Ryan Bundy is running for office...

someone executed Lavoy Finicums dog a few days ago.
Criminal leftists keep underestimating this guy. He defended himself twice...was acquitted twice and tied two judges and countless thugs (aka "agents") and lying, unethical prosecutors in knots.

In his state he is a hero. And in large swathes of this state, too.
You call this a news flash? If its white, corrupt and leans to the right in AmeriKKKa, Washington has a place for you!!
Hitting the crack again, are we? Washington? huh? And I didn't call it a newsflash you dolt.
We need people in elected office that are willing and able to fight leftist sociopaths.
You also need people in office, who spends tax payers money like it grows on trees, who could give a fuck about the working class, who lies, who's corrupt and who on their best day, fucked a lady or two that wasn't a wife and denied it.....gotta love the bible choking conservatives
What is "bible choking"? Is that a black bertha special, like round the world used to be?
Criminal leftists keep underestimating this guy. He defended himself twice...was acquitted twice and tied two judges and countless thugs (aka "agents") and lying, unethical prosecutors in knots.

In his state he is a hero. And in large swathes of this state, too.
Toss it a Russain Flag... to MAGA!

He's not getting my vote.

WTF is wrong with his face?
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someone executed Lavoy Finicums dog a few days ago.
Around here if a dog waunders into a herd of cattle you. You cAn kiss him goodbye

Nope. This was an experienced cow dog that didn't leave his property except with his owners. He disappeared off the property, was found with bullets in him in the middle of a field ON their property a day later.
This is how the feds do business. They still have snipers trained on these families.
someone executed Lavoy Finicums dog a few days ago.
Around here if a dog waunders into a herd of cattle you. You cAn kiss him goodbye

Nope. This was a cow dog that didn't leave his property. He disappeared off the property, was found with bullets in him in the middle of a field ON their property.
This is how the feds do business. They still have snipers trained on these families.
I bet it was Obama
someone executed Lavoy Finicums dog a few days ago.
Around here if a dog waunders into a herd of cattle you. You cAn kiss him goodbye

Nope. This was a cow dog that didn't leave his property. He disappeared off the property, was found with bullets in him in the middle of a field ON their property.
This is how the feds do business. They still have snipers trained on these families.
Come on, even by my standards that’s a whopper
someone executed Lavoy Finicums dog a few days ago.
Around here if a dog waunders into a herd of cattle you. You cAn kiss him goodbye

Nope. This was a cow dog that didn't leave his property. He disappeared off the property, was found with bullets in him in the middle of a field ON their property.
This is how the feds do business. They still have snipers trained on these families.
Come on, even by my standards that’s a whopper

Yeah that's what the feds said when the Bundys told the court that the snipers were training weapons on their family before the standoff at Bunkerville.
The prosecutors laughed, called them crazy..and the judge believed them.

Until she found out it was true. Now the case is dismissed with prejudice and Ryan is running for public office.

You are a fool if you think federal agents at any level are the least bit reluctant to pull such nastiness.

And it's not them..it's them and their scummy families, and the *officials* at the local area that want to earn points.

In Burns there's a whole gang of scumbags...usfs, blm and county LEO, who get their kicks ripping up the little crosses and memorabilia that people set up where Finicum was murdered. They created a fb group for the express purpose of harassing and targeting the bundys and the Finicums and the Hammonds...they posted PORNOGRAPHY (the real stuff) under the names of the women of those families.

The dog was a pet of Finicums..a cattle dog. It wasn't killed by a neighbor. It was killed by a malicious federal scumbag who are still creeping around with guns waiting for a chance to kill someone.

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