Sacramento residents outraged by secret drone program spying on neighborhood

Sacramento Residents Outraged By Secret Drone Program Spying on Neighborhood
A group of residents from Sacramento’s Land Park neighborhood are expressing their disgust with a secret drone program that has been exposed in the last month.

Well you idiots wanted to give up all your rights to feel oh so secure now you complain lol...don't like it when it touches home now do yah..

Obama lied saying he would reverse the patriot act but look at your man the Donald MD,HE has yet to do anything about it either. the american sheep did get what they asked for back then however when they were stupid enough to hand over their rights for the UNPATRIOT act which again,because of Trumps actions,same as Obama,dont expect it to be gone anytime soon.
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you gave a thank you,does that mean you are NOW seeing the light as well the Donald is a traiter only appearing to be on our side because he is the first president since carter to make america great? See the establishment was clever putting him in office BECAUSE he was not a career politician however like you already know,I did not trust him as i do ron paul BECAUSE he is well connected to the zionists and he is doing their bidding now lying to the american people about getting out of the middle east same as Obama.

Up till now I have gave him the benefit of the doubt that we were still in syrai because maybe it was a rogue CIA operation he had nothing to do with but he them came out and made a national public addrress speech himself and said he was going to send the military into syrai annoucing a bombing so its not happening without his knowledge. His latest actions are the same as Bush and Obama,bowing down to the interests of Israel telling lies that Iran is the threat when it is ISRAEL that is the threat.

Its IMPOSSIBLE for Iran to be a threat to the world because in this video here,ron paul and this other guy points out the FACTS that Iran is SURROUNDED by over a 100 military bases.Impossible for them to be a threat to the world if they have so many bases surroundng them.:abgg2q.jpg::haha:

Ron Paul talks about Trump pulling out of Iran deal

what the media here in the states is not telling you that the rest of the media from around the world DOES tell you and doesnt suppress,is that ISREAL has nuclear weapons,THEY are the threat,anytime those facts are exposed about them Israel gets offensive and calls people like me anti-semetic.:rolleyes:
I am among those people who think that police drones watching over our neighborhoods is the best development since the invention of sliced bread.

If predators knew that their every act was appearing on police screens, maybe they would think twice before committing home invasions, carjackings, etc.

If I had my druthers, those drones would be equipped to use non-lethal means to stun the bad guys until the police arrived on the scene.
I am among those people who think that police drones watching over our neighborhoods is the best development since the invention of sliced bread.

If predators knew that their every act was appearing on police screens, maybe they would think twice before committing home invasions, carjackings, etc.

If I had my druthers, those drones would be equipped to use non-lethal means to stun the bad guys until the police arrived on the scene.

They already are and wait until they accidentally shoot your kid or grand kid....

you can not be serious, many they've got you sold on PURE BS ........

You are going to be the type that when the GOV powers tell you they want to install a camera in your home to FURTHER CONTROL and DICTATE to you , you will be all for it.

Because you are sold by their BS LIES to get you to accept it all.

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