Man jailed for life after breaking baby son’s neck in Leicester

I hope this monster never gets out.

The family was on the radar of social services but they never got a visit. I wonder if the child would still be alive if the tories hadnt slashed council budgets ?

I know that some feel the state should mot interfere but here is the case that proves them wrong. It isnt the first one rither.

The number of deaths due to Tory cuts is HUGE. From the NHS the numbers dying have increased massively.

And the Tories are cheering because it means less plebs to pay pensions to.
Its all part of the safety net. Something that says everybody counts
I don’t believe social safety nets are appropriate. They’re immoral, in my mind, and unconstitutional in this country.
I think a free health benefit delivered to your door is the pinnacle of a health service.They come in. Weigh the baby to see they are growing.Ask about health problems, check you are coping ok, give some tips. Have a cup of tea and move on.
All in your own front room
I believe it’s the height of government interference. Then again I’d die before taking government health care.
It was more a social visit for my wife but very useful for teenage mums
“teenage mums” is the issue in that sentence.
Just to blow your mind totally we also have district nurses. They do the same thing for adults who cant get to the surgery. I had one come here for a while.
Its the mark of a civilised society and all included in my national insurance payment
No. It’s the mark of a Government that controls its people; and in your case your obscure. Rates pay for it.
I don’t believe social safety nets are appropriate. They’re immoral, in my mind, and unconstitutional in this country.

I believe it’s the height of government interference. Then again I’d die before taking government health care.

“teenage mums” is the issue in that sentence.

No. It’s the mark of a Government that controls its people; and in your case your obscure. Rates pay for it.
What is the "government" doing? What threat do these people carry that scares you so much ?
What is the "government" doing? What threat do these people carry that scares you so much ?
The greatest threat of all… information. That’s why Government employees are not welcome in my home. As you pointed out yourself they are there to assess the situation and suggest changes. That means their goal is information gathering and psychological operations.

I already know the things they’re not going to like, and they’re not going to change. Given the choice of a child or my lifestyle I’ll abandon the kid, thank you very much.
The greatest threat of all… information. That’s why Government employees are not welcome in my home. As you pointed out yourself they are there to assess the situation and suggest changes. That means their goal is information gathering and psychological operations.

I already know the things they’re not going to like, and they’re not going to change. Given the choice of a child or my lifestyle I’ll abandon the kid, thank you very much.
Well at least you are honest about your crazy. Maybe you should look for help ?
Well at least you are honest about your crazy. Maybe you should look for help ?
There is no help for what I have it’s been in my family for more than 400 years. It’s called Individualism and I understand that British and European people don’t really get it. You never have and never will.
There is no help for what I have it’s been in my family for more than 400 years. It’s called Individualism and I understand that British and European people don’t really get it. You never have and never will.
Well I love my kids and would not see them die because of some wierdo conspiracy theory.. That doesnt sound like an american value.
You are so fucking dumb. The health visitor would see the child had brroken bones.They dont start by breaking necks you know.
That child would have been taken into care and would still be alive today. Thick fucker.
You presume far too much. I realize you don’t know much of anything at all. But here’s a quick tip: sometimes when an adult harms a child (out of irrational anger or whatever) they have not previously broken any of the kid’s bones or left any marks or even physically abused the child at all.
You presume far too much. I realize you don’t know much of anything at all. But here’s a quick tip: sometimes when an adult harms a child (out of irrational anger or whatever) they have not previously broken any of the kid’s bones or left any marks or even physically abused the child at all.
So because some do that you want to deny protection to kids abused over a
longer period ? Please just fuck off you fucking retarded fuck.
So because some do that you want to deny protection to kids abused over a
longer period ? Please just fuck off you fucking retarded fuck.
I can’t talk down to you low enough for your microscopic brain cell to comprehend, taint.

Should these visits come once per day? Once per week? Randomly, once or twice a month?

And if they don’t come during the week where the skell adults are doing any harm to the child, what purpose will they serve?

As I correctly noted before, unless the visits happen to coincide (by pure luck) with a time frame where the assholes are causing (or recently have caused) some injury to the child, then those visits serve very little purpose.

By the way, for a Brit, you truly suck ass at using your native language, Eileen.
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Well I love my kids and would not see them die because of some wierdo conspiracy theory.. That doesnt sound like an american value
Actually it’s ine of the founding principles of the nation… individual liberty supersedes government control. I come from a long line of people who have told the government to go screw when they sought information which they didn’t need.

For example, my great-grandmother didn’t fill out here 1980 census form. When they came to fill it out with her she threw the young man out of her house Why? Because he refused to list her heritage as American. He continuously pressed her about where her ancestors had come to this country from. As she threw him out she said… “My family has been here for 350 years. How much longer before where we came from becomes irrelevant.”
Actually it’s ine of the founding principles of the nation… individual liberty supersedes government control. I come from a long line of people who have told the government to go screw when they sought information which they didn’t need.

For example, my great-grandmother didn’t fill out here 1980 census form. When they came to fill it out with her she threw the young man out of her house Why? Because he refused to list her heritage as American. He continuously pressed her about where her ancestors had come to this country from. As she threw him out she said… “My family has been here for 350 years. How much longer before where we came from becomes irrelevant.”
So babies die.

I hope this monster never gets out.

The family was on the radar of social services but they never got a visit. I wonder if the child would still be alive if the tories hadnt slashed council budgets ?

I know that some feel the state should mot interfere but here is the case that proves them wrong. It isnt the first one rither.
It's unbelievable that filth like this even exist, can't see him serving his sentence in the general prison population, he would be dead within 24hours.

I hope this monster never gets out.

The family was on the radar of social services but they never got a visit. I wonder if the child would still be alive if the tories hadnt slashed council budgets ?

I know that some feel the state should mot interfere but here is the case that proves them wrong. It isnt the first one rither.
What? Your Government Masters failed yet again?

Say it isn't so!

But on the point that the monster should die in prison...absolutely.

Even better would be if one of his fellow prisoners gets their hands on him, and breaks his miserable neck.
Are you suggesting the government should be visiting the homes of every minor on a regular basis to investigate the parents?

Its the parents fault here, to attribute to the government because they don't monitor every home is sort of stupid, even for you.
In the UK we have something called social services, any child shown to be vulnerable should at the very least be visited on a regular basis and if need be removed from those parents, Government cutbacks have put all these services under strain, result dead children, this is far from the first case.
In the UK we have something called social services, any child shown to be vulnerable should at the very least be visited on a regular basis and if need be removed from those parents, Government cutbacks have put all these services under strain, result dead children, this is far from the first case.

There are child welfare workers in the USA, as well. But they only visit families where there is good reason to think the parents are fuckups.

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