Rutgers professor says white people deserve low birth rates

Can anyone tell me what the fuck is going on with Jabba the Hutt's knees in this pic? What am I looking at here? Massive tumors? Elephantitus? Is that where "Quatto" lives? :dunno:

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Democrats are extremely racist.

Democrats believe only white people can be racist because they believe the white race is superior.
We all know that the white race is not superior to anything or anyone on the planet, to include the animal kingdom.
We all know that the white race is not superior to anything or anyone on the planet, to include the animal kingdom.
Can I get a "white race is also not inferior to anything or anyone on the planet" from you?
Or are you just being yourself? asking for a friend
We all know that the white race is not superior to anything or anyone on the planet, to include the animal kingdom.
And the spears that will follow the honkies will be the best ever made to keep a percentage of the Village population alive with vegetables grown for the now..
The identity politics embraced by the democrat party is the antithesis of liberalism. Liberalism is an egalitarian political philosophy whereas this sort of identity politics is simply an elaborate system of priviledge. Those who can claim (or manufacture) a sense of membership in certain subgroups have greater freedom of expression than those who can't or don't. . That is why there is such a headlong rush by so many people to claim some sort of imaginary victimhood -- it gives them power and control over others as well as priviledges others do not enjoy.
And the spears that will follow the honkies will be the best ever made to keep a percentage of the Village population alive with vegetables grown for the now..
Whites are not the answer to human malfeasance they are part of the problem.
The identity politics embraced by the democrat party is the antithesis of liberalism. Liberalism is an egalitarian political philosophy whereas this sort of identity politics is simply an elaborate system of priviledge. Those who can claim (or manufacture) a sense of membership in certain subgroups have greater freedom of expression than those who can' or don't. . That is why there is such a headlong rush by so many people to claim some sort of imaginary victimhood -- it gives them power and control over others as well as priviledges others do not enjoy.
The Repubs play the same game but you approve of their narrative.
The media is onboard with this, for sure.

Look at the commercials they put on TV. When they show honky men , they are always paired with black broads as their wives.

It doesn't take a geneticist to figure out that the offspring of such a couple will be mulatto kids.

Its either that, or 2 white fellows pretending to be homos sharing a home. Another relationship that won't produce white children.

Is the white race endangered in America, from forces from within- not immigration?
Can anyone tell me what the fuck is going on with Jabba the Hutt's knees in this pic? What am I looking at here? Massive tumors? Elephantitus? Is that where "Quatto" lives? :dunno:

dang, I bet that woman has an estradriol implant from the vet store implanted in her ear.
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The Repubs play the same game but you approve of their narrative.
You are as close to a completely uneducated individual as exists in this forum.

The republican party does not support the KKK. The democrat party very much DOES support BLM and other hate groups that represent its polar opposite.

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