Rutgers professor says white people deserve low birth rates

From the article:

“The crux of the issue: can we be honest enough with ourselves as a country to acknowledge our history and allow that the ravages of slavery still impact on us today? “

That is indeed the problem with CRT

Its become the inexhaustible excuse for black failure
The identity politics embraced by the democrat party is the antithesis of liberalism. Liberalism is an egalitarian political philosophy whereas this sort of identity politics is simply an elaborate system of priviledge. Those who can claim (or manufacture) a sense of membership in certain subgroups have greater freedom of expression than those who can't or don't. . That is why there is such a headlong rush by so many people to claim some sort of imaginary victimhood -- it gives them power and control over others as well as priviledges others do not enjoy.
That's why nutbag trumpsters call everybody communists, right?
“The crux of the issue: can we be honest enough with ourselves as a country to acknowledge our history and allow that the ravages of slavery still impact on us today? “

That is indeed the problem with CRT

Its become the inexhaustible excuse for black failure

......and it forms a self-fulfilling prophesy as a result. CRT is one of the instruments that CREATES black failure.
The media is onboard with this, for sure.

Look at the commercials they put on TV. When they show honky men , they are always paired with black broads as their wives.

It doesn't take a geneticist to figure out that the offspring of such a couple will be mulatto kids.

Its either that, or 2 white fellows pretending to be homos sharing a home. Another relationship that won't produce white children.

Is the white race endangered in America, from forces from within- not immigration?
Are you still pissing yourself over a Cheerios commercial? Don't worry, no one is going to force you to marry a Black woman or make you turn gay (-er?).
1.''' we GOT''' !!! just like the college '''educated''' players who can't read at a grade school level, this ugly, fat RACIST black doesn't even know how to speak proper English!!!! and she teaches at a college!!!!?????
2. ''''''The thing I want to say to you is, "We got to take these motherf*****s out," but like we can't say that,' before noting that she 'doesn't believe in a project of violence'.''''''''etc etc
3. she brings up whites' low birth of the reasons blacks are MURDERING each other at HIGH rates is because of their irresponsible high birth rates = she is a dumbass can't argue that blacks are not the racists -- they are ......and that they graduate at lower levels, and the ones that do graduate from college, are still dumbfks

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I wouldn't mind being taken out by a nice "urban" lady ...

1.''' we GOT''' !!! just like the college '''educated''' players who can't read at a grade school level, this ugly, fat RACIST black doesn't even know how to speak proper English!!!! and she teaches at a college!!!!?????
2. ''''''The thing I want to say to you is, "We got to take these motherf*****s out," but like we can't say that,' before noting that she 'doesn't believe in a project of violence'.''''''''etc etc
3. she brings up whites' low birth of the reasons blacks are MURDERING each other at HIGH rates is because of their irresponsible high birth rates = she is a dumbass can't argue that blacks are not the racists -- they are ......and that they graduate at lower levels, and the ones that do graduate from college, are still dumbfks

Sounds like she is no better than the worst of the Trumpies.
She is probably getting death threats.

I'm white and one person opinion doesn't mean much at all but if she is indeed a professor she shouldn't be saying this stuff.
She knows no better. We as humans makes excuses. we have psychological differences that can reinforce it due to cultures, religions, sexual differences and the ways we are treated in history. The reason this is said is because it has pushed by those with massive power to say it. This is a warning. Bu tis has been unheeded for far to long. If she is no better then this , then she needs to be removed as with hundreds of thousand so others an ore from school situations. She is of the Village. The Village is iron age. Live for today. Do not save for future bad times. To have full inclusion means to take the best of all ways. That is not being done.

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