Ryan Tax Plan would have lowered Romney's 2010 taxes to 1%


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finger Lakes, NY
No wonder Romney picked him. Talk about buying your way to high office!!

From Roll Call:

Paul Ryan's Tax Plan Would Slash Mitt Romney's Tax Rate to 1 Percent

The tax plan proposed by Rep. Paul Ryan (Wis.), the newly minted GOP vice presidential candidate, would have slashed Mitt Romney's effective tax rate to about 1 percent in 2010, based on Romney's tax return that year, according to a Roll Call analysis.

The Ryan tax cut, which would shave about 90 percent off of Romney's tax bill, would result from the Wisconsin Republican's "Roadmap for America's Future" proposal to eliminate taxes on capital gains, dividends and interest. Since about 95 percent of Romney's $21.6 million income came from those sources in 2010, he would pay no taxes on the vast majority of his earnings. It's not certain exactly how low Romney's tax bill would go, but his income from other sources amounts to about $1 million, and Ryan's plan would set a new top rate of 25 percent. Romney's total tax bill would have dropped from the $3 million that he paid to a few hundred thousand dollars if Ryan's plan had been in effect.

. . .

Paul Ryan's Tax Plan Would Slash Mitt Romney's Tax Rate to 1 Percent : Roll Call Politics

So, what do you Romney/Ryan supporters want to personally give up to pay for this massive tax cut for this multi-millionaire??
The Ryan plan would not eliminate capital gains taxes, or eliminate any taxes at all. Tax rates would be cut across the board.
As opposed to saddling the entire nation with trillion dollar deficits?

They want to talk about ANYTHING other than team Romney / Ryan being America's only hope to save us from going over the fiscal cliff.

...By running on a plan to drastically cut taxes for folks like Romney (down to 1%!) while adding 14T to the deficit.

Compare to Obama's plan which the CBO has deemed 'unsustainable.'

Congressional budget office: Fiscal policy is 'unsustainable' - The Hill's On The Money

Stop whining and help us save America for the children.
SO if everyone gets a tax break, which is fine, we can suppose that the middle class will end up paying more correct?
As opposed to saddling the entire nation with trillion dollar deficits?

They want to talk about ANYTHING other than team Romney / Ryan being America's only hope to save us from going over the fiscal cliff.

You have no idea what the fiscal cliff is.

Fiscal cliff:

Instead of giving the rich like Romney 99% tax cuts, we should give them that money in a voucher that they can only spend on the defense budget.:lol:
SO if everyone gets a tax break, which is fine, we can suppose that the middle class will end up paying more correct?

They absolutely should pay more.

Remember, taxes are increasing wealth redistributive instead of being largely to run defense and that sort of thing.

The more the middle class sucks out of the system in goodies, the more the middle class should be paying.
"ou heard it here, folks. Sniperfire believes the middle class should face a tax hike."

But I thought the gop is for less taxes. Ok, only for some.

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