Russians refusing to handshake Obama (Snub)


Senior Member
Jul 9, 2008
Sorry if you have already seen this... but I thought it was very disrespectful to our President.

I thought he was loved throughout the world???? At least that's what we've been told for the past year...

[ame=]YouTube - Obama Handshake Snub in Russia[/ame]
I'm not fond of Obama but I don't like that shit.
Maybe the Russian fellow felt a bit slighted because Mr. Obama did not bow to him like he did for the King of Saudi Arabia.
Yeah and Putin, (the real leader of Russia), seems to hate Obama, Putin lectured Obama for over an hour. Obama just had to sit there and take it. I loved it. Its about time some real politicians taught this Junior Senator with only 140+ days experience and no executive experience real politics.
Can't expect EVERYONE to like him. At least they didn't spit on him, like what they did to Nixon in Venezuela back in the day.
Can't expect EVERYONE to like him. At least they didn't spit on him, like what they did to Nixon in Venezuela back in the day.

Hey, he's only been in office 6 months . . . give it time.
Uh, say what? Tell us what Obama can do to make those guys shake his hands?

Admit it. If that was Bush getting snubbed then all you Liberals would be gleefully pointing out that the world doesn't respect us and we need "regime change".

Personally, I couldn't care less if some former Soviet Union Commie thugs don't want to shake our Presidents' hand. Fuck em'.
Can't expect EVERYONE to like him. At least they didn't spit on him, like what they did to Nixon in Venezuela back in the day.

Hey, he's only been in office 6 months . . . give it time.
Uh, say what? Tell us what Obama can do to make those guys shake his hands?

Admit it. If that was Bush getting snubbed then all you Liberals would be gleefully pointing out that the world doesn't respect us and we need "regime change".

Personally, I couldn't care less if some former Soviet Union Commie thugs don't want to shake our Presidents' hand. Fuck em'.

Dude, Zoom-boing is like an ultra-right-winger (from what I remember from previous posts). He means just the opposite: "Give it time [for them to spit on him too]" in reference to the point about Nixon.
Hey, he's only been in office 6 months . . . give it time.
Uh, say what? Tell us what Obama can do to make those guys shake his hands?

Admit it. If that was Bush getting snubbed then all you Liberals would be gleefully pointing out that the world doesn't respect us and we need "regime change".

Personally, I couldn't care less if some former Soviet Union Commie thugs don't want to shake our Presidents' hand. Fuck em'.

Dude, Zoom-boing is like an ultra-right-winger (from what I remember from previous posts). He means just the opposite: "Give it time [for them to spit on him too]" in reference to the point about Nixon.

I believe in a smaller, fiscally conservative government. Does that make me an ultra-right-winger?

Uh, note my custom title under my user name. ;)

Yup on the spitting comment. Glad someone got it.
I believe in a smaller, fiscally conservative government. Does that make me an ultra-right-winger?

Uh, note my custom title under my user name. ;)

Yup on the spitting comment. Glad someone got it.

Well, I fancy myself a far-leftist, so everyone is an ultra-right-winger to me. :tongue:, though I think there's another user with a similar name who is actually the ultra-right-winger I was thinking about. Either way, I knew you were on that side of the aisle; no offense meant by it of course.

ANd yes, I hadn't noticed! Sorry about the 'dude.' = )
Can't expect EVERYONE to like him. At least they didn't spit on him, like what they did to Nixon in Venezuela back in the day.

The important question is not whether Obama is well liked around the world, but do other leaders take him seriously, do they respect him? The evidence so far says, no. Obama's call for more stimulus spending by the developed world was largely met with derision by European leaders and his call for more troops from NATO for Afghanistan was largely ignored. At the G8, he spent most of his time apologizing for the US not being more like Europe, and at the end he sounded like a Miss America contestant breathlessly opining, "If I were President, I'd like to end world hunger."

Iran has repeatedly told him what he can do with his outstretched hand, and on his ME trip, both the Saudis and Egyptians lectured him and threatened to withdraw the Arab peace plan rhetoric if he didn't force Israel to to cave to Palestinian demands within two years, in effect, threatening to try to derail his reelection bid if he didn't do as he was told.

When Netanyahu refused to cave to Obama's demand to freeze all construction in the settlements, his approval ratings nearly doubled, and a recent poll showed only 6% of Israelis trust Obama to be fair and honest in dealing with Israel, the worst poll rating of any US president in history, meaning that US influence in the Israeli-Palestinian dispute is at an all time low because of Obama, and Abbas, whom Obama is trying desperately to keep in power when Fatah chooses new leadership next month and the PA holds elections early next year, has stated both he and Netanyahu are ready to beginning peace talks without preconditions, but Obama is demanding an end to settlement construction, and now an end to construction in east Jerusalem, before peace talks begin. Both the Chinese and Germans have voiced concerns that Obama's reckless borrowing and spending pose threats to the whole world economy.

Obama remains personally popular with the people in many parts of the world, but so far he has failed to earn the respect or to be taken seriously by other leaders.
Uh, say what? Tell us what Obama can do to make those guys shake his hands?

Admit it. If that was Bush getting snubbed then all you Liberals would be gleefully pointing out that the world doesn't respect us and we need "regime change".

Personally, I couldn't care less if some former Soviet Union Commie thugs don't want to shake our Presidents' hand. Fuck em'.

Dude, Zoom-boing is like an ultra-right-winger (from what I remember from previous posts). He means just the opposite: "Give it time [for them to spit on him too]" in reference to the point about Nixon.

I believe in a smaller, fiscally conservative government. Does that make me an ultra-right-winger?

Uh, note my custom title under my user name. ;)

Yup on the spitting comment. Glad someone got it.

I think that makes you someone who believes in our Constitution.... Oh the horror!!!!!
Can't expect EVERYONE to like him. At least they didn't spit on him, like what they did to Nixon in Venezuela back in the day.

The important question is not whether Obama is well liked around the world, but do other leaders take him seriously, do they respect him? The evidence so far says, no. Obama's call for more stimulus spending by the developed world was largely met with derision by European leaders and his call for more troops from NATO for Afghanistan was largely ignored. At the G8, he spent most of his time apologizing for the US not being more like Europe, and at the end he sounded like a Miss America contestant breathlessly opining, "If I were President, I'd like to end world hunger."

Iran has repeatedly told him what he can do with his outstretched hand, and on his ME trip, both the Saudis and Egyptians lectured him and threatened to withdraw the Arab peace plan rhetoric if he didn't force Israel to to cave to Palestinian demands within two years, in effect, threatening to try to derail his reelection bid if he didn't do as he was told.

When Netanyahu refused to cave to Obama's demand to freeze all construction in the settlements, his approval ratings nearly doubled, and a recent poll showed only 6% of Israelis trust Obama to be fair and honest in dealing with Israel, the worst poll rating of any US president in history, meaning that US influence in the Israeli-Palestinian dispute is at an all time low because of Obama, and Abbas, whom Obama is trying desperately to keep in power when Fatah chooses new leadership next month and the PA holds elections early next year, has stated both he and Netanyahu are ready to beginning peace talks without preconditions, but Obama is demanding an end to settlement construction, and now an end to construction in east Jerusalem, before peace talks begin. Both the Chinese and Germans have voiced concerns that Obama's reckless borrowing and spending pose threats to the whole world economy.

Obama remains personally popular with the people in many parts of the world, but so far he has failed to earn the respect or to be taken seriously by other leaders.

Hopefully he is learning that apologizing and kissing ass doesn't earn respect...
I guess you've never seen anyone gesturing with their hand while introducing them to others... He was introducing his own people to the Russian president, sparkies...


Stupidity of some on this board has no bounds...

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