Russia's strategy for Syria

Russia: World must arm Syrian government against IS

Lavrov said in Moscow on Friday that Russia would continue to supply Assad with weapons and called on other countries to help the Syrian government and its ground troops.

“You cannot defeat Islamic State with air strikes only,” Lavrov said. “It’s necessary to cooperate with ground troops and the Syrian army is the most efficient and powerful ground force to fight the IS.”

Lavrov insisted that by sending weapons to Syria, Russia is not propping up Assad but is contributing to defeating Islamic State fighters.

“I can only say once again that our servicemen and military experts are there to service Russian military hardware, to assist the Syrian army in using this hardware,” he said at a press conference in Moscow. “And we will continue to supply it to the Syrian government in order to ensure its proper combat readiness in its fight against terrorism.”

Russia has been a longtime backer of Syria, and it has supported Assad throughout the civil war by shielding him from UN sanctions and providing weapons.
If forces against ISIS take ground someone is going to have to hold that ground. There are three choices: 1) Assad, 2) some other dictator, and 3) the perfectly balanced democracy waiting in the wings. Russia likes choice 1. The U.S. likes choice 3. Unfortunately choice 3 a pipe dream.
There will be no real democracy there..............Assad is the best choice to stabilize the region if/when ISIS is defeated..............Assad is an asshat, but those dictators are unfortunately needed there to maintain stability there because of the culture there.................

An old Marine..............some people need a boot on their neck for their own good.
I'm confused... do republicans want us to fight ISIS? Or fight Russia, Iran, and their new ally against ISIS Al Qaeda? Or all of them?

Not to worry. Obama has avoided war with anyone. With all the Syrian refugees, we will become a Muslim nation with Islam as our national religion. The Supreme Court will outlaw Christianity. Russia will be our buddy as will Iran and all the other Muslim nations.
Afraid to answer? Don't you cons have a completely black and white solution?
Heck, at this point I would take a neocon strategy over our current, well, whatever it is. Obama's guy seems to be this John Allen person. Here is a video of his keynote address at the 2015 U.S.-Islamic World Forum.

What you are witnessing is the neocon strategy. Most of them have slunk back into the shadows but they are still there advising.

To the winner goes the spoils and Nobel Peace Prize winning Obama won. Obama is calling the shots, or not. Obama is basically letting his Secretary of State handle flair ups but handles everything else as, 'Can't we all just get along?' Obama is completely and absolutely uncomfortable with confrontation.

He kept his promise to his base to bring the troops home and he found a way to continue the neocon plan of fracturing the ME.........covertly, by way of Libya. Obama doesn't need confrontation, he is content letting ISIS do its thing, that should be obvious by now.
Just curious. How many refugees will it take to dilute our 330,000,000 population? Fucking moron.

None. It's already happening, even in our schools. But I realize you are one of the low-information folks.

So it's a non issue then.

Of course. Glad to see you actually have a thought now and again.

Don't you have a panic room to build?

No. I am considering opening up a store and sell Islamic prayer rugs though. Maybe I can coax Obama into allowing me to affix his signature on them. He would probably go for that he is so in need of a legacy of some sort. I think he'll Mullah of the American State of Islam.

What are your thoughts on medication?
Russia: World must arm Syrian government against IS

Lavrov said in Moscow on Friday that Russia would continue to supply Assad with weapons and called on other countries to help the Syrian government and its ground troops.

“You cannot defeat Islamic State with air strikes only,” Lavrov said. “It’s necessary to cooperate with ground troops and the Syrian army is the most efficient and powerful ground force to fight the IS.”

Lavrov insisted that by sending weapons to Syria, Russia is not propping up Assad but is contributing to defeating Islamic State fighters.

“I can only say once again that our servicemen and military experts are there to service Russian military hardware, to assist the Syrian army in using this hardware,” he said at a press conference in Moscow. “And we will continue to supply it to the Syrian government in order to ensure its proper combat readiness in its fight against terrorism.”

Russia has been a longtime backer of Syria, and it has supported Assad throughout the civil war by shielding him from UN sanctions and providing weapons.
If forces against ISIS take ground someone is going to have to hold that ground. There are three choices: 1) Assad, 2) some other dictator, and 3) the perfectly balanced democracy waiting in the wings. Russia likes choice 1. The U.S. likes choice 3. Unfortunately choice 3 a pipe dream.
There will be no real democracy there..............Assad is the best choice to stabilize the region if/when ISIS is defeated..............Assad is an asshat, but those dictators are unfortunately needed there to maintain stability there because of the culture there.................

An old Marine..............some people need a boot on their neck for their own good.
What your comment lacks in eloquence it makes up for in practicality. Unfortunately it is not quite that clean. If the U.S. and Russia can not cooperate militarily, which we can not, and I will fault the U.S. on that one, and, yes, neo-con legacy there, Russia ends up building up a coalition on its own side. This is already started with the overflight rights. And so now we have two sides which puts the dollar in ever greater jeopardy. We are going to find ourselves out of balance backwards in the Ukraine and we are going to be trying to appear effective in Syria, which we will not be, and an anti-West coalition will steadily be building on multiple fronts... It aint goin' good, that's for shore.

And this idea that all the world had to do is give ISIS a really hard, swift kick in the butt and it will go away is completely delusional. I will grant that the delusion is probably due to this world having never seen anything like ISIS before but it is going to be one of these things were one shoots it over and over and over and screams at it, "Why won't you just die already!!!" It's a religious thing.
Not to worry. Obama has avoided war with anyone. With all the Syrian refugees, we will become a Muslim nation with Islam as our national religion. The Supreme Court will outlaw Christianity. Russia will be our buddy as will Iran and all the other Muslim nations.
Afraid to answer? Don't you cons have a completely black and white solution?
Heck, at this point I would take a neocon strategy over our current, well, whatever it is. Obama's guy seems to be this John Allen person. Here is a video of his keynote address at the 2015 U.S.-Islamic World Forum.

What you are witnessing is the neocon strategy. Most of them have slunk back into the shadows but they are still there advising.

To the winner goes the spoils and Nobel Peace Prize winning Obama won. Obama is calling the shots, or not. Obama is basically letting his Secretary of State handle flair ups but handles everything else as, 'Can't we all just get along?' Obama is completely and absolutely uncomfortable with confrontation.

He kept his promise to his base to bring the troops home and he found a way to continue the neocon plan of fracturing the ME.........covertly, by way of Libya. Obama doesn't need confrontation, he is content letting ISIS do its thing, that should be obvious by now.

Yes, that's Obama. He found a way to make everyone happy. He avoided confrontation. If the neo-cons were calling the shots there would be confrontation. Russia would not be in the Ukraine right now, either that or the world would be blown up right now. Some things are inevitable however.
The most overt neocon in a prominent government position right now is Victoria Nuland. The regime change that has caused the current conflict in Ukraine is directly connected to her.
The confrontation hasn't disappeared it is just being conducted covertly...... and by proxy.
The most overt neocon in a prominent government position right now is Victoria Nuland. The regime change that has caused the current conflict in Ukraine is directly connected to her.
The confrontation hasn't disappeared it is just being conducted covertly...... and by proxy.
I used to watch Nuland's State Department's press briefing videos. I like her but I doubt all the members of the press corps would agree with me. Seems she's been promoted.

There was probably a comprise in the Ukraine before Russia took Crimea but that was missed. Neo-cons never see such things. Now we need to stop Russia's aggressions. This administration does not see it that way. Is there a compromise in Syria? Does Russia need to be confronted? Will there be more than 44? Who knows?
None. It's already happening, even in our schools. But I realize you are one of the low-information folks.

So it's a non issue then.

Of course. Glad to see you actually have a thought now and again.

Don't you have a panic room to build?

No. I am considering opening up a store and sell Islamic prayer rugs though. Maybe I can coax Obama into allowing me to affix his signature on them. He would probably go for that he is so in need of a legacy of some sort. I think he'll Mullah of the American State of Islam.

What are your thoughts on medication?

I think you should continue to take yours as prescribed. Give them time to work. Some meds must be in your system for awhile.
Russia: World must arm Syrian government against IS

Lavrov said in Moscow on Friday that Russia would continue to supply Assad with weapons and called on other countries to help the Syrian government and its ground troops.

“You cannot defeat Islamic State with air strikes only,” Lavrov said. “It’s necessary to cooperate with ground troops and the Syrian army is the most efficient and powerful ground force to fight the IS.”

Lavrov insisted that by sending weapons to Syria, Russia is not propping up Assad but is contributing to defeating Islamic State fighters.

“I can only say once again that our servicemen and military experts are there to service Russian military hardware, to assist the Syrian army in using this hardware,” he said at a press conference in Moscow. “And we will continue to supply it to the Syrian government in order to ensure its proper combat readiness in its fight against terrorism.”

Russia has been a longtime backer of Syria, and it has supported Assad throughout the civil war by shielding him from UN sanctions and providing weapons.
If forces against ISIS take ground someone is going to have to hold that ground. There are three choices: 1) Assad, 2) some other dictator, and 3) the perfectly balanced democracy waiting in the wings. Russia likes choice 1. The U.S. likes choice 3. Unfortunately choice 3 a pipe dream.
There will be no real democracy there..............Assad is the best choice to stabilize the region if/when ISIS is defeated..............Assad is an asshat, but those dictators are unfortunately needed there to maintain stability there because of the culture there.................

An old Marine..............some people need a boot on their neck for their own good.
What your comment lacks in eloquence it makes up for in practicality. Unfortunately it is not quite that clean. If the U.S. and Russia can not cooperate militarily, which we can not, and I will fault the U.S. on that one, and, yes, neo-con legacy there, Russia ends up building up a coalition on its own side. This is already started with the overflight rights. And so now we have two sides which puts the dollar in ever greater jeopardy. We are going to find ourselves out of balance backwards in the Ukraine and we are going to be trying to appear effective in Syria, which we will not be, and an anti-West coalition will steadily be building on multiple fronts... It aint goin' good, that's for shore.

And this idea that all the world had to do is give ISIS a really hard, swift kick in the butt and it will go away is completely delusional. I will grant that the delusion is probably due to this world having never seen anything like ISIS before but it is going to be one of these things were one shoots it over and over and over and screams at it, "Why won't you just die already!!!" It's a religious thing.

The United States has credibility issues throughout the world. Ask Israel. Like Hillary, we have a trustworthy issue on the world stage.
I found this video significant. In exactly what way is always the question. This was published by RT, Russian Television, last Sunday. Russia is almost 50% Christian.

The video gives many warning that it contains scenes of a graphic and violent nature but I did not think it really did.
Some good information here:

Delegates debate Syrian regime at Yalta European Strategies conference
As Europe debates the best course of action concerning the increasing numbers of Syrian refugees entering the continent, delegates at the Yalta European Strategies, (YES),
conference in Kyiv have been discussing the fate of the war-torn country.

Following warnings over Russia’s involvement in Syria, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov admitted “humanitarian” flights to the country are also carrying military equipment.

Euronews was at the YES. There, our correspondent Sergio Cantone spoke to Ruslan Grinberg from the Russian Academy of Science:

“We are witnessing the consequences of intervention in Libya and Iraq so that’s why we can face severe consequences after a change of regime in Syria,” said Grinberg.

Moscow is a long-time ally of the country and its President Bashar al-Assad.

Euronews spoke to his cousin, Ribal al-Assad, an advocate of a political solution to the civil war, which would imply a change of regime.

He is currently living in exile.

“The international community did not from the start bring together, or try to bring together, genuine democratic opposition or a viable alternative to the regime in Syria,” he said. “Instead they have stood in the background and allowed countries such as Saudi, Qatar and others to compete for control over Syria. And those countries do not want to see a genuine democratic country in Syria, but instead they want an Islamic country which they can control and which is similar to their own rule in Syria.”

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia have come under international criticism for a perceived weak response to the refugee crisis as hundreds of thousands of Syrians flee from the war.

This week, (September 9), the UAE defended its record, saying it has welcomed over 100,000 Syrians since 2011.
Off topic a bit but this is a cool video. The Yalta European Strategies is referenced in my previous post. The Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting is not actually being held in Yalta since Yalta is actually in Crimea. It is being held in Kyiv.

Video from opening ceremony of the 12th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting

Guess who.

U.S. to Keep Sanctions Against Russia Until Ukraine's Territorial Integrity Restored – Victoria Nuland - News - YES
PressTV, Iranian television, is definitely falling in line with the Russian message. Syria and Iraq have presumably become an inseparable mess.

Russia: World must arm Syrian government against IS

Lavrov said in Moscow on Friday that Russia would continue to supply Assad with weapons and called on other countries to help the Syrian government and its ground troops.

“You cannot defeat Islamic State with air strikes only,” Lavrov said. “It’s necessary to cooperate with ground troops and the Syrian army is the most efficient and powerful ground force to fight the IS.”

Lavrov insisted that by sending weapons to Syria, Russia is not propping up Assad but is contributing to defeating Islamic State fighters.

“I can only say once again that our servicemen and military experts are there to service Russian military hardware, to assist the Syrian army in using this hardware,” he said at a press conference in Moscow. “And we will continue to supply it to the Syrian government in order to ensure its proper combat readiness in its fight against terrorism.”

Russia has been a longtime backer of Syria, and it has supported Assad throughout the civil war by shielding him from UN sanctions and providing weapons.
If forces against ISIS take ground someone is going to have to hold that ground. There are three choices: 1) Assad, 2) some other dictator, and 3) the perfectly balanced democracy waiting in the wings. Russia likes choice 1. The U.S. likes choice 3. Unfortunately choice 3 a pipe dream.
There will be no real democracy there..............Assad is the best choice to stabilize the region if/when ISIS is defeated..............Assad is an asshat, but those dictators are unfortunately needed there to maintain stability there because of the culture there.................

An old Marine..............some people need a boot on their neck for their own good.
What your comment lacks in eloquence it makes up for in practicality. Unfortunately it is not quite that clean. If the U.S. and Russia can not cooperate militarily, which we can not, and I will fault the U.S. on that one, and, yes, neo-con legacy there, Russia ends up building up a coalition on its own side. This is already started with the overflight rights. And so now we have two sides which puts the dollar in ever greater jeopardy. We are going to find ourselves out of balance backwards in the Ukraine and we are going to be trying to appear effective in Syria, which we will not be, and an anti-West coalition will steadily be building on multiple fronts... It aint goin' good, that's for shore.

And this idea that all the world had to do is give ISIS a really hard, swift kick in the butt and it will go away is completely delusional. I will grant that the delusion is probably due to this world having never seen anything like ISIS before but it is going to be one of these things were one shoots it over and over and over and screams at it, "Why won't you just die already!!!" It's a religious thing.
I never said the ideology would just go away. I used the fire ant explanation. If you don't control the fire ants in your yard, they eventually take over. If you go out to kill them all................they always come back. I have stated on many threads that the WORLD needs to step end an deal with ISIS...........and end the barbarism there......................If the world went in, ISIS would have a snow balls chance in hell of holding against Western Forces..................They would be knocked down in such a conflict, but the roots and ideology would remain.

To Russia. I served during the cold War. We are in another one and they prop up countries that oppose us to reduce our influence. Not only that to help those against us...................It's nothing new to me there. We did it to them...........and they did it to us in the past.....................

I wish Russia would step in and deal with ISIS..................Assad is after all their choice for the leadership in Syria...........Since it is their interests there and not ours..............Let them step up to the plate and deal with it.
Russia is almost 50% Christian.
Russia is almost 90% Christian, man.
Well, I used wiki. What can I say? Main page project «Arena» : Non-profit research based consulting "Sreda" also has the number as almost 50%. Do you have a link?

While on the topic of Syria and religion, I am getting a sense that an anti-Israeli/Jew message is part of Russia's strategy. This article is from this morning Israeli forces storm courtyard of Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.
Russia is almost 50% Christian.
Russia is almost 90% Christian, man.
Well, I used wiki. What can I say? Main page project «Arena» : Non-profit research based consulting "Sreda" also has the number as almost 50%. Do you have a link?

While on the topic of Syria and religion, I am getting a sense that an anti-Israeli/Jew message is part of Russia's strategy. This article is from this morning Israeli forces storm courtyard of Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

Доля граждан России, считающих себя православными, увеличилась за 2009г. с 70 до 75%. Такие данные приводятся в исследовании Всероссийского центра изучения общественного мнения (ВЦИОМ). Это максимальное значение за все время исследований.

По данным опроса, подавляющее большинство православных россиян являются крещеными (84%, в 1989г. - 89%). Впрочем, за двадцать лет вдвое выросла доля тех, кто не проходил этот обряд (с 8 до 14%). В то же время обряд крещения прошло более трети неверующих сограждан (39%). Среди жителей большинства регионов доля крещеных респондентов колеблется в пределах 86-88%, а вот на Дальнем Востоке крещеными являются лишь 66%.

Подробнее на РБК:
ВЦИОМ: Православными себя считают 75% россиян.
Don't know, where i could find english version.
Here translator for you: Yandex.Translate
Just adding a little note to this. The most disturbing element I have seen regarding growing tensions on this point and others is Iranian's semi-state tv, PressTV, has been really heavy into the propaganda lately. PressTV can be a really great source of reporting, sometimes they are a little bias, but I have seen news videos lately that throw facts out to window to push an agenda. It is the kind of 'the end justifies the means' mentality that the U.S. took when pushing Iraq's supposed WMD right before the Iraq invasion.

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