S. Sudan Clashes Leave 300,000 without Aid, Says UN


Senior Member
Oct 17, 2012
At least 1.5 million people have been displaced in South Sudan since fighting started in 2013, the UN says
South Sudan strife

More than 300,000 people are without "life-saving" aid in South Sudan's oil-rich Unity state after heavy fighting forced aid agencies to withdraw, the UN has said.
Government forces have been advancing towards Leer, the birthplace of rebel leader Riek Machar, reports say.
Emergency relief has come to a stop in areas worst-affected by fighting, the UN said.
International mediation efforts to end the 17-month conflict have failed.
South Sudan is the world's newest state, gaining independence from Sudan in 2011.
'Depleted food stocks'
Violence broke out in December 2013 when President Sava Kiir accused Mr Machar, his sacked deputy, of plotting a coup.
Mr Machar denied the allegation, but then formed a rebel army to fight government troops.
"Ongoing hostilities in Unity state have now obliged all non-governmental organisations and UN agencies to evacuate staff from Leer and other locations," said Toby Lanzer, the UN aid chief for South Sudan.
"As a consequence, over 300,000 civilians who are in need of emergency relief, including food aid and medical services, do not currently have access to such life-saving assistance."
On Friday, the UN said that up to 100,000 people had fled fighting in Unity state in the first week of this month.
South Sudan conflict:
Health facilities have been destroyed in the 17-month conflict
Government forces have been pushing south from the state capital Bentiu into rebel-controlled territory around Leer, home to once lucrative oil fields, the AFP news agency reports.
"Renewed violence in southern Unity comes at a time when stocks of food are depleted, and precisely at the height of the traditional planting season when civilians could be planting their crops in order to reap a harvest later this year," Mr Lanzer said in a statement.
Mr Kiir and Mr Machar signed a ceasefire deal in January this year, but violence has continued in parts of the country.
The UN estimates that 10,000 people have been killed and another 1.5 million displaced since the conflict began.
People starving' to death in So. Sudan...

UN: 30,000 South Sudanese Near Death by Starvation
October 22, 2015 - A new report says 30,000 people in South Sudan's Unity State are on the brink of starvation and death amid growing hunger in the war-ravaged country.
The report from U.N.-backed food security experts warns four Unity State counties could slide into famine conditions by the end of the year without immediate humanitarian assistance. Nearly four million South Sudanese in all, about a third of the population, are said to be in a food crisis or emergency, mostly in Unity, Jonglei and Upper Nile States. A joint statement from three U.N. relief agencies (UNICEF, the FAO, and the World Food Program) called for South Sudan's warring parties to allow unrestricted access to the affected areas.


Residents displaced by fighting between government and rebel forces are seen at a World Food Program (WFP) outpost in Kuernyang Payam, South Sudan​

South Sudan's government has been battling rebels led by former vice president Riek Machar since December of 2013. The fighting has displaced an estimated 2.6 million people. The new report was produced by analysts with the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification program.

The researchers said while hunger may decrease somewhat during harvest season, the number of food-insecure households is almost 80 percent higher than at this time last year. It said families are struggling to cope with the violence, erratic rainfall, depleted livelihood options, and high prices for food and fuel. The government and rebels signed a peace deal at the end of August but each side has accused the other of repeated violations.

UN: 30,000 South Sudanese Near Death by Starvation
Well, where is the UN to the rescue? aren't they the ONE now who is suppose to save us all?
Meanwhile the same happens in Sudan thanks to President Bashir.

Oso dear------must I google? is there a civil war going on in the Khartoum thing also called SUDAN?
I have not------kept up. I am an old tired person-------who is fighting whom now?

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