S.C. school brat told friends before cop encounter: "Get yall phones out". She did it purposely.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Girl arrested during Spring Valley incident says she told classmates to film

Some people can't see a fucking setup coming. This bitch....before the cop even spoke to her....told her friends "Get yall phones out because something is about to happen".

SHE PLANNED IT. She knew damn well that she was going to resist and become a ghetto YouTube superstar. She knew NOTHING the cop did was she going to cooperate with.

She knew "something is gonna happen" because she was determined to MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN. Had she followed directions....NOTHING would happen.

Do we call this "premeditated oppression"?? Planning your own victimhood!!!
Best thing that could have happened for her would be for the incident to be downplayed, her to get a little suspension and some detention, a little intervention counseling from whomever, and back into school with no drama.

But not when lunatics are running the asylum. Now her life is ruined as she has learned the lesson that she doesn't have to do what she's told, she can behave like a complete idiot and defy the police and get lots of fun attention and sympathy.
Damn outsmarted by a 16 year old "brat."
It is a shame he fell for it.

He didn't fall for anything. He made an arrest on someone who premeditated resisting...with textbook tactics according to his academy PPCT training....that escalated each step with her own escalated resistance.

The liberals fell for it. The media fell for it. The Democrat sheriff fell for it.
Again....she had no intention of going quietly. She planned for "something to happen".

Even more evidence which may add an extra 0 to the cops wrongful termination settlement check.
Girl arrested during Spring Valley incident says she told classmates to film

Some people can't see a fucking setup coming. This bitch....before the cop even spoke to her....told her friends "Get yall phones out because something is about to happen".

SHE PLANNED IT. She knew damn well that she was going to resist and become a ghetto YouTube superstar. She knew NOTHING the cop did was she going to cooperate with.

She knew "something is gonna happen" because she was determined to MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN. Had she followed directions....NOTHING would happen.

Do we call this "premeditated oppression"?? Planning your own victimhood!!!

If the cop is that easy to bait, he deserves what he gets.
Girl arrested during Spring Valley incident says she told classmates to film

Some people can't see a fucking setup coming. This bitch....before the cop even spoke to her....told her friends "Get yall phones out because something is about to happen".

SHE PLANNED IT. She knew damn well that she was going to resist and become a ghetto YouTube superstar. She knew NOTHING the cop did was she going to cooperate with.

She knew "something is gonna happen" because she was determined to MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN. Had she followed directions....NOTHING would happen.

Do we call this "premeditated oppression"?? Planning your own victimhood!!!

If the cop is that easy to bait, he deserves what he gets.

Amazing how many asshole Leftists think that career law enforcement officials need to lose their job. A decent person is not so flippant about somebody's hard invested means of living, but no Leftist is decent.
Girl arrested during Spring Valley incident says she told classmates to film

Some people can't see a fucking setup coming. This bitch....before the cop even spoke to her....told her friends "Get yall phones out because something is about to happen".

SHE PLANNED IT. She knew damn well that she was going to resist and become a ghetto YouTube superstar. She knew NOTHING the cop did was she going to cooperate with.

She knew "something is gonna happen" because she was determined to MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN. Had she followed directions....NOTHING would happen.

Do we call this "premeditated oppression"?? Planning your own victimhood!!!

If the cop is that easy to bait, he deserves what he gets.

Amazing how many asshole Leftists think that career law enforcement officials need to lose their job. A decent person is not so flippant about somebody's hard invested means of living, but no Leftist is decent.

Remember....liberals don't believe in honest work. Never forget to factor that in.

Has the Democrat Sheriff revealed what procedure was violated yet?? Other than angering Jesse Jackson?
Girl arrested during Spring Valley incident says she told classmates to film

Some people can't see a fucking setup coming. This bitch....before the cop even spoke to her....told her friends "Get yall phones out because something is about to happen".

SHE PLANNED IT. She knew damn well that she was going to resist and become a ghetto YouTube superstar. She knew NOTHING the cop did was she going to cooperate with.

She knew "something is gonna happen" because she was determined to MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN. Had she followed directions....NOTHING would happen.

Do we call this "premeditated oppression"?? Planning your own victimhood!!!

You dumb shit. That's not the girl who was assaulted.

Are you ever right about anything?
Girl arrested during Spring Valley incident says she told classmates to film

Some people can't see a fucking setup coming. This bitch....before the cop even spoke to her....told her friends "Get yall phones out because something is about to happen".

SHE PLANNED IT. She knew damn well that she was going to resist and become a ghetto YouTube superstar. She knew NOTHING the cop did was she going to cooperate with.

She knew "something is gonna happen" because she was determined to MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN. Had she followed directions....NOTHING would happen.

Do we call this "premeditated oppression"?? Planning your own victimhood!!!
So, she played this idiot cop? Knew he would fly into a roid rage? Good for her.
Look at it....now she is a precious untouchable angel. Every teacher and staffer and deputy is now terrified to even annoy this girl. She can do whatever she wants...because she is 1 more incident away from INSTANT claims of "repeated" systematic oppression.

She can do whatever the fuck she wants now...and any adult who likes their job had better not be in her way.

And 20,000 other Columbia area high schoolers are taking note.....and some want her status for themselves.

Gonna be a FUN year in Richland County Schools!!
Girl arrested during Spring Valley incident says she told classmates to film

Some people can't see a fucking setup coming. This bitch....before the cop even spoke to her....told her friends "Get yall phones out because something is about to happen".

SHE PLANNED IT. She knew damn well that she was going to resist and become a ghetto YouTube superstar. She knew NOTHING the cop did was she going to cooperate with.

She knew "something is gonna happen" because she was determined to MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN. Had she followed directions....NOTHING would happen.

Do we call this "premeditated oppression"?? Planning your own victimhood!!!
So, she played this idiot cop? Knew he would fly into a roid rage? Good for her.

You're praising the thug that started all this with her lawless behavior?

No wonder kids do this kind of thing when they see irresponsible adults like you praising criminal behavior.
Girl arrested during Spring Valley incident says she told classmates to film

Some people can't see a fucking setup coming. This bitch....before the cop even spoke to her....told her friends "Get yall phones out because something is about to happen".

SHE PLANNED IT. She knew damn well that she was going to resist and become a ghetto YouTube superstar. She knew NOTHING the cop did was she going to cooperate with.

She knew "something is gonna happen" because she was determined to MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN. Had she followed directions....NOTHING would happen.

Do we call this "premeditated oppression"?? Planning your own victimhood!!!

You dumb shit. That's not the girl who was assaulted.

Are you ever right about anything?
What a fucking moron. I can't wait to see how he somehow denies the truth of your post.
Girl arrested during Spring Valley incident says she told classmates to film

Some people can't see a fucking setup coming. This bitch....before the cop even spoke to her....told her friends "Get yall phones out because something is about to happen".

SHE PLANNED IT. She knew damn well that she was going to resist and become a ghetto YouTube superstar. She knew NOTHING the cop did was she going to cooperate with.

She knew "something is gonna happen" because she was determined to MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN. Had she followed directions....NOTHING would happen.

Do we call this "premeditated oppression"?? Planning your own victimhood!!!
So, she played this idiot cop? Knew he would fly into a roid rage? Good for her.

What evidence do you have he was on roids? Just because he's in decent shape and not an obese slob like you and your family doesn't mean he uses roids.
So her claim to youtube fame is being flipped from a desk and tossed like a sack of potatoes...Maybe more of her kind should sign up for this treatment.

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It's the school's fault for not sending a black officer.

The PC Police want division, let 'em have it.

Race-appropriate authority interventions only.

YES. THAT is the only solution.

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