S.C. school brat told friends before cop encounter: "Get yall phones out". She did it purposely.

it still seems SORTA PLANNED-------in the sense of a level of collusion.

Planning a little shitty prank like that does not take months and an elaborate written proposal. It takes a wink and a nod
"Planned?" You mean like a drug "sting." A "Buy & bust" operation?

If it was planned that doesn't make it either wrong or illegal. It was simply a way of calling attention to an existing problem -- an unrestrained, bullying cop.
You're full of shit.
You don't have the balls to meet me in the square. I've given you every opportunity and you choose to stand with the snickering idiots on the corner. You talk but say nothing. What do your elders say of such a man?



Every DAY I pray that today will be the day that the good Lord opens the first actual US Civil war and subsequently opens hunting season you these creatures.

Your Jesus does not, and never did, exist...

So why keep saying if she had listened it would never have happened? That's irrelevant.

The actions that led to this whole incident are irrelevant?

You can do better than that.
The reasons for his actions are not relevant to his use of excessive force. Why is that so hard for dipshits like you to understand?

I like to keep a somewhat open mind but I honestly believe after the way this incident and the girl have been repeatedly characterized ,that it is no more than fury over the idea that a white officer lost his job over a black girl. Maybe I'm wrong but I haven't seen anything that would make me think otherwise. Add in the way a white rapist is defended in another thread and it becomes even more apparent.
When all else fails, scream "Racism!"

You lose.

When all else fails, scream.......
The officer didn't get fired by his own actions or her actions. He got fired because of the Toy Sheriff who played politics with his career.

So why keep saying if she had listened it would never have happened? That's irrelevant.

The actions that led to this whole incident are irrelevant?

You can do better than that.
The reasons for his actions are not relevant to his use of excessive force. Why is that so hard for dipshits like you to understand?

I like to keep a somewhat open mind but I honestly believe after the way this incident and the girl have been repeatedly characterized ,that it is no more than fury over the idea that a white officer lost his job over a black girl. Maybe I'm wrong but I haven't seen anything that would make me think otherwise. Add in the way a white rapist is defended in another thread and it becomes even more apparent.
Not at all

Not surprising, BTW clean up in isle 3. Get on it please.
I like to keep a somewhat open mind but I honestly believe after the way this incident and the girl have been repeatedly characterized ,that it is no more than fury over the idea that a white officer lost his job over a black girl. Maybe I'm wrong but I haven't seen anything that would make me think otherwise. Add in the way a white rapist is defended in another thread and it becomes even more apparent.

That's all it is. If they were all about law and order they wouldn't defend the rapist AND defend the students who defied school rules and walked out.

Of course they will never say it directly. I used this example before where they fit the definition but hate that they fit the very definition of racism. No way they find class disruption more offensive than child rape.

So they'll call her and others a ni**er, monkey etc. But they'll also say it not racist to do so. Even the OP flat out lied and keeps pushing the lie for "no reason"

So they'll say for example:

That thing has leaves and roots. But when you say "Tree" they say "I didnt say that" like they are fooling someone. But it's plain to see.

No way they find class disruption more offensive than child rape.

There's only one difference that allows that to be the case. The point is obvious.

Again....she had no intention of going quietly. She planned for "something to happen".

Even more evidence which may add an extra 0 to the cops wrongful termination settlement check.

Your confidence is based on circumstances which prevailed before the ubiquitous presence of video cameras brought about a critical change. Evidence testimony is no longer restricted to what may be read and heard -- but what may be seen.

This is a new day.
Students want him back hmmmmmmmm they like him

Unfortunately Officer Slam will not be able to attend as he has been banned for life from district properties.
Because her actions precipitated his intervention. Duh.

Ok we're getting there.
So we both agree the girl caused a problem.
We agree that intervention was required.
So it seems we agree up to the point where the officer acted. At that point the girl's actions are done and it's the officer acting for those four seconds or so. Where is the girl responsible for the action that got the officer fired?
The officer didn't get fired by his own actions or her actions. He got fired because of the Toy Sheriff who played politics with his career. You expect everyone to agree with you that the video proves he did something wrong. It doesn't. And the many teachers, administrators, students and fellow cops who saw the same video saw nothing wrong with the handling of this situation. It was one guy, who admits his opinion is at odds with the majority, making the decision.

The Toy Sheriff in his shiny little cop costume (fake it until you make it?) does not have the power to turn fiction into fact.

does not have the power to turn fiction into fact.

Nor do you. That is not in evidence. You all snicker and high five each other over the idea the " lefties lie". The sad truth is every time one of you have been pushed on this it's always the political conspiracy fallback excuse. We all know that is the lie.
I believe the outrage people felt was not based in race but simply that this was a school officer who's purpose is to protect the school and savaged a child unnecessarily.
It's sad really that you and others on here are so jaded and cynical that you have to believe that just to get you head around it.
What outrage? From Jesse Jackson? From Black Lives Matter? Sorry, but the manufactured outrage of political activist groups isn't real outrage. All the real outrage is on BEHALF of Deputy Ben Fields, or haven't you been paying attention?

You're full of shit.
You don't have the balls to meet me in the square. I've given you every opportunity and you choose to stand with the snickering idiots on the corner. You talk but say nothing. What do your elders say of such a man?

Sounds like you got an anger management problem. You sound like Mr. Furious in "Mystery Men", getting angry and throwing a fit but doing absolutely nothing. Your post doesn't refute anything I said, it's just an directionless tantrum. But like Mr. Furious, you'll walk away thinking you accomplished something with all your bluster and spittle. So pathetic.
Again....she had no intention of going quietly. She planned for "something to happen".

Even more evidence which may add an extra 0 to the cops wrongful termination settlement check.

Your confidence is based on circumstances which prevailed before the ubiquitous presence of video cameras brought about a critical change. Evidence testimony is no longer restricted to what may be read and heard -- but what may be seen.

This is a new day.
Students want him back hmmmmmmmm they like him

Unfortunately Officer Slam will not be able to attend as he has been banned for life from district properties.
Really? By who?
Wrong fucking girl, moron. Your article is about the girl who got arrested for filming the attack on the girl in the desk.
I wasn't aware of any such arrest. You're saying a different student was arrested for video recording that incident?

If so, unless that county's government has recently managed to legislate some means of circumventing the First Amendment I wonder how they will try to justify that.

By dropping the charges no doubt.
Again....she had no intention of going quietly. She planned for "something to happen".

Even more evidence which may add an extra 0 to the cops wrongful termination settlement check.

Your confidence is based on circumstances which prevailed before the ubiquitous presence of video cameras brought about a critical change. Evidence testimony is no longer restricted to what may be read and heard -- but what may be seen.

This is a new day.
Students want him back hmmmmmmmm they like him

Unfortunately Officer Slam will not be able to attend as he has been banned for life from district properties.
Really? By who?

You're full of shit.
You don't have the balls to meet me in the square. I've given you every opportunity and you choose to stand with the snickering idiots on the corner. You talk but say nothing. What do your elders say of such a man?



Every DAY I pray that today will be the day that the good Lord opens the first actual US Civil war and subsequently opens hunting season you these creatures.


^Snickering idiot.
Ok we're getting there.
So we both agree the girl caused a problem.
We agree that intervention was required.
So it seems we agree up to the point where the officer acted. At that point the girl's actions are done and it's the officer acting for those four seconds or so. Where is the girl responsible for the action that got the officer fired?
The officer didn't get fired by his own actions or her actions. He got fired because of the Toy Sheriff who played politics with his career. You expect everyone to agree with you that the video proves he did something wrong. It doesn't. And the many teachers, administrators, students and fellow cops who saw the same video saw nothing wrong with the handling of this situation. It was one guy, who admits his opinion is at odds with the majority, making the decision.

The Toy Sheriff in his shiny little cop costume (fake it until you make it?) does not have the power to turn fiction into fact.

does not have the power to turn fiction into fact.

Nor do you. That is not in evidence. You all snicker and high five each other over the idea the " lefties lie". The sad truth is every time one of you have been pushed on this it's always the political conspiracy fallback excuse. We all know that is the lie.
I believe the outrage people felt was not based in race but simply that this was a school officer who's purpose is to protect the school and savaged a child unnecessarily.
It's sad really that you and others on here are so jaded and cynical that you have to believe that just to get you head around it.
What outrage? From Jesse Jackson? From Black Lives Matter? Sorry, but the manufactured outrage of political activist groups isn't real outrage. All the real outrage is on BEHALF of Deputy Ben Fields, or haven't you been paying attention?

You're full of shit.
You don't have the balls to meet me in the square. I've given you every opportunity and you choose to stand with the snickering idiots on the corner. You talk but say nothing. What do your elders say of such a man?

Sounds like you got an anger management problem. You sound like Mr. Furious in "Mystery Men", getting angry and throwing a fit but doing absolutely nothing. Your post doesn't refute anything I said, it's just an directionless tantrum. But like Mr. Furious, you'll walk away thinking you accomplished something with all your bluster and spittle. So pathetic.

Not trying to accomplish anything. Just pointing a finger at your weakness. You don't have to do anything. Everyone's seen it.
Again....she had no intention of going quietly. She planned for "something to happen".

Even more evidence which may add an extra 0 to the cops wrongful termination settlement check.

Your confidence is based on circumstances which prevailed before the ubiquitous presence of video cameras brought about a critical change. Evidence testimony is no longer restricted to what may be read and heard -- but what may be seen.

This is a new day.
Students want him back hmmmmmmmm they like him

Unfortunately Officer Slam will not be able to attend as he has been banned for life from district properties.
Really? By who?

Exactly. You made it up.
The officer didn't get fired by his own actions or her actions. He got fired because of the Toy Sheriff who played politics with his career. You expect everyone to agree with you that the video proves he did something wrong. It doesn't. And the many teachers, administrators, students and fellow cops who saw the same video saw nothing wrong with the handling of this situation. It was one guy, who admits his opinion is at odds with the majority, making the decision.

The Toy Sheriff in his shiny little cop costume (fake it until you make it?) does not have the power to turn fiction into fact.

does not have the power to turn fiction into fact.

Nor do you. That is not in evidence. You all snicker and high five each other over the idea the " lefties lie". The sad truth is every time one of you have been pushed on this it's always the political conspiracy fallback excuse. We all know that is the lie.
I believe the outrage people felt was not based in race but simply that this was a school officer who's purpose is to protect the school and savaged a child unnecessarily.
It's sad really that you and others on here are so jaded and cynical that you have to believe that just to get you head around it.
What outrage? From Jesse Jackson? From Black Lives Matter? Sorry, but the manufactured outrage of political activist groups isn't real outrage. All the real outrage is on BEHALF of Deputy Ben Fields, or haven't you been paying attention?

You're full of shit.
You don't have the balls to meet me in the square. I've given you every opportunity and you choose to stand with the snickering idiots on the corner. You talk but say nothing. What do your elders say of such a man?

Sounds like you got an anger management problem. You sound like Mr. Furious in "Mystery Men", getting angry and throwing a fit but doing absolutely nothing. Your post doesn't refute anything I said, it's just an directionless tantrum. But like Mr. Furious, you'll walk away thinking you accomplished something with all your bluster and spittle. So pathetic.

Not trying to accomplish anything. Just pointing a finger at your weakness. You don't have to do anything. Everyone's seen it.

Weakness? You mean like making up lifetime bans?

Your confidence is based on circumstances which prevailed before the ubiquitous presence of video cameras brought about a critical change. Evidence testimony is no longer restricted to what may be read and heard -- but what may be seen.

This is a new day.
Students want him back hmmmmmmmm they like him

Unfortunately Officer Slam will not be able to attend as he has been banned for life from district properties.
Really? By who?

Exactly. You made it up.

At this point are you really going to push this?
Because her actions precipitated his intervention. Duh.

Ok we're getting there.
So we both agree the girl caused a problem.
We agree that intervention was required.
So it seems we agree up to the point where the officer acted. At that point the girl's actions are done and it's the officer acting for those four seconds or so. Where is the girl responsible for the action that got the officer fired?
The officer didn't get fired by his own actions or her actions. He got fired because of the Toy Sheriff who played politics with his career. You expect everyone to agree with you that the video proves he did something wrong. It doesn't. And the many teachers, administrators, students and fellow cops who saw the same video saw nothing wrong with the handling of this situation. It was one guy, who admits his opinion is at odds with the majority, making the decision.

The Toy Sheriff in his shiny little cop costume (fake it until you make it?) does not have the power to turn fiction into fact.

does not have the power to turn fiction into fact.

Nor do you. That is not in evidence. You all snicker and high five each other over the idea the " lefties lie". The sad truth is every time one of you have been pushed on this it's always the political conspiracy fallback excuse. We all know that is the lie.
I believe the outrage people felt was not based in race but simply that this was a school officer who's purpose is to protect the school and savaged a child unnecessarily.
It's sad really that you and others on here are so jaded and cynical that you have to believe that just to get you head around it.
What outrage? From Jesse Jackson? From Black Lives Matter? Sorry, but the manufactured outrage of political activist groups isn't real outrage. All the real outrage is on BEHALF of Deputy Ben Fields, or haven't you been paying attention?

You're full of shit.
You don't have the balls to meet me in the square. I've given you every opportunity and you choose to stand with the snickering idiots on the corner. You talk but say nothing. What do your elders say of such a man?

They are all about making bullshit allegations like the OP and they quote each other trying to legitimize the bullshit.

They are racists shit lord trolls and there is no other way around it.
You're full of shit.
You don't have the balls to meet me in the square. I've given you every opportunity and you choose to stand with the snickering idiots on the corner. You talk but say nothing. What do your elders say of such a man?



Every DAY I pray that today will be the day that the good Lord opens the first actual US Civil war and subsequently opens hunting season you these creatures.


Why dont you kick it off dummy. Oh, that's right...you're "waiting". SuuuUURRRE
Ok we're getting there.
So we both agree the girl caused a problem.
We agree that intervention was required.
So it seems we agree up to the point where the officer acted. At that point the girl's actions are done and it's the officer acting for those four seconds or so. Where is the girl responsible for the action that got the officer fired?
The officer didn't get fired by his own actions or her actions. He got fired because of the Toy Sheriff who played politics with his career. You expect everyone to agree with you that the video proves he did something wrong. It doesn't. And the many teachers, administrators, students and fellow cops who saw the same video saw nothing wrong with the handling of this situation. It was one guy, who admits his opinion is at odds with the majority, making the decision.

The Toy Sheriff in his shiny little cop costume (fake it until you make it?) does not have the power to turn fiction into fact.

does not have the power to turn fiction into fact.

Nor do you. That is not in evidence. You all snicker and high five each other over the idea the " lefties lie". The sad truth is every time one of you have been pushed on this it's always the political conspiracy fallback excuse. We all know that is the lie.
I believe the outrage people felt was not based in race but simply that this was a school officer who's purpose is to protect the school and savaged a child unnecessarily.
It's sad really that you and others on here are so jaded and cynical that you have to believe that just to get you head around it.
What outrage? From Jesse Jackson? From Black Lives Matter? Sorry, but the manufactured outrage of political activist groups isn't real outrage. All the real outrage is on BEHALF of Deputy Ben Fields, or haven't you been paying attention?

You're full of shit.
You don't have the balls to meet me in the square. I've given you every opportunity and you choose to stand with the snickering idiots on the corner. You talk but say nothing. What do your elders say of such a man?

They are all about making bullshit allegations like the OP and they quote each other trying to legitimize the bullshit.

They are racists shit lord trolls and there is no other way around it.

No doubt. Any time now they'll just stop responding and the thread will die yet they will claim victory. A squadron of hit and run troll idiots. Empty life losers.
Students want him back hmmmmmmmm they like him

Unfortunately Officer Slam will not be able to attend as he has been banned for life from district properties.
Really? By who?

Exactly. You made it up.

At this point are you really going to push this?
I'll help you out. He hasn't been banned for life, he's been banned pending an investigation:

Video shows South Carolina school officer tossing student in classroom

So far no word on it becoming permanent.
Unfortunately Officer Slam will not be able to attend as he has been banned for life from district properties.
Really? By who?

Exactly. You made it up.

At this point are you really going to push this?
I'll help you out. He hasn't been banned for life, he's been banned pending an investigation:

Video shows South Carolina school officer tossing student in classroom

So far no word on it becoming permanent.

Go defend more rapist because their white.

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