S.C. school brat told friends before cop encounter: "Get yall phones out". She did it purposely.

You have lost...too bad you believe it to be something other.
Big words and all that...lol

OH my... the rare "Wait until no one's watching Concession"...


Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Oh my...he still dosent know the meaning of the word concession.


Your most recent concession to the same standing points is duly noted and summarily accepted.

If you're going for the record, you'll need to muster up some enthusiasm... some dip-shit already bumped Gilligan from his 7 in a row world record, tonight.
And not addressing abusive and excessive force baba cop only encourages and enables future use of excessive force by this officer and others.
Pin a medal on that cop
It has already been pinned on him and it says...stupid ass with no job.
Did his job. Let's don't forget facts. The community thanks him to
Yes lets not forget facts...he was thanked right out of a job.

He was railroaded in a firestorm of feckless PC hysteria.

Not to worry tho'... that school system and many others will suffer devastating consequences as a result of the foolish children that fire the police officer.
Sure and fairies will sprinkle pixie dust and restore his job.
You have lost...too bad you believe it to be something other.
Big words and all that...lol

OH my... the rare "Wait until no one's watching Concession"...


Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Oh my...he still dosent know the meaning of the word concession.


Your most recent concession to the same standing points is duly noted and summarily accepted.

If you're going for the record, you'll need to muster up some enthusiasm... some dip-shit already bumped Gilligan from his 7 in a row world record, tonight.
Too bad...you are a sore loser.
Go look up concession, you are still confused.
Again....she had no intention of going quietly. She planned for "something to happen".

Even more evidence which may add an extra 0 to the cops wrongful termination settlement check.

Your confidence is based on circumstances which prevailed before the ubiquitous presence of video cameras brought about a critical change. Evidence testimony is no longer restricted to what may be read and heard -- but what may be seen.

This is a new day.
I didn't bring up the termination, you did. You asked and answered a question that I had not asked. A straw man.

Spinning and deflecting for the girl's bad behavior only enables future bad behavior, I don't know why this isn't obvious.

Does that matter to you?
And not addressing abusive and excessive force baba cop only encourages and enables future use of excessive force by this officer and others.
Pin a medal on that cop
It has already been pinned on him and it says...stupid ass with no job.
Did his job. Let's don't forget facts. The community thanks him to
Yes lets not forget facts...he was thanked right out of a job.
Only by one man
Again....she had no intention of going quietly. She planned for "something to happen".

Even more evidence which may add an extra 0 to the cops wrongful termination settlement check.

Your confidence is based on circumstances which prevailed before the ubiquitous presence of video cameras brought about a critical change. Evidence testimony is no longer restricted to what may be read and heard -- but what may be seen.

This is a new day.
Students want him back hmmmmmmmm they like him
And not addressing abusive and excessive force baba cop only encourages and enables future use of excessive force by this officer and others.
Pin a medal on that cop
It has already been pinned on him and it says...stupid ass with no job.
Did his job. Let's don't forget facts. The community thanks him to
Yes lets not forget facts...he was thanked right out of a job.
Only by one man
The one man that ultimately matters...lol.
He is called your boss.
Again....she had no intention of going quietly. She planned for "something to happen".

Even more evidence which may add an extra 0 to the cops wrongful termination settlement check.

Your confidence is based on circumstances which prevailed before the ubiquitous presence of video cameras brought about a critical change. Evidence testimony is no longer restricted to what may be read and heard -- but what may be seen.

This is a new day.
Students want him back hmmmmmmmm they like him
Who cares? He's gone, as he should be.
Wrong fucking girl, moron. Your article is about the girl who got arrested for filming the attack on the girl in the desk.
I wasn't aware of any such arrest. You're saying a different student was arrested for video recording that incident?

If so, unless that county's government has recently managed to legislate some means of circumventing the First Amendment I wonder how they will try to justify that.
A 2002 study found black students are more likely to be disciplined for subjective offenses, such as defiance or loitering; white students are more likely to be disciplined for more clear-cut reasons, such as cutting class, smoking, and vandalism. And a sweeping 2012 study of discipline policies in Texas backed this up: Even after controlling for 83 other factors, black students were 31 percent more likely to be suspended for discretionary reasons, rather than because they committed infractions where suspension was a mandatory punishment. That suggests some form of implicit bias is at play that leads to harsher punishment for black students than for others.
The hidden racism of school discipline, in 7 charts

Thank you for posting this subject.

"The "school-to-prison pipeline" refers to the policies and practices that push our nation's schoolchildren, especially our most at-risk children, out of classrooms and into the juvenile and criminal justice systems. This pipeline reflects the prioritization of incarceration over education."

What is the School-to-Prison Pipeline?
He'll be working at Dennys where he can make slams all day. :rofl:

He's gonna settle a wrongful termination lawsuit for 200k or so....and he'll be working for Lexington County within a year.
Just like the girl he attacked planned it? Right, you useless twat.
She did. Only an idiot thinks this wasn't a setup. That's why you shit stains are saying, "If he could get sucked in by that, he deserves to be fired."
She did not. You are as fucking stupid and dishonest as the OP.
^ I got nothin'
I don't understand even if her actions were premeditated, even if she did anticipate a reaction form the cop in school, even if she did tell her classmates to ready their cameras, how the actions of the cop in school could be justified.

And I don't understand the Conservatives who are comfortable with the actions of the cop in school. Or how the Conservatives could find some ethical solace in believing that blaming the victim is an acceptable rationalization for unprofessional police behavior.

But, then again, blaming the victim is a rock steady Conservative fall back position. It comes from a lack of civic ethics and a latent racism.
Most (not all) Conservatives are authoritarian personalities. That mentality is the primary source of their political orientation. (See: The Authoritarians, by Bob Altemeyer. Available from Amazon).
... bigot ...

The absolute coolest thing about the use of the word bigot, is that where such is used to define another... such is a demonstration of the literal meaning of the word.

It's a paradox, which is naturally lost on the intellectually less fortunate. Which just adds to the hilarity!
In other words you admit to being one of the less fortunate...not really a revelation.

Oh! Deflection and misdirection? Now that is a FINE means of concession.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
^ I got nothin'
what are you calling an "unlawful use of force"? What should the "cop" have done in the face of a 16 year old's refusal to leave a classroom at the behest of the teacher-------kiss her ass?. When I was 16 I was not called a child---------when I was 20 ----if the prof told me to leave a college classroom----I would have done so---------at what age are PEOPLE permitted to spit in the face of the "teacher"?
I can't offer any specific suggestion as to what he should have done. But I'm quite sure what he definitely should not have done is attack like an enraged MMA cage fighter -- which is the reason he was fired.
I don't understand even if her actions were premeditated, even if she did anticipate a reaction form the cop in school, even if she did tell her classmates to ready their cameras, how the actions of the cop in school could be justified.

And I don't understand the Conservatives who are comfortable with the actions of the cop in school. Or how the Conservatives could find some ethical solace in believing that blaming the victim is an acceptable rationalization for unprofessional police behavior.

But, then again, blaming the victim is a rock steady Conservative fall back position. It comes from a lack of civic ethics and a latent racism.
Most (not all) Conservatives are authoritarian personalities. That mentality is the primary source of their political orientation. (See: The Authoritarians, by Bob Altemeyer. Available from Amazon).
Like the moron on here who wanted the cop to smash her face into the rug so that she was breathing through her own blood. He said that such a thing would teach her a lesson. He probably has his own CPS file cabinet.
These Nasty fucks defending this shit carried out by the Officer are the same Nasty fucks who have cheered every God damn disrespect shown to the President of the United States of America...they now are concerned with "a lack of respect for Authority figures "... Seriously you fucks are insufferable in your phony hypocritical idiocy.... GVuess what Bull shit squadron the POTUS is the Commander In Chief of the Nations Armed Forces...he is the number one Authority figure and you all have been grossly irresponsibly disrespectful to the N th degree to Obama...
Ahh, what a cry baby. S
We didn't make her a victim. Officer slam did. His boss and the district agree. She set them in motion and officer slam crossed the line from there.
Now, why do you continue to blame her for the actions of a grown man?

Because her actions precipitated his intervention. Duh.

Ok we're getting there.
So we both agree the girl caused a problem.
We agree that intervention was required.
So it seems we agree up to the point where the officer acted. At that point the girl's actions are done and it's the officer acting for those four seconds or so. Where is the girl responsible for the action that got the officer fired?
The officer didn't get fired by his own actions or her actions. He got fired because of the Toy Sheriff who played politics with his career.
The Toy Sheriff in his shiny little cop costume (fake it until you make it?) does not have the power to turn fiction into fact.

And you can't turn your speculation into fact.
the threat was removed

You're right. Officer slam is now the night cook at the Dennys at the exit 42 rest stop.
Maybe you and St. Michael can rolll in there and order yourselves up a slam for old times sake. Just make sure you tip well as he now is on the skids.
yep, I'd pin a medal on his chest bubba!! I'm done with this abuse by youths.
I do not disagree with your feelings in this matter. But if the situation were handled in the manner you've suggested how long do you think it would be before a substantial percentage of cops would by punching ordinary citizens in the face during traffic stops for not behaving submissively?

The real meaning behind the protest against this cop's behavior is much deeper than it seems at first glance. It appears this cop has some history and there is more to this story than meets the eye.
We didn't make her a victim. Officer slam did. His boss and the district agree. She set them in motion and officer slam crossed the line from there.
Now, why do you continue to blame her for the actions of a grown man?

Because her actions precipitated his intervention. Duh.

Ok we're getting there.
So we both agree the girl caused a problem.
We agree that intervention was required.
So it seems we agree up to the point where the officer acted. At that point the girl's actions are done and it's the officer acting for those four seconds or so. Where is the girl responsible for the action that got the officer fired?
The officer didn't get fired by his own actions or her actions. He got fired because of the Toy Sheriff who played politics with his career. You expect everyone to agree with you that the video proves he did something wrong. It doesn't. And the many teachers, administrators, students and fellow cops who saw the same video saw nothing wrong with the handling of this situation. It was one guy, who admits his opinion is at odds with the majority, making the decision.

The Toy Sheriff in his shiny little cop costume (fake it until you make it?) does not have the power to turn fiction into fact.

does not have the power to turn fiction into fact.

Nor do you. That is not in evidence. You all snicker and high five each other over the idea the " lefties lie". The sad truth is every time one of you have been pushed on this it's always the political conspiracy fallback excuse. We all know that is the lie.
I believe the outrage people felt was not based in race but simply that this was a school officer who's purpose is to protect the school and savaged a child unnecessarily.
It's sad really that you and others on here are so jaded and cynical that you have to believe that just to get you head around it.
What outrage? From Jesse Jackson? From Black Lives Matter? Sorry, but the manufactured outrage of political activist groups isn't real outrage. All the real outrage is on BEHALF of Deputy Ben Fields, or haven't you been paying attention?

You're full of shit.
You don't have the balls to meet me in the square. I've given you every opportunity and you choose to stand with the snickering idiots on the corner. You talk but say nothing. What do your elders say of such a man?
You're full of shit.
You don't have the balls to meet me in the square. I've given you every opportunity and you choose to stand with the snickering idiots on the corner. You talk but say nothing. What do your elders say of such a man?



Every DAY I pray that today will be the day that the good Lord opens the first actual US Civil war and subsequently opens hunting season you these creatures.


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