S.C. Governor Nikki Haley Releases Strangely Obtuse Statement On Black Church Shooting

They're dancing at Stormfront tonite, I bet.

What the hell is stormfront?
A web site devoted to white nationalism, and a source of much of the rhetoric we see here.

Never seen it,
Too bad. If you had, you'd recognize from where a lot of the more rabid right wing rhetoric on this forum originates. It might wake your ass up to what is going on.

There are a lot of tards on this forum who parrot WN rhetoric, and some of them probably don't even know it.
South Carolina Governor Releases Strangely Obtuse Statement On Black Church Shooting

Notice that Haley claims to be sure of only one thing, that "we do know that we'll never understand what motivates" people to commit acts of violence such as this. But when a group of black people gathered for Bible study gets gunned down by a white guy in one of the most historically prominent freedom-fighting black churches in the nation, it seems pretty clear why it happened: hatred and racism.

We do understand what motivates people to commit these acts.

It's call Stormfront. Free Republic. Fox News. The Tea Party. The American Taliban.
They told him to kill people?
They're dancing at Stormfront tonite, I bet.

What the hell is stormfront?
A web site devoted to white nationalism, and a source of much of the rhetoric we see here.

Never seen it,
Too bad. If you had, you'd recognize from where a lot of the more rabid right wing rhetoric on this forum originates. It might wake your ass up to what is going on.

There are a lot of tards on this forum who parrot WN rhetoric, and some of them probably don't even know it.

I see enough ignorance around here from both sides, I have no desire to spend time searching for it in it's purest form.
This is an incredibly sad event.

This was a random act of church place violence, these victims were in the wrong place at the right time.
South Carolina Governor Releases Strangely Obtuse Statement On Black Church Shooting

Notice that Haley claims to be sure of only one thing, that "we do know that we'll never understand what motivates" people to commit acts of violence such as this. But when a group of black people gathered for Bible study gets gunned down by a white guy in one of the most historically prominent freedom-fighting black churches in the nation, it seems pretty clear why it happened: hatred and racism.

We do understand what motivates people to commit these acts.

It's call Stormfront. Free Republic. Fox News. The Tea Party. The American Taliban.

Man Hazlnut, nothing like getting carried away. Get a grip.
Just like most cases of most mass murders, the killer probably has very serious mental issues.
The bottom-line? Congress taking the lead and should be increasing mental health funding. Many states have been cutting mental health funding.
One would think that after Sandy Hook, the DC Naval Yard shootings and the Aurora Theater shootings, all had one thing in common, the shooter had mental health issues, Someone needs to get a clue.
We don't need new gun laws, we need to address the obvious issue, it's a mental health issue, stupid. If there has to be just one law for gun ownership, it has to be a serious mental health background check.

No. Unless you are willing to give every murderer a pass like that.....you can't claim that this act was due to the mental health of the shooter.
This was a hate crime. A white bigot terrorist from the South killed innocent Black Christians praying in Church. This is an ugly fact. What we really need right now is unity. Flaming racial divisive narratives is not going to help.

Oh look! He watched O'Reilly!
“Notice that Haley claims to be sure of only one thing, that "we do know that we'll never understand what motivates" people to commit acts of violence such as this. But when a group of black people gathered for Bible study gets gunned down by a white guy in one of the most historically prominent freedom-fighting black churches in the nation, it seems pretty clear why it happened: hatred and racism.”

Interesting and telling – but not surprising – how many on the right are trying to spin this, to avoid references to the racism and hatred of African-Americans that was clearly the motive for the murders; it's as if many conservatives are walking on political eggshells, trying not to offend a component of the rightwing base indifferent to – and in some respects hostile to – issues concerning African-Americans, such as hatred and racism.
The killer has said outright what motivated him.

Lindsey Graham said that he killed those people 'indiscriminately', which besides being abysmally wrong and stupid, was perhaps the worst choice of a descriptive word in recent memory.
It was Rick Santorum who said "indiscriminately", but yes, that has to be the most clueless use of that word, ever. That astoundingly stupid statement should be on an endless loop somewhere for all time.

The brainless mimbo on the Fox News morning show, Steve Doocy, tried to portray the shooting as an attack on religion.

You just can't find people more willfully evil than that. These people actually had to sit down and deliberately strategize on how to make this not about a white racist asshole killing darkies.

Yes, Santorum. Lindsey Graham called it anti-Christian.
This was a hate crime. A white bigot terrorist from the South killed innocent Black Christians praying in Church. This is an ugly fact. What we really need right now is unity. Flaming racial divisive narratives is not going to help.
Only the dumbest of credulous c*nts buys into this deliberately manufactured bullshit the shooting is about a war on religion.

For the stunningly stupid: Charleston shooting Dylann Roof called for a race war - CNN.com

Dylann Roof admits he did it, two law enforcement officials said -- shooting and killing nine people he'd sat with for Bible study at a historically black church in Charleston, South Carolina.

But why? To start a race war, Roof told investigators, according to one of the officials.

Racial motive, you unbelievable piss drinkers. You are fucking retards for buying into Doocy's incredible attempt to make this into a war on religion.

I knew you rubes were stupid and gullible, but this is a new low that I find absolutely incredible.

This is a very special kind of bigoted willful blindness. You assholes make me sick.
Attention Gov. Haley. Take down the White Pride Confederate flag from your State House.
Attention Gov. Haley. Take down the White Pride Confederate flag from your State House.
Nikki Haley is not white, doofus.

In fact, she suffered a racial attack on her own character when she was running for Governor. From within her own party!
Conservative politicians still terrified of the Tea Party, or whatever name it goes by nowadays. That explains their sadly comical attempts to pretend this wasn't a rightwing racist terror attack.
South Carolina Governor Releases Strangely Obtuse Statement On Black Church Shooting

Notice that Haley claims to be sure of only one thing, that "we do know that we'll never understand what motivates" people to commit acts of violence such as this. But when a group of black people gathered for Bible study gets gunned down by a white guy in one of the most historically prominent freedom-fighting black churches in the nation, it seems pretty clear why it happened: hatred and racism.

We do understand what motivates people to commit these acts.

It's call Stormfront. Free Republic. Fox News. The Tea Party. The American Taliban.

Want some cheese with that whine? What a sniveler lol

Fuck you, you slimy son of a bitch, no one at fox or the tea party promotes violience.
Just a Second Amendment Solution to water the tree of liberty.

Fuck you, you slimy son of a bitch, no one at fox or the tea party promotes violience.
Just a Second Amendment Solution to water the tree of liberty.


OH BOY, an out of context photo. Where was it taken, what was the event, who sponsored it? Many different organizations use the Don't Tread On Me flag and symbols.
Yeah, i have a feeling you wouldn't have liked anything she said. Yer losin it boy, or girl. You need to chill on that hysterical partisan hate stuff. Both Parties suck real bad. They're actually just one small private globalist-elite club.

One day you'll come to understand that. And once you do, you'll stop all the hysterical 'Party before Country' cheerleading stuff.
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Fuck you, you slimy son of a bitch, no one at fox or the tea party promotes violience.
Just a Second Amendment Solution to water the tree of liberty.


OH BOY, an out of context photo. Where was it taken, what was the event, who sponsored it? Many different organizations use the Don't Tread On Me flag and symbols.
It was taken at an Obama town hall meeting on health care in New Hampshire in August 2009.
Fuck you, you slimy son of a bitch, no one at fox or the tea party promotes violience.
Just a Second Amendment Solution to water the tree of liberty.


OH BOY, an out of context photo. Where was it taken, what was the event, who sponsored it? Many different organizations use the Don't Tread On Me flag and symbols.
It was taken at an Obama town hall meeting on health care in New Hampshire in August 2009.

So it was a personal opinion of one person, hardly an effective rebuttal for what I said.

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