Russians Under Sanctions

Ok, shit for brains. which NATO countries share a border with Russia?
NATO doesn't have to share a border with Russia, but only that it has gotten within range of the vital strategic area's of Russia, and are then poised to strike anywhere in the nation if prompted to do just that at anytime. What are you getting at or trying to achieve?
Why is it his right?

He is right. He doesn't have that right. You should have said "I guess you're right!"

If its not my daughter telling me to stop using double negatives, it's you correcting me,I must be a real mess. "I guess You're right." lol.
NATO doesn't have to share a border with Russia, but only that it has gotten within range of the vital strategic area's of Russia, and are then poised to strike anywhere in the nation if prompted to do just that at anytime. What are you getting at or trying to achieve?
Our Trident nuclear submarine-launched ballistic missiles have every square inch of Russia covered sitting by their piers in Kings Bay, Georgia or Bremerton, Washington. The Brits have the same missiles on their boats, and I am sure the French have that covered as well.
No, you obviously don't! Stop saying stupid shit and I will be as civil as the day is long!

Guys, you are talking apples and oranges.

One of you said SURROUNDED by NATO countries while the other said BORDERED.

There is a difference. Clearly, Putin isn't real happy having more NATO closer in his own backyard.

Maybe he fears some of the former Soviet states might join NATO forever baring them reuniting with his Russia?
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No, you obviously don't! Stop saying stupid shit and I will be as civil as the day is long!

I note you failed to answer the question, proving your excrement occupies the cavity where your brain should be!

You're acting like a thug calling people names.
Our Trident nuclear submarine-launched ballistic missiles have every square inch of Russia covered sitting by their piers in Kings Bay, Georgia or Bremerton, Washington. The Brits have the same missiles on their boats, and I am sure the French have that covered as well.
Not to mention that intermediate range ballistic missiles can range Moscow from London.
Our Trident nuclear submarine-launched ballistic missiles have every square inch of Russia covered sitting by their piers in Kings Bay, Georgia or Bremerton, Washington. The Brits have the same missiles on their boats, and I am sure the French have that covered as well.
Ok, and all are part of NATO, but the ability to do the land invasion more quickly can also be considered a huge threat as well. NATO has crept closer and closer, then Ukraine was wanting to join therefore seeding more territory to NATO correct ??
Our Trident nuclear submarine-launched ballistic missiles have every square inch of Russia covered sitting by their piers in Kings Bay, Georgia or Bremerton, Washington. The Brits have the same missiles on their boats, and I am sure the French have that covered as well.

And China is just going to sit by and watch their continent go up in flames. And eat the fallout dust.
Who in the hell in their right minds wants to have a nuclear war?
Not to mention that intermediate range ballistic missiles can range Moscow from London.
And remember the opposite is also true. Russia is a nuclear modern nation also. The more it loses, the more dangerous it becomes, but I wonder if the globalist one world order crowd even gives a crap ? It shall be seen, so hang on to your hats people, because something is very wrong today.
You even screwed that up!

Is your daughter smarter than you? I know mine are!

No she is educated and a kind soul. In some ways she is wiser. I have spent more time in last 30 years with grandkids than adults but it was fun. hubby and I taught them all kinds of thing's.

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