Russia's strategy for Syria

The most overt neocon in a prominent government position right now is Victoria Nuland. The regime change that has caused the current conflict in Ukraine is directly connected to her.
The confrontation hasn't disappeared it is just being conducted covertly...... and by proxy.
I used to watch Nuland's State Department's press briefing videos. I like her but I doubt all the members of the press corps would agree with me. Seems she's been promoted.

There was probably a comprise in the Ukraine before Russia took Crimea but that was missed. Neo-cons never see such things. Now we need to stop Russia's aggressions. This administration does not see it that way. Is there a compromise in Syria? Does Russia need to be confronted? Will there be more than 44? Who knows?

There was probably a comprise in the Ukraine before Russia took Crimea but that was missed. Neo-cons never see such things.
Neocons are not interested in compromise, their ideology dictates that American interests dominate.
Now we need to stop Russia's aggressions.
This is bullshit. What Putin has done is bring stability to Crimea and tried to help keep Eastern Ukrainians from being eradicated by Western Ukrainians until a peace initiative can be implemented.
Is there a compromise in Syria?
That is largely dependent on the objectives of the West and the GCC. I don't think the Saudi's are willing to accept a compromise as evidenced by their new found aggressive military strategy.
Does Russia need to be confronted?
Why would they? To stop them from fighting terrorism. Have Americans lost all sense of right and wrong?
This is more about Ukraine than Russia but since I put the video of Russia's hybrid warefare strategy here I figure a follow-up is not misplaced.

Published on Sep 20, 2015
Sept 17, 2015- More than a thousand tons of humanitarian cargo were delivered to Donetsk and Lugansk from Russia. The inspection of vehicles on the road and there, back and forth involved Ukrainian border guards and customs. In the next two weeks will come two more columns.
I'm confused... do republicans want us to fight ISIS? Or fight Russia, Iran, and their new ally against ISIS Al Qaeda? Or all of them?

Not to worry. Obama has avoided war with anyone. With all the Syrian refugees, we will become a Muslim nation with Islam as our national religion. The Supreme Court will outlaw Christianity. Russia will be our buddy as will Iran and all the other Muslim nations.
Afraid to answer? Don't you cons have a completely black and white solution?
Heck, at this point I would take a neocon strategy over our current, well, whatever it is. Obama's guy seems to be this John Allen person. Here is a video of his keynote address at the 2015 U.S.-Islamic World Forum.

What you are witnessing is the neocon strategy. Most of them have slunk back into the shadows but they are still there advising.

To the winner goes the spoils and Nobel Peace Prize winning Obama won. Obama is calling the shots, or not. Obama is basically letting his Secretary of State handle flair ups but handles everything else as, 'Can't we all just get along?' Obama is completely and absolutely uncomfortable with confrontation.
Yup. Obama's "uncomfortable with confrontation". He learned that watching what his father did to his mother if she ever dared to 'confront' Obama's father. Fucking black eyes and a few broken noses later and Obama's father fucked off to bang/assault another stupid White woman.
Not to worry. Obama has avoided war with anyone. With all the Syrian refugees, we will become a Muslim nation with Islam as our national religion. The Supreme Court will outlaw Christianity. Russia will be our buddy as will Iran and all the other Muslim nations.
Afraid to answer? Don't you cons have a completely black and white solution?
Heck, at this point I would take a neocon strategy over our current, well, whatever it is. Obama's guy seems to be this John Allen person. Here is a video of his keynote address at the 2015 U.S.-Islamic World Forum.

What you are witnessing is the neocon strategy. Most of them have slunk back into the shadows but they are still there advising.

To the winner goes the spoils and Nobel Peace Prize winning Obama won. Obama is calling the shots, or not. Obama is basically letting his Secretary of State handle flair ups but handles everything else as, 'Can't we all just get along?' Obama is completely and absolutely uncomfortable with confrontation.
Yup. Obama's "uncomfortable with confrontation". He learned that watching what his father did to his mother if she ever dared to 'confront' Obama's father. Fucking black eyes and a few broken noses later and Obama's father fucked off to bang/assault another stupid White woman.

Wow. Never knew that one. Thanks for the info. Putin is going to catch Obama on a bad day and this will be WWIII.
Have to share this one. I am completely speculating but it looks like Netanyahu showed up on Putin's doorstep and rang the doorbell. So much for a "long, slow process". Whatever it was that Netanyahu had to say was important and could not wait.
Putin is interfering with the Zionists plans for regime change in Syria. :clap:
This article cited a something stated by Elliot Abrams which illustrates some of the dynamics at play.
Two fiascos merge: Russians now in Syria
A Russian alliance with Iran and Hezbollah is bad enough in principle. It is worse in practice, for Israel has long had a policy of interdicting arms transfers from Iran or Syria to Hezbollah. All those Israeli bombing runs in Syria (bombing runs our own military says are just too difficult and dangerous, if not impossible, due to Syrian air defenses) are aimed at blowing up such transfers. Will Israel be able to do that if Syria and Hezbollah have new Russian anti-aircraft weaponry, manned by Russians? Might some Russians be killed—and then what? Because the Syrian rebels and the Islamic State forces arrayed against the Assad regime have no air force—zero aircraft are at their disposal—just who is supposed to be deterred by Russian anti-aircraft batteries? The United States? Israel? . . . Netanyahu has plenty to talk about with Putin. Today, for the first time since Russian forces were ordered out of Egypt by Anwar Sadat in 1972, Israel must contend with this threat.​
And on a much lighter weight subject....

From comment:
+Mabelle Vonk translate in general nothing. Putin said: We are glad to see you, you have come to the opening of the largest mosque in Russia after the feast of talk about politics. Next is untranslatable text in Arabic.​
Again I am adding a video about the Ukraine. Putin is working a grand strategy here so he is very much balancing activity in the Ukraine and in Syria. Putin seems to going for all of everything. This is a follow up to #42.

Published on Sep 30, 2015
Russia is sending another truck convoy into occupied east Ukraine - supposedly carrying humanitarian aid. It's the 40th such operation. The Emergencies Ministry in Moscow says food and medicine make up the bulk of goods. Some 100 vehicles carrying 1,200 tonnes are involved, reports Russia's TASS news agency. Ukrainian officials believe the convoys help funnel military equipment and supplies to militant forces. The trucks cross from Russia illegally. Recently, militants banned most foreign aid groups, even as winter approaches.
Again I am adding a video about the Ukraine. Putin is working a grand strategy here so he is very much balancing activity in the Ukraine and in Syria. Putin seems to going for all of everything. This is a follow up to #42.

Published on Sep 30, 2015
Russia is sending another truck convoy into occupied east Ukraine - supposedly carrying humanitarian aid. It's the 40th such operation. The Emergencies Ministry in Moscow says food and medicine make up the bulk of goods. Some 100 vehicles carrying 1,200 tonnes are involved, reports Russia's TASS news agency. Ukrainian officials believe the convoys help funnel military equipment and supplies to militant forces. The trucks cross from Russia illegally. Recently, militants banned most foreign aid groups, even as winter approaches.

Putins' timing is pretty good. He knew that America is mesmerized by transgendered glory holes.
Again I am adding a video about the Ukraine. Putin is working a grand strategy here so he is very much balancing activity in the Ukraine and in Syria. Putin seems to going for all of everything. This is a follow up to #42.

Published on Sep 30, 2015
Russia is sending another truck convoy into occupied east Ukraine - supposedly carrying humanitarian aid. It's the 40th such operation. The Emergencies Ministry in Moscow says food and medicine make up the bulk of goods. Some 100 vehicles carrying 1,200 tonnes are involved, reports Russia's TASS news agency. Ukrainian officials believe the convoys help funnel military equipment and supplies to militant forces. The trucks cross from Russia illegally. Recently, militants banned most foreign aid groups, even as winter approaches.

Putins' timing is pretty good. He knew that America is mesmerized by transgendered glory holes.

Putin must be laying all the ammo and supplies ahead of time. When he is ready he will blitzkrieg the weapon systems into place.
This way when the Russian tank and a truck with a couple dozen people roll into town people will say, "Well, that looks bad but how much damage can that do?" know that cases and cases of shells, machine guns, boxes and boxes of ammunition, and much more is already at the standby. Drones were probably broken down an placed on the "humanitarian aid" trucks to be reassembled when they arrive at their destination.

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