Russia's State Duma approves bill to ban 'LGBT propaganda'

‘Russia’s lower house of parliament passed in the third reading amendments to a law on so-called “LGBT propaganda” on Thursday, expanding liability to all ages.

The discriminatory law proposes to ban all Russians from promoting or “praising” homosexual relationships or publicly suggesting that they are “normal.”

The original version of the law adopted in 2013 banned “propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations” among minors. The new iteration would apply the law to adults as well.

Individuals who spread or attempt to distribute what the bill calls “LGBT propaganda” will be fined up to 400,000 rubles ($6,600). Legal entities can be fined up to 5 million rubles ($82,100). Foreigners can be arrested for up to 15 days or deported, according to the bill.’

And the neo-fascist Russian state continues to evolve.
And yet you loons barely acknowledge that gay people are being murdered in Muslim countries. Most sane people will ignore your fake outrage and political hacktivism.

The Russian people want to preserve their culture, traditions, and family values.
They don't want perverted homo pride parades polluting their streets with filth, and deranged drag queen freakazoids infecting the schools and public library's.
You would think, if a shitty country like Russia did a thing- people with critical thinking skills would maybe question the fact they agree with it. But of course not, then it wouldn't have taken this long for it to happen anyway.
We need to phone our lawmakers and demand this. It would be detrimental in MAGA and protecting our children, our future?

If consenting adults want to do gay stuff to each other there isn't a whole lot anyone can do or should do for that matter. I do not give a shit what adults do to each other.
We need to phone our lawmakers and demand this. It would be detrimental in MAGA and protecting our children, our future?

The First Amendment is why.
Well how about this? Just stop engaging in lewd, perverse, and socially-unacceptable sexual behavior? I can choose to suck my neighbor's dick or have sex with a goat. I can choose to spend all my money on crack cocaine and whores. I have the free will to do those things.

But I also have the free will to not do those things. And don't say "Well, people were born that way." There is no known gene that would make people want to engage in same-sex relationships, dress up like women, or have sex with goats for that matter.
Is there a known gene that makes people heterosexual?
‘Russia’s lower house of parliament passed in the third reading amendments to a law on so-called “LGBT propaganda” on Thursday, expanding liability to all ages.

The discriminatory law proposes to ban all Russians from promoting or “praising” homosexual relationships or publicly suggesting that they are “normal.”

The original version of the law adopted in 2013 banned “propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations” among minors. The new iteration would apply the law to adults as well.

Individuals who spread or attempt to distribute what the bill calls “LGBT propaganda” will be fined up to 400,000 rubles ($6,600). Legal entities can be fined up to 5 million rubles ($82,100). Foreigners can be arrested for up to 15 days or deported, according to the bill.’

And the neo-fascist Russian state continues to evolve.

Another example of people practicing democracy that outrages the communist left.
Democracy has been effectively eliminated

This message is for you.
‘Russia’s lower house of parliament passed in the third reading amendments to a law on so-called “LGBT propaganda” on Thursday, expanding liability to all ages.

The discriminatory law proposes to ban all Russians from promoting or “praising” homosexual relationships or publicly suggesting that they are “normal.”

The original version of the law adopted in 2013 banned “propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations” among minors. The new iteration would apply the law to adults as well.

Individuals who spread or attempt to distribute what the bill calls “LGBT propaganda” will be fined up to 400,000 rubles ($6,600). Legal entities can be fined up to 5 million rubles ($82,100). Foreigners can be arrested for up to 15 days or deported, according to the bill.’

And the neo-fascist Russian state continues to evolve.
How is it bad I wonder? During the Soviet times they just threw them to jail, now you can do your dirty business if you so wish to as long as you stay in your filthy closet.
A very WISE thing to do. The Russians look at what the proliferation of lbgtqiiq++ has done here and don’t want that mess in their country. They certainly would drag teachers out of the classrooms and chop them up on lawns if teachers just tried to sex up 5 year olds.

Good for Russia. They should be a model
Nice to see there are still real humans left in America.👍
A very WISE thing to do. The Russians look at what the proliferation of lbgtqiiq++ has done here and don’t want that mess in their country. They certainly would drag teachers out of the classrooms and chop them up on lawns if teachers just tried to sex up 5 year olds.

Good for Russia. They should be a model

That's what rights mean to right wingers.
It’s a very fascist thing to do.

Indeed, Russia has become quite the fascist authoritarian state.

The country is ruled by an illiberal, autocratic dictator and despot.

Democracy has been effectively eliminated.


A lawless, criminal war of aggression against a peaceful nation.

And now the persecution of minorities.
All these have become buzz words hollowed out by inappropriate overuse. Fascists would just shoot you on sight, drag you to the curb and be done with it whereas we let you blow your freakish partner or jerk off all you want as long as you stay off the playgrounds or other public spaces.
Just when you are ready to chuck Russia to the dogs, they turn around and do something really smart and impressive like this. Them Russians ain't all bad, they know how to preserve their identity! They maybe just need someone else to run the government.
We're good with the someone we already got and are afraid of someone like the one that you got to come, God forbid.
All these have become buzz words hollowed out by inappropriate overuse. Fascists would just shoot you on sight, drag you to the curb and be done with it whereas we let you blow your freakish partner or jerk off all you want as long as you stay off the playgrounds or other public spaces.

This is the neo-fascism of Putin and Viktor Orbán – think of it as a kinder, gentler fascism.

There’s no shooting people or beating up minorities in the streets; political opposition aren’t jailed, the anti-government press isn’t shutdown.

This is an insidious manifestation of fascism, a more dangerous malignancy that quietly and efficiently destroys democratic institutions and strangles the rights and liberties of the people.

But it is very much fascism: illiberal, authoritarian, reactionary, and anti-democratic.

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