Sad Day In America When 19% Of Us Don't Care About The Mess Democrats Have Caused.

Jillian you know better than that. The deficit has a lot more than 8 years to it.
That's Right!

You have 8 years of Reagan nearly tripling the national debt plus the interest on the Reagan debt. Then you have Bush I doubling the Reagan debt in 4 years plus the interest on the Bush I debt. When you add in Bush II doubling the national debt yet again in 8 years plus the interest on the Bush II debt you have 3 Republican presidents running up 12 trillion, including interest, in national debt in 20 years, and all the other presidents in the history of this country, including Obama, run up the other 2+ trillion in national debt and to CON$ that makes the national debt the Democrats fault! :cuckoo:

Congress controls the purse strings you idiot get your facts straight.
and regarding blaming bush again,,,,I would like to ask the conservative posters, if back in the Bush years, was it easier to find work,get credit,home loans, your home had equity,,,etc,,,etc.? Those running against Bambi are gonna ask those questions,,the standard,,,are you better off now then you were before Pelosi and Reid Collapsed the Financial system in 2008? by giving away homes to Poor People?:clap2:
Actually that was the worthless lying BushWhacker who did that to try to peal away minority votes from the Democrats with his American Dream Downpayment Initiative (ADDI), which allowed no down payment loans for more than the house was worth to people with bad credit who could not keep up with the payments and who were at least 20% below the standard income for the neighborhood they were buying into.
we wouldn't have any of these problems if the per-centage of Greedy Americans didn't borrow so much money to buy cars and homes they could never afford! Once the banks gave out credit to anyone with a job,then charged 10-20% interest,,,look at where it brought us in 2008!!! But it was free loan-housing that was the primary culprit that caused the OBAMA/PELOSI RECESSION OF 2009 !!!!
Jillian you know better than that. The deficit has a lot more than 8 years to it.
That's Right!

You have 8 years of Reagan nearly tripling the national debt plus the interest on the Reagan debt. Then you have Bush I doubling the Reagan debt in 4 years plus the interest on the Bush I debt. When you add in Bush II doubling the national debt yet again in 8 years plus the interest on the Bush II debt you have 3 Republican presidents running up 12 trillion, including interest, in national debt in 20 years, and all the other presidents in the history of this country, including Obama, run up the other 2+ trillion in national debt and to CON$ that makes the national debt the Democrats fault! :cuckoo:

Congress controls the purse strings you idiot get your facts straight.
The president signs the spending bills and therefore owns them unless he vetos the spending bills and Congress overrides his veto, in which case Congress would own the spending bill by virtue of the override. Not one of the named presidents vetoed the spending, so they own the debt entirely.
Try again, :asshole:
how can anyone approve of what this president has put us through since he took office? Mainly borrowing billions to bail out those who caused the recession? Obama never bailed out the average american who suffered in 2009. When you think of the trillions he borrowed from our kids, he could of easily sent a check for 10 or 15,000 to every suffering tax-payer to tie them over until the economy improved,,,instead, billions were wasted!

Obama isn't perfect. Never once said he is. But he also isn't wrong with nearly every decision he makes like many on this site will try and lead you to believe.

Do you do stand up?

Ok, now seriously. Name one decision obama has made right.

Beside the stuff he took from GWB's playbook that he campaigned against and promised to change.

Just one?

Effective right now, children with pre-existing conditions can no longer be denied health insurance.

Gee, that was easy.

The last Rasmussem Poll has the "Strongly Obama Approval" rating at 19%. So who are these people? Are they on the same level as Hitler and Castro? Did any of you conservatives ever think we would see the day where we would have an angry-anti-american leftist in office with millions of supporters who want him to collapse the system so that the Democrats would stay in power and steal all the billions from the rich to give back to all his staunch supporters? Isn't that where a chunk of the addition 4 Trillion of Obama debt went to? Buying More Votes For His Re-Election?

Can you explain what you meant by this?

Obama isn't perfect. Never once said he is. But he also isn't wrong with nearly every decision he makes like many on this site will try and lead you to believe.

Do you do stand up?

Ok, now seriously. Name one decision obama has made right.

Beside the stuff he took from GWB's playbook that he campaigned against and promised to change.

Just one?

Effective right now, children with pre-existing conditions can no longer be denied health insurance.

Gee, that was easy.

for what it's cost us that was not a good decision
Liars can figure but figures don't lie.

It's kinda like saying 39% of americans like the Obama health care bill, 21% don't think it goes far enough and should be better and 40% don't like it at all and you transfer this into being 61% are against having a health care law. Yeah you guys don't lie, you just figure is all.
Do you do stand up?

Ok, now seriously. Name one decision obama has made right.

Beside the stuff he took from GWB's playbook that he campaigned against and promised to change.

Just one?

Effective right now, children with pre-existing conditions can no longer be denied health insurance.

Gee, that was easy.

for what it's cost us that was not a good decision

So you're putting a value on childrens health?
we wouldn't have any of these problems if the per-centage of Greedy Americans didn't borrow so much money to buy cars and homes they could never afford! Once the banks gave out credit to anyone with a job,then charged 10-20% interest,,,look at where it brought us in 2008!!! But it was free loan-housing that was the primary culprit that caused the OBAMA/PELOSI RECESSION OF 2009 !!!!
You gotta just love how REVISIONIST CON$ rationalize their revisionism to blame every GOP screw up on the Dems.

It was the Dec 2003 ADDI that created the "free loan-housing" boom to get Bush elected in 2004 that burst the housing bubble and caused the Bush Depression that began Dec 2007.
That's Right!

You have 8 years of Reagan nearly tripling the national debt plus the interest on the Reagan debt. Then you have Bush I doubling the Reagan debt in 4 years plus the interest on the Bush I debt. When you add in Bush II doubling the national debt yet again in 8 years plus the interest on the Bush II debt you have 3 Republican presidents running up 12 trillion, including interest, in national debt in 20 years, and all the other presidents in the history of this country, including Obama, run up the other 2+ trillion in national debt and to CON$ that makes the national debt the Democrats fault! :cuckoo:

Congress controls the purse strings you idiot get your facts straight.
The president signs the spending bills and therefore owns them unless he vetos the spending bills and Congress overrides his veto, in which case Congress would own the spending bill by virtue of the override. Not one of the named presidents vetoed the spending, so they own the debt entirely.
Try again, :asshole:

Bull.. its either all or nothing, he does not have control of the budget. yes the president can steer congress the way he wants them to go if his party is in power , but cuts? thats much harder to get. Democrats have controlled the congress for far longer than the Republicans whom almost always have had to make deals with the bigger spending democrats. Thats the way it is. Like I said get a clue idiot .:eusa_eh:
A lot of cons are gonna be very surprised when Obama wins another term. Will they think 19% reelected him?
Wake up dude people only worry about what they are told to worry about. If the mainstream media isn't saling it then it must not be true. nothing to see here
and did anyone notice how Bambi had nothing to say about the $4.00 a gallon gas of which he is the primary blame? Will he blame that on Bush as well?
Congress controls the purse strings you idiot get your facts straight.
The president signs the spending bills and therefore owns them unless he vetos the spending bills and Congress overrides his veto, in which case Congress would own the spending bill by virtue of the override. Not one of the named presidents vetoed the spending, so they own the debt entirely.
Try again, :asshole:

Bull.. its either all or nothing, he does not have control of the budget. yes the president can steer congress the way he wants them to go if his party is in power , but cuts? thats much harder to get. Democrats have controlled the congress for far longer than the Republicans whom almost always have had to make deals with the bigger spending democrats. Thats the way it is. Like I said get a clue idiot .:eusa_eh:
There were never enough Dems to overcome a presidential veto so Reagan, Bush I and Bush II had the power to block any spending they didn't want. Your problem is the borrow and spend GOP had a strategy of running up the debt to prevent the government from spending on the American People. Get a clue :asshole:

July 6, 2010
RUSH: It is said of Reagan -- I think it's true to a certain extent -- Reagan decided to starve the welfare state by creating deficits and spending
and did anyone notice how Bambi had nothing to say about the $4.00 a gallon gas of which he is the primary blame? Will he blame that on Bush as well?
Actually, using CON$ervative "logic," the last $1.50 increase is due to Crybaby Boner and the GOP house. :lol:

The last Rasmussem Poll has the "Strongly Obama Approval" rating at 19%. So who are these people? Are they on the same level as Hitler and Castro? Did any of you conservatives ever think we would see the day where we would have an angry-anti-american leftist in office with millions of supporters who want him to collapse the system so that the Democrats would stay in power and steal all the billions from the rich to give back to all his staunch supporters? Isn't that where a chunk of the addition 4 Trillion of Obama debt went to? Buying More Votes For His Re-Election?

There will always be a core group of DIE hard supporters of any leader, no matter how bad.
There were never enough Dems to overcome a presidential veto so Reagan, Bush I and Bush II had the power to block any spending they didn't want.

That is a bit simplistic you realize. They would have had to Veto the entire budget as no line Item Veto Exists. Then the congress would just send up another one spending to much, and what they just keep vetoing them and let the government shut down?

You are over stating the power the president has when it comes to the budget. All he can do is veto the whole thing, or sign it. He can not force congress to remove certain spending programs.

The last Rasmussem Poll has the "Strongly Obama Approval" rating at 19%. So who are these people? Are they on the same level as Hitler and Castro? Did any of you conservatives ever think we would see the day where we would have an angry-anti-american leftist in office with millions of supporters who want him to collapse the system so that the Democrats would stay in power and steal all the billions from the rich to give back to all his staunch supporters? Isn't that where a chunk of the addition 4 Trillion of Obama debt went to? Buying More Votes For His Re-Election?

There will always be a sizable portion of society that are made up of the potheads, prostitutes, criminals, delinquents, uneducated, and other dregs of society that leech off the rest of society, and those people will always support the Democrats no matter what the circumstances.

That can easily be at or near 20%.
Wake up dude people only worry about what they are told to worry about. If the mainstream media isn't saling it then it must not be true. nothing to see here

Given the current crop of potential candidates, I won't be that surprised. There's also the matter of $1 billion dollars to bamboozle all the numskulls (moderates) with.

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