Ryan confronted by cancer patient who says ObamaCare saved his life. Watch Ryan laugh.

Why is it so bad that people out there that are in bad situations get care?
because you are expecting others that do provide for themselves and their families to give up the income they use to do that just so someone else can get free care
Why is it so bad to let somebody keep the money they earn so they can care for their family.

This is America and those that are able to provide for themselves do so because of those that can't always afford to pay for things like health care. Were you in the military?
what does being in the military have to do with the ACA, I keep seeing it referenced but I dont really understand the premise behind it.

It goes to show a point. You like to make it out as if poor people don't matter...

Well Can a Colonel fight a war without grunts? Can a General win a war without cooks and truck drivers? Yeah those are low level minions... but they matter. Does that mean because they are low level they don't deserve to get VA benefits and other benefits for veterans? No...let's shit on them because they were peons in the scheme of things right?
and tell me, can a Colonel fight a war if all he has are his lower ranking people that do absolutely nothing? wont lift a finger, wont take care of themselves.
Did the Colonel become a Colonel by sitting around doing nothing or did he actually work, study and show a large degree of personal responsibility.
you are trying to compare different situations, its not going to work.

Wrong, now you are saying all poor people don't work. That is not true.
because you are expecting others that do provide for themselves and their families to give up the income they use to do that just so someone else can get free care
Why is it so bad to let somebody keep the money they earn so they can care for their family.

This is America and those that are able to provide for themselves do so because of those that can't always afford to pay for things like health care. Were you in the military?
what does being in the military have to do with the ACA, I keep seeing it referenced but I dont really understand the premise behind it.

It goes to show a point. You like to make it out as if poor people don't matter...

Well Can a Colonel fight a war without grunts? Can a General win a war without cooks and truck drivers? Yeah those are low level minions... but they matter. Does that mean because they are low level they don't deserve to get VA benefits and other benefits for veterans? No...let's shit on them because they were peons in the scheme of things right?
and tell me, can a Colonel fight a war if all he has are his lower ranking people that do absolutely nothing? wont lift a finger, wont take care of themselves.
Did the Colonel become a Colonel by sitting around doing nothing or did he actually work, study and show a large degree of personal responsibility.
you are trying to compare different situations, its not going to work.

Wrong, now you are saying all poor people don't work. That is not true.

Not what I got from his post. Some people merely look for the worst and then accuse.
He wasn't laughing because the man had cancer, doofus. What you just did was fake and a lie.

PLUS ObamaCare did not save the man......doctors did. :rolleyes:
Who said he was laughing because the man had cancer?

Oh, I see how you did that. You pulled that out your ass and then tried to ASSign it to me.

This is what I actually wrote:

Ryan responded: "Oh, we wouldn’t do that, we want to replace it with something better. First of all, I'm glad you're standing here."(laughing the whole time)

To me, it looked like he was disrespecting the guy because he wasn't taking him seriously. But if you want to believe that he was laughing at the guy for having cancer, then maybe he was. Because we know that's how Republicans roll. They think up some things that never occurred to me. Because I'm not that way.

Don't try and pull your little mentally ill games on me. YOU were the one that said ''Watch Ryan laugh."
What were you referring to?

Who said he was laughing because the man had cancer?
You were implying it, dickwad. Read your OP dumfuck.
With a little luck, you'll fall into some shit you can't afford and fuck off
Sure that can happen to me, but I could live with it I don't need someone else to pay for my shit whether I can afford it or not.
Shit happens
K. Hurry along then please.
If people were to live within their means a lot less shit to deal with then...
kind of hard to live within your means when you get slammed with double the cost of your insurance premiums along with 12k out of pocket. or maybe you mean that those people should sell their house and downgrade, maybe get rid of their car and buy a POS car instead?
downgrade their lifestyle so they can afford to cover someone elses
It doesn't work that way. It's based on what you make. If you make lots of money, you pay more. That's why I pay as much as I do. My retirement income is significantly more than the median income in my state. I don't mind paying more. Because I could never afford to pay for a hundred and twenty five thousand hospital bill if something like that came up. And don't lie and say you could afford it either.
I dont have to lie about it. It would be a serious hit on my retirement income but if I had to come up with 125k to keep my wife or daughter alive, I certainly could do it. at the age of 58 if you cant come up with that amount, then you did something wrong along the way.
Heres the really funny part when you say I would have to lie. Both my wife and I are retired from what we made as our careers for 30+ years, both of us have a retirement check that is more than the average middle class person earns. We also both took on other jobs when we retired from the first ones. Comes a point where you have to retire or you are working for very little. And As Im sure you must know, when you hit that retirement mark the money you recieve from retirement continues to grow, there comes a point that if you consider what you make for working, and what you would make if you retired, you are working for maybe 30% of what you really think you are. Why continue working when you can get 70% in my case, 80% in hers by retiring.
so between our retirement and our new "careers" we are are actually making more now than we did at any other point in time.
here's the problem, if obamacare really did make it so this guy could afford the insurance, then he is not paying full price anyway, he is getting subsidies.
Now take the family that does not get the subsidies, and has some out of pocket like the 12 grand a year I would have if I had been forced to go on commie care. Now while this non producer gets his treatment for free, or next to it, there is someone out there that is going to watch their child die because even though they have the insurance required by law, the high premiums have left them scraping dollars just to eat, when their child ends up with some illness that could be cured, they wont be able to pay the out of pocket, so they have to sit back and watch their own child die just so some non productive piece of crap can get his free life saving care that will enable him to go on for another 30 or 40 years costing the taxpayers.

And Matthew, get off the christian bashing, this has nothing to do with Christians. it has to do with not being able to afford to care for your own family even though you make good money, just because you have to pay for some scumbag that you dont even know. I wonder how that guy feels knowing his "free" care will cost the lives of children. Sounds pretty Christian to me.
Plus, you sit there and condemn others for not wanting to go broke to save a few non producers, and then you turn around and want to kill everyone in the country? you sound more ignorant than anyone else here.

but back to the Christian thing, since the left has made it so clear that they dont want anything to do with Christianity in public places, in a school, a courtroom the side of a police car, or even on the money, why do you have an issue when people keep their Christianity hidden away when it actually might benefit you. No way in hell I would act in a christian like manner around you, Wouldn't want to offend you. You brought this on yourself.

How does it make you feel knowing that children are going to end up dying because their parents make enough to not get a subsidy but they dont make enough to pay the out of pocket. Be honest, as long as you get your free care paid for by them, the hell with them and their family.
hypocritical piece of trash.

Why is it so bad that people out there that are in bad situations get care?
because you are expecting others that do provide for themselves and their families to give up the income they use to do that just so someone else can get free care
Why is it so bad to let somebody keep the money they earn so they can care for their family.

This is America and those that are able to provide for themselves do so because of those that can't always afford to pay for things like health care. Were you in the military?
what does being in the military have to do with the ACA, I keep seeing it referenced but I dont really understand the premise behind it.

It goes to show a point. You like to make it out as if poor people don't matter...

Well Can a Colonel fight a war without grunts? Can a General win a war without cooks and truck drivers? Yeah those are low level minions... but they matter. Does that mean because they are low level they don't deserve to get VA benefits and other benefits for veterans? No...let's shit on them because they were peons in the scheme of things right?
and by the way, Grunts? low level minions?
why are you so demeaning and insulting to the people that are out risking their lives to ensure you are able to call them that in the first place? what is it about you that makes you think you are so much better than those servicemen, what you should be doing is thanking them for the freedoms you take for granted.. You certainly have no right to degrade them like you do.
He wasn't laughing because the man had cancer, doofus. What you just did was fake and a lie.

PLUS ObamaCare did not save the man......doctors did. :rolleyes:
Who said he was laughing because the man had cancer?

Oh, I see how you did that. You pulled that out your ass and then tried to ASSign it to me.

This is what I actually wrote:

Ryan responded: "Oh, we wouldn’t do that, we want to replace it with something better. First of all, I'm glad you're standing here."(laughing the whole time)

To me, it looked like he was disrespecting the guy because he wasn't taking him seriously. But if you want to believe that he was laughing at the guy for having cancer, then maybe he was. Because we know that's how Republicans roll. They think up some things that never occurred to me. Because I'm not that way.

Don't try and pull your little mentally ill games on me. YOU were the one that said ''Watch Ryan laugh."
What were you referring to?
Now I'm laughing at you fucktards.

This is what I said back in post #29:

Who said he was laughing because the man had cancer?

Oh, I see how you did that. You pulled that out your ass and then tried to ASSign it to me.

This is what I actually wrote:

Ryan responded: "Oh, we wouldn’t do that, we want to replace it with something better. First of all, I'm glad you're standing here."(laughing the whole time)

To me, it looked like he was disrespecting the guy because he wasn't taking him seriously. But if you want to believe that he was laughing at the guy for having cancer, then maybe he was. Because we know that's how Republicans roll. They think up some things that never occurred to me. Because I'm not that way.

Yeah, if your beloved "gubermint" really gave a shit about their serfs, they wouldn't be allowing Monsanto to take over family farms via geo-engineering. GMO causes cancer and that's a documented fact. If your beloved "gubermint" gave a fuck about us, they wouldn't allow stratospheric aerosol injection spraying that is corrupting the soils, killing trees and killing the bees which are now an endangered species. Stupid fucks like you make me sick to my stomach....seriously. Cancer, autism and Alzheimer's are man made afflictions used to fuel the soft-kill depopulation agenda of the U.N. If your beloved "
gubermint" gave a shit about us and our children? They wouldn't be giving them 40 plus vaccines before they are 6 with a mercury based preservative...... so jam Barrypuppetcare up your ass and twist it, ya stupid "knows nothing" piece of commie shit. Your angst doesn't mean diddly squat to me. You seem like the kind of person that would skull fuck a child if you thought it might prolong your worthless existence here on this prison planet for another week so you could spew bullshit.

Here is a hearty, heapin' helpin' of "Go fuck yourself, you commie troll"....don't be shy about asking for seconds because there is plenty more where that came from....and you better say "thanks" because nothing pisses me off more than a self-entitled POS like you without paying props......
Why is it so bad that people out there that are in bad situations get care?
because you are expecting others that do provide for themselves and their families to give up the income they use to do that just so someone else can get free care
Why is it so bad to let somebody keep the money they earn so they can care for their family.

This is America and those that are able to provide for themselves do so because of those that can't always afford to pay for things like health care. Were you in the military?
what does being in the military have to do with the ACA, I keep seeing it referenced but I dont really understand the premise behind it.

It goes to show a point. You like to make it out as if poor people don't matter...

Well Can a Colonel fight a war without grunts? Can a General win a war without cooks and truck drivers? Yeah those are low level minions... but they matter. Does that mean because they are low level they don't deserve to get VA benefits and other benefits for veterans? No...let's shit on them because they were peons in the scheme of things right?
and by the way, Grunts? low level minions?
why are you so demeaning and insulting to the people that are out risking their lives to ensure you are able to call them that in the first place? what is it about you that makes you think you are so much better than those servicemen, what you should be doing is thanking them for the freedoms you take for granted.. You certainly have no right to degrade them like you do.

Grunts are low level minions compared to a Colonel or a General... hell some even take pride in being called that. Nice way to try to make a deflection... and attack me. Good try. ;)

Maybe you should take your own advice and quit degrading and talking down to poor people just because a lot of them weren't dealt a good hand to start with in the first place.

Are you sure you were in the military? Grunt is a pretty common term.
because you are expecting others that do provide for themselves and their families to give up the income they use to do that just so someone else can get free care
Why is it so bad to let somebody keep the money they earn so they can care for their family.

This is America and those that are able to provide for themselves do so because of those that can't always afford to pay for things like health care. Were you in the military?
what does being in the military have to do with the ACA, I keep seeing it referenced but I dont really understand the premise behind it.

It goes to show a point. You like to make it out as if poor people don't matter...

Well Can a Colonel fight a war without grunts? Can a General win a war without cooks and truck drivers? Yeah those are low level minions... but they matter. Does that mean because they are low level they don't deserve to get VA benefits and other benefits for veterans? No...let's shit on them because they were peons in the scheme of things right?
and by the way, Grunts? low level minions?
why are you so demeaning and insulting to the people that are out risking their lives to ensure you are able to call them that in the first place? what is it about you that makes you think you are so much better than those servicemen, what you should be doing is thanking them for the freedoms you take for granted.. You certainly have no right to degrade them like you do.
Walk into a military bar and talk to them like that.
and its not the hand you were dealt, its how you play it. stop making excuses for lazy people.
There are those out there that honestly can not do any better, they were born with what would turn out to be a learning disability or maybe they were born with a physical issue that keeps them from being able to properly provide for themselves. These people I have no issue with helping. But those that are too damn lazy? Fuck them, let them die.
You seem to enjoy bringing up the military so consider this. You say these people were dealt a bad hand, born into poverty, cant get out of it because there was no money to send them to college.
Guess what, every one of them could have joined the military, they would have been out of poverty the day they showed up for boot camp, they would have schools available to them for free, they would learn a valuable trade that could be used to support themselves when they decided to leave the military, or they could stay in and retire after 20 years and then started a career. Someone goes in at 18, they retire at 38, then they start a career where they work for another 20 and retire from that. Now they are 58 with two retirement checks and if they are smart they take on another job that they work for 10 more years, just enough in some places to receive a small (very small) retirement check. So now at the age of 68, they find themselves retired and getting 3 retirement checks and, oh yes, social security. This guy that was born into poverty and joined the military at the age of 18 has had a good full life and is now retired with a crap ton of money coming it so he can travel, or spend it on the kids/grand kids. Whatever he wants. money is not something that he has to be concerned with.
It is not that hard to make it in this country, even if you are born dirt poor. Please dont insult the smart people here with that locked into poverty bullshit.

Grunts are low level minions compared to a Colonel or a General... hell some even take pride in being called that. Nice way to try to make a deflection... and attack me. Good try. ;)

Maybe you should take your own advice and quit degrading and talking down to poor people just because a lot of them weren't dealt a good hand to start with in the first place.
Walk into a military bar and talk to them like that.
and its not the hand you were dealt, its how you play it. stop making excuses for lazy people.
There are those out there that honestly can not do any better, they were born with what would turn out to be a learning disability or maybe they were born with a physical issue that keeps them from being able to properly provide for themselves. These people I have no issue with helping. But those that are too damn lazy? Fuck them, let them die.
You seem to enjoy bringing up the military so consider this. You say these people were dealt a bad hand, born into poverty, cant get out of it because there was no money to send them to college.
Guess what, every one of them could have joined the military, they would have been out of poverty the day they showed up for boot camp, they would have schools available to them for free, they would learn a valuable trade that could be used to support themselves when they decided to leave the military, or they could stay in and retire after 20 years and then started a career. Someone goes in at 18, they retire at 38, then they start a career where they work for another 20 and retire from that. Now they are 58 with two retirement checks and if they are smart they take on another job that they work for 10 more years, just enough in some places to receive a small (very small) retirement check. So now at the age of 68, they find themselves retired and getting 3 retirement checks and, oh yes, social security. This guy that was born into poverty and joined the military at the age of 18 has had a good full life and is now retired with a crap ton of money coming it so he can travel, or spend it on the kids/grandkids. Whatever he wants.
It is not that hard to make it in this country, even if you are born dirt poor.
because you are expecting others that do provide for themselves and their families to give up the income they use to do that just so someone else can get free care
Why is it so bad to let somebody keep the money they earn so they can care for their family.

This is America and those that are able to provide for themselves do so because of those that can't always afford to pay for things like health care. Were you in the military?
what does being in the military have to do with the ACA, I keep seeing it referenced but I dont really understand the premise behind it.

It goes to show a point. You like to make it out as if poor people don't matter...

Well Can a Colonel fight a war without grunts? Can a General win a war without cooks and truck drivers? Yeah those are low level minions... but they matter. Does that mean because they are low level they don't deserve to get VA benefits and other benefits for veterans? No...let's shit on them because they were peons in the scheme of things right?
and by the way, Grunts? low level minions?
why are you so demeaning and insulting to the people that are out risking their lives to ensure you are able to call them that in the first place? what is it about you that makes you think you are so much better than those servicemen, what you should be doing is thanking them for the freedoms you take for granted.. You certainly have no right to degrade them like you do.

Grunts are low level minions compared to a Colonel or a General... hell some even take pride in being called that. Nice way to try to make a deflection... and attack me. Good try. ;)

Maybe you should take your own advice and quit degrading and talking down to poor people just because a lot of them weren't dealt a good hand to start with in the first place.

Are you sure you were in the military? Grunt is a pretty common term.
Last edited:
This is America and those that are able to provide for themselves do so because of those that can't always afford to pay for things like health care. Were you in the military?
what does being in the military have to do with the ACA, I keep seeing it referenced but I dont really understand the premise behind it.

It goes to show a point. You like to make it out as if poor people don't matter...

Well Can a Colonel fight a war without grunts? Can a General win a war without cooks and truck drivers? Yeah those are low level minions... but they matter. Does that mean because they are low level they don't deserve to get VA benefits and other benefits for veterans? No...let's shit on them because they were peons in the scheme of things right?
and by the way, Grunts? low level minions?
why are you so demeaning and insulting to the people that are out risking their lives to ensure you are able to call them that in the first place? what is it about you that makes you think you are so much better than those servicemen, what you should be doing is thanking them for the freedoms you take for granted.. You certainly have no right to degrade them like you do.
Walk into a military bar and talk to them like that.
and its not the hand you were dealt, its how you play it. stop making excuses for lazy people.
There are those out there that honestly can not do any better, they were born with what would turn out to be a learning disability or maybe they were born with a physical issue that keeps them from being able to properly provide for themselves. These people I have no issue with helping. But those that are too damn lazy? Fuck them, let them die.
You seem to enjoy bringing up the military so consider this. You say these people were dealt a bad hand, born into poverty, cant get out of it because there was no money to send them to college.
Guess what, every one of them could have joined the military, they would have been out of poverty the day they showed up for boot camp, they would have schools available to them for free, they would learn a valuable trade that could be used to support themselves when they decided to leave the military, or they could stay in and retire after 20 years and then started a career. Someone goes in at 18, they retire at 38, then they start a career where they work for another 20 and retire from that. Now they are 58 with two retirement checks and if they are smart they take on another job that they work for 10 more years, just enough in some places to receive a small (very small) retirement check. So now at the age of 68, they find themselves retired and getting 3 retirement checks and, oh yes, social security. This guy that was born into poverty and joined the military at the age of 18 has had a good full life and is now retired with a crap ton of money coming it so he can travel, or spend it on the kids/grand kids. Whatever he wants. money is not something that he has to be concerned with.
It is not that hard to make it in this country, even if you are born dirt poor. Please dont insult the smart people here with that locked into poverty bullshit.

Grunts are low level minions compared to a Colonel or a General... hell some even take pride in being called that. Nice way to try to make a deflection... and attack me. Good try. ;)

Maybe you should take your own advice and quit degrading and talking down to poor people just because a lot of them weren't dealt a good hand to start with in the first place.
Walk into a military bar and talk to them like that.
and its not the hand you were dealt, its how you play it. stop making excuses for lazy people.
There are those out there that honestly can not do any better, they were born with what would turn out to be a learning disability or maybe they were born with a physical issue that keeps them from being able to properly provide for themselves. These people I have no issue with helping. But those that are too damn lazy? Fuck them, let them die.
You seem to enjoy bringing up the military so consider this. You say these people were dealt a bad hand, born into poverty, cant get out of it because there was no money to send them to college.
Guess what, every one of them could have joined the military, they would have been out of poverty the day they showed up for boot camp, they would have schools available to them for free, they would learn a valuable trade that could be used to support themselves when they decided to leave the military, or they could stay in and retire after 20 years and then started a career. Someone goes in at 18, they retire at 38, then they start a career where they work for another 20 and retire from that. Now they are 58 with two retirement checks and if they are smart they take on another job that they work for 10 more years, just enough in some places to receive a small (very small) retirement check. So now at the age of 68, they find themselves retired and getting 3 retirement checks and, oh yes, social security. This guy that was born into poverty and joined the military at the age of 18 has had a good full life and is now retired with a crap ton of money coming it so he can travel, or spend it on the kids/grandkids. Whatever he wants.
It is not that hard to make it in this country, even if you are born dirt poor. So for those that are in their
This is America and those that are able to provide for themselves do so because of those that can't always afford to pay for things like health care. Were you in the military?
what does being in the military have to do with the ACA, I keep seeing it referenced but I dont really understand the premise behind it.

It goes to show a point. You like to make it out as if poor people don't matter...

Well Can a Colonel fight a war without grunts? Can a General win a war without cooks and truck drivers? Yeah those are low level minions... but they matter. Does that mean because they are low level they don't deserve to get VA benefits and other benefits for veterans? No...let's shit on them because they were peons in the scheme of things right?
and by the way, Grunts? low level minions?
why are you so demeaning and insulting to the people that are out risking their lives to ensure you are able to call them that in the first place? what is it about you that makes you think you are so much better than those servicemen, what you should be doing is thanking them for the freedoms you take for granted.. You certainly have no right to degrade them like you do.

Grunts are low level minions compared to a Colonel or a General... hell some even take pride in being called that. Nice way to try to make a deflection... and attack me. Good try. ;)

Maybe you should take your own advice and quit degrading and talking down to poor people just because a lot of them weren't dealt a good hand to start with in the first place.

Are you sure you were in the military? Grunt is a pretty common term.

Bullshit. People get called grunts ALL the time. Some people relish it. The fact you think it is a smack in the face makes me question if you were in the military to be quite honest. And no... you do deal with the hand your dealt, but the fact you think everyone has the same chances also tells me you weren't born to a poor family.
He wasn't laughing because the man had cancer, doofus. What you just did was fake and a lie.

PLUS ObamaCare did not save the man......doctors did. :rolleyes:
Without ObamaCare he wouldn't have been able to have ACCESS TO those doctors you dumb ass!

The only real solution to replace the ACA is universal healthcare.

That's the real intention of ACA. To fuck up the healthcare system so bad, people will start clamoring for government controlled "universal" healthcare.
It seems that at least part of the conflict we see between people here is that some don't accept a central article of faith; money is 'God'.
While I was waiting for a CT scan a man in a wheelchair with government Medicaid came in to get an MRI. They turned him away, he complained that he'd been all over town and nobody would take government Medicaid. Healthcare providers don't have to accept patients with crap government insurance.
This seems like a theme of this message board, Trump supporters and Republicans that think this would be a better country if the sick would just die instead of being a burden on society.
That's the meme of the leftist everywhere, lie, smear and demonize anyone that opposes government wealth redistribution.

The thinking of losers.
Loads of taxpayers out there don't want to bankroll someone else's life for them.

I sure don't want to pay for someone else's health care. My benefit costs have gone up by 60% in the last year because of that POS ACA. The only winners in that POS are the people we are paying for.

All you lefty loons should do as MP says. Start your own foundation. Whip our YOUR check books, debit cards and cash. You pay for those that you think can't pay for themselves. Lets see how long your foundation lasts.
This seems like a theme of this message board, Trump supporters and Republicans that think this would be a better country if the sick would just die instead of being a burden on society.
That's the meme of the leftist everywhere, lie, smear and demonize anyone that opposes government wealth redistribution.

The thinking of losers.

Yep... being a humanist is a loser. You got me! ;)
Ryan confronted by cancer patient who says ObamaCare saved his life

But he said at 49 he was diagnosed with cancer and given six weeks to live.

"Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, I’m standing here today alive," he said. "I rely on the Affordable Care Act to be able to purchase my own insurance. Why would you repeal the Affordable Care Act without a replacement?"

Ryan responded: "Oh, we wouldn’t do that, we want to replace it with something better. First of all, I'm glad you're standing here."(laughing the whole time)

Jeans then took to the mic again to thank President Obama.

"I want to thank President Obama from the bottom of my heart, because I would be dead if it weren’t for him," he said.


You can bet Paul Ryan wishes the guy was already dead.

So go ahead USMB Republicans. Tell us how you hope the guy dies. Tell us how elections have consequences. Go ahead. Tell us.

I'd laugh to. Obamacare didn't save his life. The taxpayers of America saved his life.
Loads of taxpayers out there don't want to bankroll someone else's life for them.

I sure don't want to pay for someone else's health care. My benefit costs have gone up by 60% in the last year because of that POS ACA. The only winners in that POS are the people we are paying for.

All you lefty loons should do as MP says. Start your own foundation. Whip our YOUR check books, debit cards and cash. You pay for those that you think can't pay for themselves. Lets see how long your foundation lasts.

I don't have kids and don't want to pay school taxes. But I do... because it's the right thing to do.
Loads of taxpayers out there don't want to bankroll someone else's life for them.

I sure don't want to pay for someone else's health care. My benefit costs have gone up by 60% in the last year because of that POS ACA. The only winners in that POS are the people we are paying for.

All you lefty loons should do as MP says. Start your own foundation. Whip our YOUR check books, debit cards and cash. You pay for those that you think can't pay for themselves. Lets see how long your foundation lasts.

I don't have kids and don't want to pay school taxes. But I do... because it's the right thing to do.


Its because, you like me, have no choice. I don't have kids either but I pay state, local and Fed taxes.

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