S. Koreans in the crosshairs of Trump insanity, Japan trys to avert slaughter

Source: NBC News

TOKYO — Japan's National Security Council has discussed how to evacuate its nearly 60,000 citizens from South Korea in the event of a crisis, a government official said Friday amid rising concern over North Korea's nuclear weapons program.

North Korea denounced the U.S. on Friday for bringing "huge nuclear strategic assets" to the Korean peninsula as a U.S. aircraft carrier group headed for the region ahead of a feared sixth nuclear missile test.

Besides commercial ships and planes, Japan would want to send military aircraft and ships to assist in the evacuation if the South Korean government agreed, the official, familiar with the discussion, said. He declined to be identified because of the sensitivity of the topic.

The NSC, in a meeting on Thursday, also discussed how to cope with a possible flood of North Korean refugees into Japan, among whom might be North Korean spies and agents, Japanese media reported.

.......this is why previous presidents (including GWB who was pres when N. Korea tested their first nuke) didn't openly talk smack nor bet the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in Seoul with these threats

The US took out Iran's centrifuges with stuxnet so surely they can find another way to hobble Kim il Whatever

How silly! American willingness to use violence against NK is the only reason S. Korea exists.
We shouldn't hobble Kim we should kill him.

yup, we should get hundreds of thousands of S. Koreans blown to hell so Trump can puff his chest

okie dokie

Right. So-in your infinite wisdom-you are convinced that protecting S. Koreans from their enemy is somehow dangerous to their well being. And your strategy would be what? Surrender immediately? Maybe we should disarm our soldiers there for their own safety?
News flash: we remain at war with NK. Wars are not won by trying to act like a simpering bitch to every insane dictator that crosses our path.
It's time the United States, or at least our leaders, learn the United States can not go around the world 'solving the world's problems' by 'taking down' all the leaders / countries we / our leaders believe is a threat to the world without asking / conferring with any other nation...we especially can't take them all on at the same time.

North Korea

Will there ever be a generation of Americans who DON't know what it is like to ALWAYS be at war?

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