S.W.A.T. Team Shoots 107 Year Old Man

A flippant remark unworthy of your usual good sense, R.C.

Esmeralda is right. "This old man should not have had access to a gun."

My father owned a revolver. After he died, it kicked around my mother's house for a number of years. When my mother began going senile, she would get into black rages about her neighbors poisoning her flower beds -- all imaginary, of course. She could be very irrational about such things, and I worried about the revolver, should she take it into her head to use it. So I quietly removed it from the house and disposed of it.

No doubt there are people here who would call me a godless un-American thief who deprived my mother of her American Right and Freedom to murder whomsoever she pleased, but I know that I did the right thing.

Too bad this 107 year-old senile old man did not have someone to steal his sacred "American" Rights and Freedoms from him.

My father was an alcoholic, and once threatened to shoot us, but was too drunk to load the gun. Mom called the police, who arrested him, and removed the gun as evidence. By law, he had to give it back to my mom, but told her to get rid of it, or hide it. She got rid of it. He ended up committing suicide by another method.

The Right wing mantra, "Every one has a right to a gun" is utter nonsense.

I do not know one single second amendment supporter who would argue that any of these people mentioned above should still have access to a gun.

Now that your straw men are exposed for what they are, how about discussing relevant programs that gun folks have been advocating instead of just pulling stuff out of your ass and acting like it was genuine?

As far as I can see, from reading this message board, every right wing poster who is against gun regulations believes everyone in America should have the right to own a gun, without any restrictions.
That is what a PEACE OFFICER does. He does not assume that every civilian who gets called out is an enemy of the entire community, but far more likely to be a guy who is having a bad day and things are spiraling out of control and they are angry, confused and just lashing out blindly. Calm them down, remind them of what they care for, and then calmly explain to them their options. The military does not bother with that and is more concerned with tactical advantage than considering the humanity of the people involved.

We need to stop militarizing our police forces. This old man might have had a few more years left to him instead of being killed by cops who have lost the art of being a peace officer.
emphasis added
But in the militarized, totalitarian hell-hole that the USA has become, the police are deliberately trained in militaristic thinking and behavior, and so all too often behave like mindless, violent robots, always on a hair-trigger to go on a rampage.

What better way to cow and enslave the hapless victims of an insane ruling class?

My father was an alcoholic, and once threatened to shoot us, but was too drunk to load the gun. Mom called the police, who arrested him, and removed the gun as evidence. By law, he had to give it back to my mom, but told her to get rid of it, or hide it. She got rid of it. He ended up committing suicide by another method.

The Right wing mantra, "Every one has a right to a gun" is utter nonsense.

I do not know one single second amendment supporter who would argue that any of these people mentioned above should still have access to a gun.

Now that your straw men are exposed for what they are, how about discussing relevant programs that gun folks have been advocating instead of just pulling stuff out of your ass and acting like it was genuine?

As far as I can see, from reading this message board, every right wing poster who is against gun regulations believes everyone in America should have the right to own a gun, without any restrictions.

Well, I do not speak for anyone but myself, and I am OK with regulation that does not penalize law abiding citizens of sound mind. The process of how one is determined to NOT be of sound mind I believe should require a judges signature, and it should not be an automatic disqualification to own a gun.

To carry concealed in public, the requirements should be tighter, such as requiring periodic renewal of the license if still qualified and this should be affirmed via tests on law, eyesight, hand-eye coordination and gun target requalification every ten years or so.

Most gun owners and 2A supporters agree with something along those lines, but not anything that instantly disqualifies you, such as having a restraining order put on you in a divorce.
Most gun owners and 2A supporters agree with something along those lines, but not anything that instantly disqualifies you, such as having a restraining order put on you in a divorce.
Would having a restraining order put on him, assaulting a police officer and killing someone with a gun up the ante enough to pry the gun from his hand? · ·

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Most gun owners and 2A supporters agree with something along those lines, but not anything that instantly disqualifies you, such as having a restraining order put on you in a divorce.
Would having a restraining order put on him, assaulting a police officer and killing someone with a gun up the ante enough to pry the gun from his hand? · ·


OK, I will get in the mud with you, fraud, and answer your question as if you really mean it.

Any arrest for felonious assault should cause a person to have their gun rights suspended till end of said trial and permanently if convicted.

You don't know a godamned thing about what the vast majority of gun owners think is reasonable gun control law because you are another ideologue fully intent on doing what ever you want no matter who gets rolled and run over in the process.
A well trained police officer will instantly shoot to kill anyone who is intentionally using a firearm in such a way as to kill or injure any other person. He is also trained to shoot first, if the gun is pointed in his direction, and he has reason to believe that his life may be in danger.

Typical liberal think: use cops, as if they were soldiers, use soldiers, as if they were cops. Neither works well, especially for the people involved, but somehow it gives you folks a warm, fuzzy, secure feeling. Go figure. :cuckoo:

I work with cops. I am a trained uniformed officer with the Sheriff's Auxcilary Volunteers. When you feel so inclined as to take a job whereby you are putting your life on the line every single day, against people who would rather kill you than to be arrested and go to prison, let me know. and please include you wife's name and address, so that I can send her condolences on your death at the hands of an armed criminal who sees your reluctance to use a gun as his escape route.

Some people on this thread have seen way to many episodes of the Andy Griffith Show. There is a cure for that. Attend the funeral of an officer killed in the line of duty. I have attended three. Andy and Barney were not among the attendees.
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A well trained police officer will instantly shoot to kill anyone who is intentionally using a firearm in such a way as to kill or injure any other person. He is also trained to shoot first, if the gun is pointed in his direction, and he has reason to believe that his life may be in danger.

Typical liberal think: use cops, as if they were soldiers, use soldiers, as if they were cops. Neither works well, especially for the people involved, but somehow it gives you folks a warm, fuzzy, secure feeling. Go figure. :cuckoo:

I work with cops. I am a trained uniformed officer with the Sheriff's Auxcilary Volunteers. When you feel so inclined as to take a job whereby you are putting your life on the line every single day, against people who would rather kill you than to be arrested and go to prison, let me know. and please include you wife's name and address, so that I can send her condolences on your death at the hands of an armed criminal who sees your reluctance to use a gun as his escape route.

Some people on this thread have seen way to many episodes of the Andy Griffith Show. There is a cure for that. Attend the funeral of an officer killed in the line of duty. I have attended three. Andy and Barney were not among the attendees.

The police only went into that house because they had to prove they were tougher than a 107 year old man. If they were actually tougher they would have stayed outside and not given themselves an excuse to shoot him in self defense.
Typical liberal think: use cops, as if they were soldiers, use soldiers, as if they were cops. Neither works well, especially for the people involved....
But it works wonderfully well for the people whose goal is to turn the United States into a vast concentration camp.
Typical liberal think: use cops, as if they were soldiers, use soldiers, as if they were cops. Neither works well, especially for the people involved, but somehow it gives you folks a warm, fuzzy, secure feeling. Go figure. :cuckoo:

I work with cops. I am a trained uniformed officer with the Sheriff's Auxcilary Volunteers. When you feel so inclined as to take a job whereby you are putting your life on the line every single day, against people who would rather kill you than to be arrested and go to prison, let me know. and please include you wife's name and address, so that I can send her condolences on your death at the hands of an armed criminal who sees your reluctance to use a gun as his escape route.

Some people on this thread have seen way to many episodes of the Andy Griffith Show. There is a cure for that. Attend the funeral of an officer killed in the line of duty. I have attended three. Andy and Barney were not among the attendees.

The police only went into that house because they had to prove they were tougher than a 107 year old man. If they were actually tougher they would have stayed outside and not given themselves an excuse to shoot him in self defense.

And you'd be OK with it if one of the old man's bullets struck an innocent bystander while the cops were waiting?
Why don't you Leftytoons and Rightyloons quit with all the semantical arguments about old men, cars and banana republics. It's about hating guns.
I work with cops. I am a trained uniformed officer with the Sheriff's Auxcilary Volunteers. When you feel so inclined as to take a job whereby you are putting your life on the line every single day, against people who would rather kill you than to be arrested and go to prison, let me know. and please include you wife's name and address, so that I can send her condolences on your death at the hands of an armed criminal who sees your reluctance to use a gun as his escape route.

Some people on this thread have seen way to many episodes of the Andy Griffith Show. There is a cure for that. Attend the funeral of an officer killed in the line of duty. I have attended three. Andy and Barney were not among the attendees.

The police only went into that house because they had to prove they were tougher than a 107 year old man. If they were actually tougher they would have stayed outside and not given themselves an excuse to shoot him in self defense.

And you'd be OK with it if one of the old man's bullets struck an innocent bystander while the cops were waiting?

I keep telling you not to use the bold font because it rots your brain, yet you keep using it.

The story never once mentioned the bullets going anywhere until the cops tried to gas the guy. Since he wasn't firing random shots into the streets, and wasn't even shooting at the police who were outside his house, there was no need for the cops to go into the house to force him out.
The police only went into that house because they had to prove they were tougher than a 107 year old man. If they were actually tougher they would have stayed outside and not given themselves an excuse to shoot him in self defense.

And you'd be OK with it if one of the old man's bullets struck an innocent bystander while the cops were waiting?

I keep telling you not to use the bold font because it rots your brain, yet you keep using it.

I keep telling you to get over your obsession with something as insignificant as my choice of font and yet here you are still acting like a jackass.
The police only went into that house because they had to prove they were tougher than a 107 year old man. If they were actually tougher they would have stayed outside and not given themselves an excuse to shoot him in self defense.

And you'd be OK with it if one of the old man's bullets struck an innocent bystander while the cops were waiting?

The story never once mentioned the bullets going anywhere until the cops tried to gas the guy. Since he wasn't firing random shots into the streets, and wasn't even shooting at the police who were outside his house, there was no need for the cops to go into the house to force him out.

Read the story. He was shooting at the police who responded to the disturbance and someone could have been hit.

And you'd be OK with it if one of the old man's bullets struck an innocent bystander while the cops were waiting?

I keep telling you not to use the bold font because it rots your brain, yet you keep using it.

I keep telling you to get over your obsession with something as insignificant as my choice of font and yet here you are still acting like a jackass.

Did you notice yet that the only shots the old man fired were through his bedroom door when the cops tried to rush him, or does font abuse still have you thinking he was standing in the middle of the street shooting at people?

And you'd be OK with it if one of the old man's bullets struck an innocent bystander while the cops were waiting?

The story never once mentioned the bullets going anywhere until the cops tried to gas the guy. Since he wasn't firing random shots into the streets, and wasn't even shooting at the police who were outside his house, there was no need for the cops to go into the house to force him out.

Read the story. He was shooting at the police who responded to the disturbance and someone could have been hit.

I did read the story, which is why I know the police cleared the house of everyone but the old man without getting shot at, so the only reason anyone was in danger was because they decided to use force instead of waiting him out. If you stop abusing fonts you might know the same thing.
What used to be "S.W.A.T" doesn't resemble it's original charter...the "T" (tactics) seems to have been lost while the high-tech gadgetry is now in vogue even in tiny police departments around the country. It all began with the bank robbery in LA back in the 90's....the robbers had automatic weapons and body armor. They were confronted by LAPD with revolvers and no body-armor and it didn't go well for the coppers. So now your average Barney Fife not only has a bullet in his pocket, but a grenade-launcher under his M-16....little wonder many citizens are more afraid of the PO-LICE than they are of the local hoodlums.
I keep telling you not to use the bold font because it rots your brain, yet you keep using it.

I keep telling you to get over your obsession with something as insignificant as my choice of font and yet here you are still acting like a jackass.

Did you notice yet that the only shots the old man fired were through his bedroom door when the cops tried to rush him, or does font abuse still have you thinking he was standing in the middle of the street shooting at people?

He shot at the cops when they showed up to investigate the complaint. Bullets can penetrate walls too, dumbass.
I keep telling you to get over your obsession with something as insignificant as my choice of font and yet here you are still acting like a jackass.

Did you notice yet that the only shots the old man fired were through his bedroom door when the cops tried to rush him, or does font abuse still have you thinking he was standing in the middle of the street shooting at people?

He shot at the cops when they showed up to investigate the complaint. Bullets can penetrate walls too, dumbass.

He did not, stop the font abuse.
Did you notice yet that the only shots the old man fired were through his bedroom door when the cops tried to rush him, or does font abuse still have you thinking he was standing in the middle of the street shooting at people?

He shot at the cops when they showed up to investigate the complaint. Bullets can penetrate walls too, dumbass.

He did not, stop the font abuse.

When they arrived, they were able to determine that an Aggravated Assault had occurred against two people at the residence. The suspect, Monroe Isadore (M, 107 years old), had pointed a weapon at them. The officers had the two victims leave the residence, for their safety, and approached the door to the bedroom where Isadore was supposed to be.

When officers announced themselves, Isadore shot through the door at them.
No officer was hit or injured by the gunfire.

A counselor can help you with your fontphobia but probably can't help with your stupidity.

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