S*** Pelosi Says


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Help, help they stole my green pantsuit

S*** Pelosi Says

February 22, 2013
By Bosch Fawstin

Nancy Pelosi revealed how precarious the politician’s pretense at dignity is when she argued that the reason a pay cut for members of the house would not be good is because it would make them feel bad about themselves. Part of the problem with today’s America is that politicians are not reminded enough that they’re the least respected members of our society. Case in point, my below cartoon. In putting together Pelosi’s quotes, I thought of this popular twitter account. Sometimes, the most effective way to discredit someone is to allow him or her to speak uninterrupted…


S*** Pelosi Says
Picture Princess Nancy dressed like Xena the Warrior Princess....That doesn't interest you?.....
Excuse me I need to step away for a little while....
Pelosi’s Dance With Assad

September 6, 2013 By Majid Rafizadeh



Pelosi seemed to enjoy a good relationship with Assad, when she rejected President George W. Bush’s recommendation to not meet with Syria’s dictator. In 2007, Pelosi ignored the Bush administration’s foreign policies and met with one of the most authoritarian leaders of the world— one who has ruled Syria by killings, torture and oppression. Later, though, Pelosi praised Assad by stating, “We came in friendship, hope, and determined that the road to Damascus is a road to peace.” This rhetoric, these remarks, and the trip to Damascus itself further legitimized Assad’s rule, not only domestically but also regionally and internationally.

Furthermore, Pelosi also critically opposed the war against Iraq. According to her, the war was a grave foreign policy gaffe, based on the fact that it was unilateral, and that not all diplomatic venues and initiatives were explored. She stated, “I say flat out that unilateral use of force without first exhausting every diplomatic remedy and other remedies and making a case to the American people will be harmful to our war on terrorism.”

If Pelosi’s logic and doctrine suggest that unilateral military actions should be avoided, diplomatic efforts should be exhausted and a legitimate case should be made to the American people on the use of military force, then how could Pelosi justify supporting a military strike in Syria?


Regarding these shifting positions and reversal of stances on war, surveillance programs, the use of drones, and other foreign and domestic issues, the issue that arises is whether these overhauls of values and changing of positions are considered an evolution of thought or an actual transformations of values and ideologies. Or are policy makers just striving to be loyal to— and show solidarity with— the Democratic president, flip-flopping to approve Obama’s plans regardless of their outcome, and despite the fact that the plans may mark a total switchover from former values and positions?

Pelosi?s Dance With Assad | FrontPage Magazine

Nancy Pelosi says Obamacare is a dream come true… for the founders?



In a recent statement, Nancy Pelosi explained that Obamacare is a dream come true.

That’s nothing new — but here’s why…

It fulfills the promise of the founders.

“So this is awful in terms of the government being closed, but now we are in the third day of the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, a dream come true for many people in our country that they can fully realize the promise of our founders of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, healthier life, liberty to pursue their happiness.”

“Healthier life”? When did the founders talk about that?

“It’s the liberty to be forced into purchasing a plan that will make you an illegal citizen if you don’t purchase? That’s the liberty?” Pat questioned rhetorically. “That’s what our founders envisioned?”

“Well, yeah, our founders ‑‑ well, they were slave owners and they enjoyed slavery,” Glenn responded sarcastically, pointing out the hypocrisy of the view Democrats seem to hold of the founders.

One second the Democrats what the country to “progress” past the founders and the Constitution or falsely paint them all as slave-owners, the next they’re cherry-picking their writings to use them (falsely) for their own arguments.


Nancy Pelosi says Obamacare is a dream come true? for the founders? ? Glenn Beck

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