central to the response to the attacks.

The secretive government facility at Porton Down has been used for experiments involving deadly and often undisclosed weapons, and in the wake of the Salisbury attack has become indelibly associated with the nerve agent used in the attack.

Porton Down would be notable in any use of nerve agent on British soil, given its importance in testing and understanding such deadly weapons. But it is also by coincidence literally close to the two attacks: Salisbury, Amesbury and the facility are all just a few miles apart, in a triangle that has now become central to the attacks and the fallout from them.

Everything you need to know about the secretive Porton Down facility
Murder inquiry after Novichok woman dies

If this were an honourable place the England team would come home.

Rogue state.
Putin knows he can attack the West with impunity.

He exploits conflict in the EU the consequence of Brexit, the immigration crisis, and the rise of the neo-fascist right.

In the United State Putin interferes with elections protected by his sycophant Trump.

The use of nerve agents in the UK is yet another facet of Putin’s war on the West.

Europe's Far-Right Enjoys Backing from Russia's Putin - NBC News
Feb 12, 2017 - Russia Investing in Europe's Far Right Parties to Upend EU Politics, ... Nigel Farage, one of Britain's loudest voices in favor of the UK's exit from ...

Why the European Right Wing Loves Putin - The Atlantic
Jan 6, 2017 - The roots of Russia's political appeal in Europe and the United States. ... One critical variable of the Trump presidency may be how far this radical shift in ... Putin is radically different to that of Mr. Obama,” Le Pen told a British ...
A pile of BS as usual, even British Media stops buying that sh*t. In March "Russia poisoned Skripals" 10 days before presidential elections in Russia. Now "Russia poisoned" two British dopers 10 days before Trump/Putin summit. Didi it really benefit Russia or it benefited those who hate Russia?

Lots of accusations with ZERO evidence. Russia CAN NOT be guilty only because Teresa May says: "It's highly likely Russia." Prove it, Teresa, or shut up.

I am told that only Russians have access to the poison, known as novichok – though the British research station of Porton Down, located ominously nearby, clearly knows a lot about it. Otherwise, I repeat, I have no clue. I suppose I can see why the Kremlin might want to kill an ex-spy such as Sergei Skripal and his daughter, so as to deter others from defecting. But why wait so long after he has fled, and why during the build-up to so highly politicised an event as a World Cup in Russia?

The most obvious motive for these attacks would surely be from someone out to embarrass the Russian president, Vladimir Putin – someone from his enemies, rather than from his friends or employees.

If the novichok was planted by Russia, where’s the evidence? | Simon Jenkins

you posted it from this torrent right?

Russian unleashes torrent of alternative facts in Amesbury poisoning case

Within hours of British police announcing last night that a couple from Amesbury, Wiltshire had been poisoned with Novichok, Russia’s propaganda machine was firing out projectiles in all directions with the usual aim of casting doubt and confusion in people’s minds. The real story is fairly straightforward: Charlie Rowley and Dawn Sturgess were taken ill on June 30 and are now in critical condition, probably due to coming into contact with Novichok residue in Salisbury from the attack on Sergei and Yulia Skripal in March.

By now Russia’s tactics in these situations are tried and tested, and even boring, but they’re still effective. Plenty of people in the UK would rather believe that they are being duped by their own government than by Russia – supporters of Labour’s Jeremy Corbyn in particular – and they form a fertile audience for Russia’s lies, which they then repeat and embellish themselves. The cycle continues with Russian media quoting the British “sceptics”, who are depicted as being smarter than those who trust the “official narrative” – in other words, stick to known facts."
There is an uncanny resemblance between that first tweet from the Russian embassy in Holland to many of the posts on the forum, not necessarily on this subject.

Murder inquiry after Novichok woman dies

If this were an honourable place the England team would come home.

Rogue state.
Putin knows he can attack the West with impunity.

He exploits conflict in the EU the consequence of Brexit, the immigration crisis, and the rise of the neo-fascist right.

In the United State Putin interferes with elections protected by his sycophant Trump.

The use of nerve agents in the UK is yet another facet of Putin’s war on the West.

Europe's Far-Right Enjoys Backing from Russia's Putin - NBC News
Feb 12, 2017 - Russia Investing in Europe's Far Right Parties to Upend EU Politics, ... Nigel Farage, one of Britain's loudest voices in favor of the UK's exit from ...

Why the European Right Wing Loves Putin - The Atlantic
Jan 6, 2017 - The roots of Russia's political appeal in Europe and the United States. ... One critical variable of the Trump presidency may be how far this radical shift in ... Putin is radically different to that of Mr. Obama,” Le Pen told a British ...
Not only European, also American.

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