S.C. school brat told friends before cop encounter: "Get yall phones out". She did it purposely.

Unfortunately Officer Slam will not be able to attend as he has been banned for life from district properties.
Really? By who?

Exactly. You made it up.

At this point are you really going to push this?
I'll help you out. He hasn't been banned for life, he's been banned pending an investigation:

Video shows South Carolina school officer tossing student in classroom

So far no word on it becoming permanent.

Yes , I'm sure he's welcomed back any time after this blows over.
Nice link from before he was fired. Weak.
You are reduced to arguing this point?
You're done.
Unfortunately Officer Slam will not be able to attend as he has been banned for life from district properties.
Really? By who?

Exactly. You made it up.

At this point are you really going to push this?
I'll help you out. He hasn't been banned for life, he's been banned pending an investigation:

Video shows South Carolina school officer tossing student in classroom

So far no word on it becoming permanent.
There's not a chance in hell they will ever allow him back in to work with the kids in any way, shape, or form. Throw a kid and we throw you away, for life...
Life in America: Click here to support Support Spring Valley Victim by Todd Rutherford


"Saturday the district released an update on its comments on the situation.

Richland Two Chief Communications Officer Libby Roof said: “No suspension or expulsion recommendations or actions have been taken against the students in connection with the incident on Monday and they have been allowed to return to school. Criminal charges are not handled by the district. While the independent investigation is being conducted, a substitute teacher is teaching the class during which the incident occurred. Consistent with the district’s standard procedure when investigations are being conducted, the administrator is on paid leave.”
District: no disciplinary actions taken toward students following classroom disruption
He's gonna settle a wrongful termination lawsuit for 200k or so....and he'll be working for Lexington County within a year.
Just like the girl he attacked planned it? Right, you useless twat.
She did. Only an idiot thinks this wasn't a setup. That's why you shit stains are saying, "If he could get sucked in by that, he deserves to be fired."
She did not. You are as fucking stupid and dishonest as the OP.
^ I got nothin'
He stole that silly attempt at intellectual judo from shootspeeders.
If you have to use shootspeeders as an intellectual goalpost how stupid are you to begin with???
You're full of shit.
You don't have the balls to meet me in the square. I've given you every opportunity and you choose to stand with the snickering idiots on the corner. You talk but say nothing. What do your elders say of such a man?



Every DAY I pray that today will be the day that the good Lord opens the first actual US Civil war and subsequently opens hunting season you these creatures.


Why dont you kick it off dummy. Oh, that's right...you're "waiting". SuuuUURRRE
If it did start his new name would be "where did I leave my bullets."
You should feel bad about defending the brutal actions of a rogue cop. That's the issue.

When any child misbehaves, it should NOT be the motivation of an adult to assault her. The adult acted badly. Worse, in fact, than a girl with a cell phone.
Feel fine defending him, just like hundreds of kids in the high school who protested his firing , and are calling for him to be rehired. Fields did not assault. He used minimal force. Other criminals who did less than this girl have been shot.
Last edited:
Life in America: Click here to support Support Spring Valley Victim by Todd Rutherford


"Saturday the district released an update on its comments on the situation.

Richland Two Chief Communications Officer Libby Roof said: “No suspension or expulsion recommendations or actions have been taken against the students in connection with the incident on Monday and they have been allowed to return to school. Criminal charges are not handled by the district. While the independent investigation is being conducted, a substitute teacher is teaching the class during which the incident occurred. Consistent with the district’s standard procedure when investigations are being conducted, the administrator is on paid leave.”
District: no disciplinary actions taken toward students following classroom disruption

Thanks, but this isn't about the student or the officer anymore. They will just find another excuse and call names like 3rd graders.
LOL! Nice try, Where_r_my_brains.
Not all white people, including myself, are redneck, hillbilly, racist twits.
According to the definition of racism, I would need to believe that all white people have this character flaw, and that's not the way it is.
This reminds me of when right wing loons tried to make up a new term called "reverse racism." There's simply no such thing as reverse racism, shit for brains.

Doesn't matter what you call it. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION is still the # 1 racism in America, 50 years running.
I think this line sums up the differences in opinion.

The cop supporters believe she deserved it and the cop should have been rough with her I guess because she was a " little bitch" , "potch monkey" or some other sort of dangerous miscreant.

This is the juvenile, simple minded, brutish attitude shared by his fellow sophisticates.

While the cop dissenters believe that it's not up to the cop at all to decide what she deserves but to merely do his business within the scope of his training and per policy in a professional manner, using only what force is necessary.

This is the mature approach. The position taken by the powers that be. The only correct position that can be taken.
Tell us some more about how the porch monkey was just an emotionally despondent child lobbying for attention because she just lost her mother. Lie to us some more, Leftists.

Irrelevant to the stated reason for termination.
What kind of idiot blames a child for the bad judgement of adults?
It isn't irrelevant. You Leftwats were trying to make us feel bad for dumping on this poor girl who just lost her mother, and now we find you just made it up. I should have known. I'm usually pretty good at knowing when you all are lying.

Which is all the time.
You should feel bad about defending the brutal actions of a rogue cop. That's the issue.

When any child misbehaves, it should NOT be the motivation of an adult to assault her. The adult acted badly. Worse, in fact, than a girl with a cell phone.
Feel fine defending him, just like dozens of kids in the high school who protests his firing , and are calling for him to be rehired. Fields did not assault. He used minimal force. Other criminals who did less than this girl have been shot.

You mean the kids that broke school rules and interrupted class?

Wow, you support class disruptions now or were students getting slammed with your support?
LOL! Nice try, Where_r_my_brains.
Not all white people, including myself, are redneck, hillbilly, racist twits.
According to the definition of racism, I would need to believe that all white people have this character flaw, and that's not the way it is.
This reminds me of when right wing loons tried to make up a new term called "reverse racism." There's simply no such thing as reverse racism, shit for brains.

Doesn't matter what you call it. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION is still the # 1 racism in America, 50 years running.

LOL! Nice try, Where_r_my_brains.
Not all white people, including myself, are redneck, hillbilly, racist twits.
According to the definition of racism, I would need to believe that all white people have this character flaw, and that's not the way it is.
This reminds me of when right wing loons tried to make up a new term called "reverse racism." There's simply no such thing as reverse racism, shit for brains.

Doesn't matter what you call it. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION is still the # 1 racism in America, 50 years running.

Which one did you say you resemble most?

You mean the kids that broke school rules and interrupted class?

Wow, you support class disruptions now or were students getting slammed with your support?
NO, because they didn't interrupt anything. They just WALKED OUT. Try reading the link.
LOL! Nice try, Where_r_my_brains.
Not all white people, including myself, are redneck, hillbilly, racist twits.
According to the definition of racism, I would need to believe that all white people have this character flaw, and that's not the way it is.
This reminds me of when right wing loons tried to make up a new term called "reverse racism." There's simply no such thing as reverse racism, shit for brains.

Doesn't matter what you call it. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION is still the # 1 racism in America, 50 years running.

Which one did you say you resemble most?


The one in the shorts lol

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