Sad Day In America When 19% Of Us Don't Care About The Mess Democrats Have Caused.

Feb 13, 2011

The last Rasmussem Poll has the "Strongly Obama Approval" rating at 19%. So who are these people? Are they on the same level as Hitler and Castro? Did any of you conservatives ever think we would see the day where we would have an angry-anti-american leftist in office with millions of supporters who want him to collapse the system so that the Democrats would stay in power and steal all the billions from the rich to give back to all his staunch supporters? Isn't that where a chunk of the addition 4 Trillion of Obama debt went to? Buying More Votes For His Re-Election?

The last Rasmussem Poll has the "Strongly Obama Approval" rating at 19%. So who are these people? Are they on the same level as Hitler and Castro? Did any of you conservatives ever think we would see the day where we would have an angry-anti-american leftist in office with millions of supporters who want him to collapse the system so that the Democrats would stay in power and steal all the billions from the rich to give back to all his staunch supporters? Isn't that where a chunk of the addition 4 Trillion of Obama debt went to? Buying More Votes For His Re-Election?

Can you explain what you meant by this?
I think he means as far as the power of the state, i.e. when the state usurps power, and not in the murderous thugs category.

The last Rasmussem Poll has the "Strongly Obama Approval" rating at 19%. So who are these people? Are they on the same level as Hitler and Castro? Did any of you conservatives ever think we would see the day where we would have an angry-anti-american leftist in office with millions of supporters who want him to collapse the system so that the Democrats would stay in power and steal all the billions from the rich to give back to all his staunch supporters? Isn't that where a chunk of the addition 4 Trillion of Obama debt went to? Buying More Votes For His Re-Election?

Can you explain what you meant by this?

how can anyone approve of what this president has put us through since he took office? Mainly borrowing billions to bail out those who caused the recession? Obama never bailed out the average american who suffered in 2009. When you think of the trillions he borrowed from our kids, he could of easily sent a check for 10 or 15,000 to every suffering tax-payer to tie them over until the economy improved,,,instead, billions were wasted!

The last Rasmussem Poll has the "Strongly Obama Approval" rating at 19%. So who are these people? Are they on the same level as Hitler and Castro? Did any of you conservatives ever think we would see the day where we would have an angry-anti-american leftist in office with millions of supporters who want him to collapse the system so that the Democrats would stay in power and steal all the billions from the rich to give back to all his staunch supporters? Isn't that where a chunk of the addition 4 Trillion of Obama debt went to? Buying More Votes For His Re-Election?

Can you explain what you meant by this?

how can anyone approve of what this president has put us through since he took office? Mainly borrowing billions to bail out those who caused the recession? Obama never bailed out the average american who suffered in 2009. When you think of the trillions he borrowed from our kids, he could of easily sent a check for 10 or 15,000 to every suffering tax-payer to tie them over until the economy improved,,,instead, billions were wasted!

Obama isn't perfect. Never once said he is. But he also isn't wrong with nearly every decision he makes like many on this site will try and lead you to believe.
Can you explain what you meant by this?

how can anyone approve of what this president has put us through since he took office? Mainly borrowing billions to bail out those who caused the recession? Obama never bailed out the average american who suffered in 2009. When you think of the trillions he borrowed from our kids, he could of easily sent a check for 10 or 15,000 to every suffering tax-payer to tie them over until the economy improved,,,instead, billions were wasted!

Obama isn't perfect. Never once said he is. But he also isn't wrong with nearly every decision he makes like many on this site will try and lead you to believe.

He isn't? Liberty DIED in this Republic... And When was that?
how can anyone approve of what this president has put us through since he took office? Mainly borrowing billions to bail out those who caused the recession? Obama never bailed out the average american who suffered in 2009. When you think of the trillions he borrowed from our kids, he could of easily sent a check for 10 or 15,000 to every suffering tax-payer to tie them over until the economy improved,,,instead, billions were wasted!

Obama isn't perfect. Never once said he is. But he also isn't wrong with nearly every decision he makes like many on this site will try and lead you to believe.

He isn't? Liberty DIED in this Republic... And When was that?

You drinking again?
[ame=]YouTube - Brother, Can You Spare A Trillion?: Government Gone Wild![/ame]

The last Rasmussem Poll has the "Strongly Obama Approval" rating at 19%. So who are these people? Are they on the same level as Hitler and Castro? Did any of you conservatives ever think we would see the day where we would have an angry-anti-american leftist in office with millions of supporters who want him to collapse the system so that the Democrats would stay in power and steal all the billions from the rich to give back to all his staunch supporters? Isn't that where a chunk of the addition 4 Trillion of Obama debt went to? Buying More Votes For His Re-Election?

EdSchultzIsFat is now nominated and the leader for dumbest troll of the week. Some trolls are creative, some are provocative, some are funny, but only the very dumb qualify for dumbest. ESIF not only has the dumbest nom de plume, his posts are silly, childish, thoughtless and mean spirited. Never provocative or creative, ESIS is the essence of dumb; he is the archetype of dumb, and is beyond doubt qualified for dumbest troll of the week.
Actually that stat matches up pretty well with the percentage of Americans who will classify themselves as "Liberal."

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