Russia's military threatens preemptive strike if NATO goes ahead with missile plan

Seems Mitt wasn't too far off in his assessment.

Russia's military threatens preemptive strike if NATO goes ahead with missile plan - 5/3/2012 8:53:16 AM | Newser

Russia's top military officer has threatened to deal a pre-emptive strike on U.S.-led NATO missile defense facilities in Eastern Europe if Washington goes ahead with its controversial missile defense plan.

Oooooooooohhhh...the boogeyman syndrome runs amock with you GOPers. Is there ANYONE you guys don't fear? North Korea? Iran? Now what's left of the once mighty Russian military? Reallly???

The reason our country is fucked up is because people don't fear the nuts. The nut jobs in congress throughout the years have brought our country to its knees fiscally. That is the enemy currently knocking on our door. But as one of the wack jobs its your duty to convince everyone that is bullshit too.
Seems Mitt wasn't too far off in his assessment.

Russia's military threatens preemptive strike if NATO goes ahead with missile plan - 5/3/2012 8:53:16 AM | Newser

Russia's top military officer has threatened to deal a pre-emptive strike on U.S.-led NATO missile defense facilities in Eastern Europe if Washington goes ahead with its controversial missile defense plan.

Oooooooooohhhh...the boogeyman syndrome runs amock with you GOPers. Is there ANYONE you guys don't fear? North Korea? Iran? Now what's left of the once mighty Russian military? Reallly???

The reason our country is fucked up is because people don't fear the nuts. The nut jobs in congress throughout the years have brought our country to its knees fiscally. That is the enemy currently knocking on our door. But as one of the wack jobs its your duty to convince everyone that is bullshit too.

And so, you are saying we should fear the Russians, not for their military might, but their economic might? REALLY? I cannot wait for that debate, if that is what Romney meant all along....
Oooooooooohhhh...the boogeyman syndrome runs amock with you GOPers. Is there ANYONE you guys don't fear? North Korea? Iran? Now what's left of the once mighty Russian military? Reallly???

The reason our country is fucked up is because people don't fear the nuts. The nut jobs in congress throughout the years have brought our country to its knees fiscally. That is the enemy currently knocking on our door. But as one of the wack jobs its your duty to convince everyone that is bullshit too.

And so, you are saying we should fear the Russians, not for their military might, but their economic might? REALLY? I cannot wait for that debate, if that is what Romney meant all along....

No dummy. I gave you an example of AN OBVIOUS ENEMY and the fact that you can't comprehend that makes it no surprise that foreign affairs baffles you.
The reason our country is fucked up is because people don't fear the nuts. The nut jobs in congress throughout the years have brought our country to its knees fiscally. That is the enemy currently knocking on our door. But as one of the wack jobs its your duty to convince everyone that is bullshit too.

And so, you are saying we should fear the Russians, not for their military might, but their economic might? REALLY? I cannot wait for that debate, if that is what Romney meant all along....

No dummy. I gave you an example of AN OBVIOUS ENEMY and the fact that you can't comprehend that makes it no surprise that foreign affairs baffles you.

I have no qualms identifying who our enemies are. Hell, with all of the saber rattling and world policing we do, it is amazing we have any allies at all. With all of this being said, who cares if an impotent Russian military threatens to do anything? Kinda like North Korea threatening to launch a satellite or something. But for "conservatives" like yourself, their saber rattling requires us to be afraid and and the very least spend more money we do not have to "intervene"....
Seems Mitt wasn't too far off in his assessment.

Russia's military threatens preemptive strike if NATO goes ahead with missile plan - 5/3/2012 8:53:16 AM | Newser

Russia's top military officer has threatened to deal a pre-emptive strike on U.S.-led NATO missile defense facilities in Eastern Europe if Washington goes ahead with its controversial missile defense plan.

I couldn't blame Russia if they did. We're the most aggressive nation on the planet, so who knows what crazy shit we'll do with those missiles.

How would we feel if China wanted to build missile defenses in Mexico?

You're username is most apropo.

Yay, a non- answer! Look guys, I got a non-answer! Good for me!:D
That missile defence scheme is a ridiculously expensive Reaganist chickenhawk idea that will go to the dust bin soon, along with Iranian RWers and Russian fears. Remain calm, adults are in charge. Change the channel.
The Russians love Obama, they play him like the fool that he is
obama is incredibly weak. He has advertised his weakness to the world. It is no wonder that Russia, China and Iran are pushing him around. obama has decided to reduce our defenses by 80% and eliminate our ability to fight on more than one front. The time to rid the world of America and it may never be better.
Maybe, maybe not. Russia isn't led by lunatics that thrive off of empty threats like say, Iran.

Like, say, the USA. Shithead.

Modern Iran has never attacked anyone nor made any threats to attack anyone. Saying the Zionist regime will be wiped off the map isn't a threat.


Russia is full of poop.......:cuckoo:
Uncle Ferd says dat's why Putin wanted to be Russian President again - so's he could stick it to us when Obama not lookin'...
Russia tests new missile with previously unachievable performance
24.05.2012 - Russia's "asymmetric response" to the US missile defense system, the test flight of which took place on Wednesday from Plesetsk spaceport, was an analogue of the sea-based intercontinental ballistic missile Bulava. Sources from the Russian rocket industry told the Kommesant newspaper that the two missiles were identical in their construction. They weigh nearly 36 tons, and are 12 meters in length. The two rockets also have the same amount of stages.
The new missile needs to be developed further. However, if all goes well, then Russia may have the new state-of-the-art strategic complex of highest, previously unachievable performance. Colonel Vadim Koval, an official spokesman for Russia's Strategic Missile Forces, told reporters, without giving any details, that Russia conducted the first test flight of the prototype of the new ICBM. The launch was conducted from a mobile platform, the official said.

However, a source from the rocket industry told Interfax that it became the second launch for the missile. The first flight went unsuccessfully, although an official confirmation to that could not be found. Experts concluded that it goes about the little-known Avangard - a deeply modernized variant of the new Yars missile system. The new, yet still mysterious missile complex, can be a ground-based analogue of the Bulava system. The Moscow Institute of Thermal Technology started testing Bulava after a series of failed launches.

The performance of the missiles hold perfect prospects for the new weapons in the struggle with the US missile defense system, the elements of which are going to be deployed in Europe. NATO officials stated during the recent summit in Chicago (which Russia ignored) that the first stage of the European missile defense system was practically ready. It is worthy of note that in May, Nikolai Makarov, the chief of Russia's General Staff, announced a possibility of pre-emptive blow against European military objects in case of deployment of the European missile defense system.

Sources from the rocket industry of Russia said in connection with the above-mentioned launch that there was new fuel used for the new missile. The fuel reduces the time required for the work of the engines during the boost phase of the flight. This is the phase, when the missile is most vulnerable to air defense systems. "As a result, the most complicated boost phase of the flight goes so quickly that the enemy does not have time to calculate its trajectory. The enemy will thus be unable to destroy it. In other words, we can say that our opportunities in overcoming missile defense will increase considerably," an official with the rocket industry told the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper.

Owing to the new fuel, the missile will be able to carry more warheads - up to ten. Nowadays, this can only be carried by super heavy (weighing more than 200 tons) silo-based liquid-fuel ICBMs RS-20 (SS-18). The missiles were developed in Ukraine. Russia still has them, but their resource is about to reach the limit after many prolongations. The term - "asymmetric response" to the US missile defense system - was coined by Vladimir Putin during his second term as president in 2007. He referred to the lexicon of the Soviet times at an annual press conference and said that all responses to the deployment of the US missile defense system in Europe would be "asymmetrical, and yet highly effective."


See also:

Russia works on 100-ton monster ballistic missile
19.12.2011 - In connection with the plans of the United States to develop the air defense system in Europe, in close vicinity to Russia's borders, and because of the unwillingness of the US side to provide any guarantees, the Russian Federation continues to take measures to preserve parity in the field. In particular, Russia's Strategic Missile Forces (SMF) will be renovated with the help of state-of-the-art Topol-M and Yars complexes during the upcoming ten years. In addition, Russia will pass into service a new intercontinental missile of enormous power.
"The decision about the creation of the new silo-based missile system with a liquid-fuel heavy missile has been made. The complex will have increased possibilities in overcoming the prospective missile defense system of the United States," Sergei Karakaev, the commander of the missile troops said. The new missile, the mass of which is going to make up 100 tons, is said to replace the world-known "Voevoda" ICBM. In the West, this missile is known as "Satan." In the meantime, Russia has already started working to create the middle-class newly equipped missile. The new missile is to be passed into service in 2015, RIA Novosti reports. "Russia does not stand against the US missile defense system. Russia stands against the creation of the missile defense system, which would be directly aimed against Russia to potentially reduce the possibilities of the Russian nuclear containment forces," the official stated.

According to Karakaev, as long as there is a stable mechanism of nuclear containment in the world, one should not undermine this mechanism to provoke an arms race. In November, President Dmitry Medvedev announced a complex of measures, which Russia would use to respond to the deployment of the missile defense system in Europe. In particular, Medvedev did not rule out a possibility to refuse from the policy of disarmament. Russia could also revise the previous agreements about arms control, he added. For the time being, there is no direct threat to Russia, the head of the missile troops stated. However, the Strategic Missile Forces will be prepared to respond fast, if necessary, the general added. "Technically, there are no restrictions in the opportunity to apply the SMF missiles. It takes little time to pick an object of destruction and put this object into the flight assignment of an ICBM. For the time being, the combat groups of the SMF are on duty with a zero flight assignment, which means that the missiles are not targeted against anything," Interfax quoted the official as saying.

Russia's new Yars, Topol-M and Bulava ICBMs are unvulnerable to the US missile defense system. The commander of the Russian SFM said that it was best for the enemy to destroy the missile during the initial part of its flight, when it gathers speed. The missile separates later, which makes it harder for interceptors to detect the missile in a whole cloud of fake targets.

Russia's state-of-the-art ballistic missiles have the shortest boost phase of the flight - this phase is much shorter than it was with older missiles. "At this short part of the flight the missiles perform active maneuvers, which makes it impossible for interceptors to plan the attack. "We conducted the tests to evaluate and confirm the nuclear safety of Topol warheads. The results of the tests showed that even in case of most complicated breakdowns, fires or explosions, the nuclear explosion of the warhead is excluded," Karakaev said. Russia's present-day SMF consist of more than 350 missile complexes of six types. Three of them are silo-based and three others are mobile ground-based complexes. It is worthy of note that the Russian system of nuclear containment forces consists of the Strategic Missile Forces, strategic nuclear submarines and strategic bombers.


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