S. 374: Protecting Responsible Gun Sellers Act of 2013.


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
All lost, and stolen guns must be reported to the federal and local government. This means everyone will have to fill out the theft/loss form, and not just FFLs. You only have 24 hours to comply. If you lose a gun on a hunting trip deep in the woods, and can’t get back home to fill out the form in 24 hours, you’re a felon and will spend 5 years in federal prison. And teaching someone to shoot on your own land is a felony, 5 years, if you hand them the gun. Not an exempted transfer.

Full Text of S. 374: Fix Gun Checks Act of 2013 - GovTrack.us
This also would apply if you went on vacation for a week or two, and someone breaks into your home and steals your guns. You don't get a grace period you go too jail.
Totally Orwellian name lololol

It's fucking insane
More and more people are talking about the coming of a civil war, this may be the what get's it started.

While the people remain armed, we can enact change peacefully, since the government would not dare to use force against us.

A revolution will only start if they try to actively confiscate our firearms, since we won't have enough time to enact a peaceful change.

Also, if you want a either a peaceful revolution or armed revolution, you'll need something the size and scope of Common Sense (Thomas Paine) to be published and given to practically every American (and as many people outside the US) to read.

Our goal is to enact a peaceful revolution, but if the government EITHER opens fire on us, or attempts to confiscate our weapons, there will be a Revolution.

Here's the Introduction of a massive volume we're writing (Libertarian Party in Suffolk County, New York). I already identified my name as Edward Solomon while creating a thread here, so that cat is out of the bag (I revealed my name because I'm Jewish, and was deeply offended by the Salon.com article)
The contents contained in the following document, are so far only known to the political elite and to the political factions that have been adversely affected and criminalized by that same elite; however, it is paramount during these turbulent times, that the general public be made aware of the abuses that have been inflicted upon them, and continue to be perpetrated against them, both subtly and overtly --- both accidentally and intentionally, for these abuses have become intolerable.

The abuses to be discussed are not isolated to any particular State or Locality within the United States, in fact, they are not even isolated within the United States itself. For the entire world is confronted by the same enemy, The Federal Reserve, and those who control and manipulate its actions. Unknown to most citizens of the United States, is the fact that the Federal Reserve is a Private Central Bank. It is neither beholden nor owned by the United States government. The very operation of the Federal Reserve is unconstitutional under Article I, Section 10 of the United States Constitution, and the very idea of fiat currency is inconsistent with the intent of the Founding Fathers, as evidenced by many documents and proceedings during their time.

This document will address in great detail all of our ailments, and the causes thereof, for no ailment can be cured when the cause is unknown. The reader shall also discover that the ailments are many, but the causes are few, and the are solutions simple. The powers that be have made a smokescreen, shielding the causes from the public eye and diverting attention away from those who are responsible --- the elite themselves. The elite have succeeded so well, that many citizens have abandoned hope, believing that the system is too complicated ---- beyond both diagnose and repair; while at the same time, the people believe that an inanimate system will knowingly fix itself, while under the influence of the same tyrants who rule from the shadows.

It is the wish of the authors that the reader be encouraged to supplement their reading of this document through the use of the unlimited research capabilities granted to them by this modern age of information. The authors have explicitly avoided those things which are personal, and with careful and proper judgment, have also avoided injecting any substantial or noticeable degree of bias. The reader is also advised to purge themselves of as much biases and prejudices as possible and to proceed with candor and impartiality, and to become open and receptive to the ideas and information that shall be presented.

As Thomas Paine once said, “The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind.” This again is true today, and in fact, it is even more true than it was during his era. The modern world is so interconnected, from the globalization of her markets, to the instantaneous communication from any of her parts to another, that we find that all of her regions are governed by the same forces --- and the same tyrannies; for the peoples of the Earth have had very little to say about those forces which came to govern, and as such, those forces have proceeded to rule unchecked.

Thomas Paine also wrote: “Ye that love mankind, that dare oppose not only tyranny but the tyrant, stand forth! Every spot of the old world is overrun with oppression; Freedom hath been hunted round the globe…” Unfortunately, the tyrants have succeeded in the efforts of global domination and oppression. The cause of America --- the cause of all mankind, has been defeated, hunted to extinction.

However, the hallowed principles of individual freedom and self-government may yet find asylum once more in America; the citizenry that composes the United States, is the only sizable armed citizenry that remains in the modern world. To quote the Declaration of Independence: “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

As the only substantially armed and civilized population remaining, we are the only people that can abolish the tyranny that plagues the entire globe. It is for this reason, that the powers that be wish to disarm the citizens of the United States, and wholly devour the Second Amendment by our own consent.

There is only one logical practice of the Second Amendment, and that is that it shall not be infringed. Any other practice is a paradox, for it contradicts the very purpose of the Second Amendment in its entirety; it is the ultimate form of popular recourse against tyranny, and thus no potential tyrants may restrict it. The Second Amendment is the Supreme Sovereign; to surrender the Second Amendment, is to surrender the sovereignty of self-government.

If the reader finds themselves in disagreement with the above paragraph, they are encouraged to skip directly to the section of this document titled “The Second Amendment, and the Tyrannical and Racist History of Gun Control.”

Without further adieu, the authors cordially invite the reader into the realm of reason and common sense.

--- "All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle."
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Totally Orwellian name lololol

It's fucking insane
More and more people are talking about the coming of a civil war, this may be the what get's it started.

While the people remain armed, we can enact change peacefully, since the government would not dare to use force against us.

A revolution will only start if they try to actively confiscate our firearms, since we won't have enough time to enact a peaceful change.

Also, if you want a either a peaceful revolution or armed revolution, you'll need something the size and scope of Common Sense (Thomas Paine) to be published and given to practically every American (and as many people outside the US) to read.

Our goal is to enact a peaceful revolution, but if the government EITHER opens fire on us, or attempts to confiscate our weapons, there will be a Revolution.

Here's the Introduction of a massive volume we're writing (Libertarian Party in Suffolk County, New York). I already identified my name as Edward Solomon while creating a thread here, so that cat is out of the bag (I revealed my name because I'm Jewish, and was deeply offended by the Salon.com article)
The contents contained in the following document, are so far only known to the political elite and to the political factions that have been adversely affected and criminalized by that same elite; however, it is paramount during these turbulent times, that the general public be made aware of the abuses that have been inflicted upon them, and continue to be perpetrated against them, both subtly and overtly --- both accidentally and intentionally, for these abuses have become intolerable.

The abuses to be discussed are not isolated to any particular State or Locality within the United States, in fact, they are not even isolated within the United States itself. For the entire world is confronted by the same enemy, The Federal Reserve, and those who control and manipulate its actions. Unknown to most citizens of the United States, is the fact that the Federal Reserve is a Private Central Bank. It is neither beholden nor owned by the United States government. The very operation of the Federal Reserve is unconstitutional under Article I, Section 10 of the United States Constitution, and the very idea of fiat currency is inconsistent with the intent of the Founding Fathers, as evidenced by many documents and proceedings during their time.

This document will address in great detail all of our ailments, and the causes thereof, for no ailment can be cured when the cause is unknown. The reader shall also discover that the ailments are many, but the causes are few, and the are solutions simple. The powers that be have made a smokescreen, shielding the causes from the public eye and diverting attention away from those who are responsible --- the elite themselves. The elite have succeeded so well, that many citizens have abandoned hope, believing that the system is too complicated ---- beyond both diagnose and repair; while at the same time, the people believe that an inanimate system will knowingly fix itself, while under the influence of the same tyrants who rule from the shadows.

It is the wish of the authors that the reader be encouraged to supplement their reading of this document through the use of the unlimited research capabilities granted to them by this modern age of information. The authors have explicitly avoided those things which are personal, and with careful and proper judgment, have also avoided injecting any substantial or noticeable degree of bias. The reader is also advised to purge themselves of as much biases and prejudices as possible and to proceed with candor and impartiality, and to become open and receptive to the ideas and information that shall be presented.

As Thomas Paine once said, “The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind.” This again is true today, and in fact, it is even more true than it was during his era. The modern world is so interconnected, from the globalization of her markets, to the instantaneous communication from any of her parts to another, that we find that all of her regions are governed by the same forces --- and the same tyrannies; for the peoples of the Earth have had very little to say about those forces which came to govern, and as such, those forces have proceeded to rule unchecked.

Thomas Paine also wrote: “Ye that love mankind, that dare oppose not only tyranny but the tyrant, stand forth! Every spot of the old world is overrun with oppression; Freedom hath been hunted round the globe…” Unfortunately, the tyrants have succeeded in the efforts of global domination and oppression. The cause of America --- the cause of all mankind, has been defeated, hunted to extinction.

However, the hallowed principles of individual freedom and self-government may yet find asylum once more in America; the citizenry that composes the United States, is the only sizable armed citizenry that remains in the modern world. To quote the Declaration of Independence: “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

As the only substantially armed and civilized population remaining, we are the only people that can abolish the tyranny that plagues the entire globe. It is for this reason, that the powers that be wish to disarm the citizens of the United States, and wholly devour the Second Amendment by our own consent.

There is only one logical practice of the Second Amendment, and that is that it shall not be infringed. Any other practice is a paradox, for it contradicts the very purpose of the Second Amendment in its entirety; it is the ultimate form of popular recourse against tyranny, and thus no potential tyrants may restrict it. The Second Amendment is the Supreme Sovereign; to surrender the Second Amendment, is to surrender the sovereignty of self-government.

If the reader finds themselves in disagreement with the above paragraph, they are encouraged to skip directly to the section of this document titled “The Second Amendment, and the Tyrannical and Racist History of Gun Control.”

Without further adieu, the authors cordially invite the reader into the realm of reason and common sense.

--- "All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle."
Get behind your local sheriff if he is dragging his feet on this issue push his ass if you have too.

Growing List of Sheriffs, Associations and Police Chiefs Saying ?NO? to Obama Gun Control | CSPOA - Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association
Our goal is to enact a peaceful revolution, but if the government EITHER opens fire on us, or attempts to confiscate our weapons, there will be a Revolution.

A so-called revolution by a few paranoid homegrown terrorists wouldn't last long. Uncle Sam would quickly nip that in the bud.
Our goal is to enact a peaceful revolution, but if the government EITHER opens fire on us, or attempts to confiscate our weapons, there will be a Revolution.

A so-called revolution by a few paranoid homegrown terrorists wouldn't last long. Uncle Sam would quickly nip that in the bud.

My uncle is not your uncle nor is he your friend.
Our goal is to enact a peaceful revolution, but if the government EITHER opens fire on us, or attempts to confiscate our weapons, there will be a Revolution.

A so-called revolution by a few paranoid homegrown terrorists wouldn't last long. Uncle Sam would quickly nip that in the bud.

Congratulations, you just proved you're a member of Federal Law Enforcement (or NATO). They are the only people who use the term "Homegrown terrorists," towards dissenters and advocates of the United States Constitution.

Homegrown terrorism: how can NATO fight it?

I have a question, are people who advocate for John Locke and the Constitution terrorists? Or are the people who oppress and fear us and fear the Constitution terrorists?
Our goal is to enact a peaceful revolution, but if the government EITHER opens fire on us, or attempts to confiscate our weapons, there will be a Revolution.

A so-called revolution by a few paranoid homegrown terrorists wouldn't last long. Uncle Sam would quickly nip that in the bud.

Congratulations, you just proved you're a member of Federal Law Enforcement (or NATO). They are the only people who use the term "Homegrown terrorists," towards dissenters and advocates of the United States Constitution.

Homegrown terrorism: how can NATO fight it?

I have a question, are people who advocate for John Locke and the Constitution terrorists? Or are the people who oppress and fear us and fear the Constitution terrorists?

maybe she knows my cousin hell they might even work side by side
Homegrown terrorists have no respect for the Constitution. Hell, most of them don't even understand it.

Anarchists have no place in a civilized society.
Homegrown terrorists have no respect for the Constitution. Hell, most of them don't even understand it.

Anarchists have no place in a civilized society.

that would make obama a home grown terrorist bill ayres his buddy, and a host of friends of obama.
Homegrown terrorists have no respect for the Constitution. Hell, most of them don't even understand it.

Anarchists have no place in a civilized society.

By all means, when we're marching peacefully in the streets, bring out your fire hoses and wash us down for being "terrorists.'

Did you know, since I was an organizer of Occupy Wall Street, that the FBI declared me a terrorist?

FBI Investigated 'Occupy' As Possible 'Terrorism' Threat, Internal Documents Show

Since then, I've only been to an airport once. I was subject to VERY invasive search. Now I drive or use the train (Amtrack ftw!)

This is like comparing the Civil Rights Movement to a terrorist organization. The boycotts affected banks, public transportation, and large&small businesses. Anything to discredit freedom of speech and assembly.

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Oh yeah Lakhota, I should give you my full name, address, phone number and e-mail. Do you want them? I do it publicly, right here, I want to be arrested on Live TV.

No need. You're well known.

How long have you been monitoring the Suffolk County Libertarian Party? How much internet data have the Fusion Centers compiled and mined about me? Which FEMA camp are you going to put me in, I want to pack climate appropriate cloths. How many hours of aerial (satellite/drone) footage do you have of my residence? Which window of my house will I be sniped from? Do you intend to provide me with Habeus Corpus?

Although I seriously doubt your part of any law enforcement agency, I know they have monitored us and me in particular. We have nothing to hide.
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Oh yeah Lakhota, I should give you my full name, address, phone number and e-mail. Do you want them? I do it publicly, right here, I want to be arrested on Live TV.

No need. You're well known.

How long have you been monitoring the Suffolk County Libertarian Party? How much internet data have the Fusion Centers compiled and mined about me? Which FEMA camp are you going to put me in, I want to pack climate appropriate cloths. How many hours of aerial (satellite/drone) footage do you have of my residence? Which window of my house will I be sniped from? Do you intend to provide me with Habeus Corpus?

Although I seriously doubt your part of any law enforcement agency, I know they have monitored us and me in particular. We have nothing to hide.

I assume you mean Habeas corpus?
Oh God, not only are you a Gun Control Nazi, but you're also a spelling Nazi!

I won't even edit that post. I will wear that spelling error as a badge of honor, just as I bear my last name with honor, Solomon, proud to be Jewish.
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