Russians Under Sanctions

And remember the opposite is also true. Russia is a nuclear modern nation also. The more it loses, the more dangerous it becomes, but I wonder if the globalist one world order crowd even gives a crap ? It shall be seen, so hang on to your hats people, because something is very wrong today.

I wish there weren't so many tics out now so I could go and pull more vines. I need to get the heck out of the house and in the woods but we picked lots of tics off in this draught heat wave.
I wish there weren't so many tics out now so I could go and pull more vines. I need to get the heck out of the house and in the woods but we picked lots of tics off in this draught heat wave.
Pull more vines ? Tic's ? Yeah those tics are bad around these parts also.
Can you be more civil please. I have a very high IQ but its sure not what it use to be.
Not that I feel you need assistance, but Estonia and Latvia are both NATO countries that share a border with Russia proper. Kalilingrad is a Russian province sandwiched between Poland and Lithuania, which are both NATO countries.
Not that I feel you need assistance, but Estonia and Latvia are both NATO countries that share a border with Russia proper. Kalilingrad is a Russian province sandwiched between Poland and Lithuania, which are both NATO countries.

Thank you and I can use all the assistance I can get these days.

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