Sad supermarket encounter.


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2023
I ran into a classmate of mine in the supermarket. I said hello and asked how he was doing. His wife is dead; she smoked and drank herself to death. For some reason he is blaming the guy I voted for in 2016. I lead the conversation by expressing concern about the economy and rising prices but I offered no names in the process. He went to the standard city line saying that: "I ain't votin' for that Trump guy cuz I seen on the news that he is an 'erekshunist' that wants to overthrow the country. I felt very sorry for this man because he has become part of the DEI city strategy that knows it has a cognitively compromised community to work on. The city is ground zero for alcohol and drug dementia in the county and there is nothing city leadership and local media can do to hide that fact. The people in the city that publish and edit the newspaper and set the content of local morning radio programming think they can make their woke case by charging the guy I voted for with political crimes. I learned about political crimes in school many years ago when actual history was taught. I never thought it could come here. I hope my classmate will be ok. I said goodbye and good luck. He's going to need it.
I ran into a classmate of mine in the supermarket. I said hello and asked how he was doing. His wife is dead; she smoked and drank herself to death. For some reason he is blaming the guy I voted for in 2016. I lead the conversation by expressing concern about the economy and rising prices but I offered no names in the process. He went to the standard city line saying that: "I ain't votin' for that Trump guy cuz I seen on the news that he is an 'erekshunist' that wants to overthrow the country. I felt very sorry for this man because he has become part of the DEI city strategy that knows it has a cognitively compromised community to work on. The city is ground zero for alcohol and drug dementia in the county and there is nothing city leadership and local media can do to hide that fact. The people in the city that publish and edit the newspaper and set the content of local morning radio programming think they can make their woke case by charging the guy I voted for with political crimes. I learned about political crimes in school many years ago when actual history was taught. I never thought it could come here. I hope my classmate will be ok. I said goodbye and good luck. He's going to need it.
A sad story of TDS affliction. It is real, and it's spectacular.
I ran into a classmate of mine in the supermarket. I said hello and asked how he was doing. His wife is dead; she smoked and drank herself to death. For some reason he is blaming the guy I voted for in 2016. I lead the conversation by expressing concern about the economy and rising prices but I offered no names in the process. He went to the standard city line saying that: "I ain't votin' for that Trump guy cuz I seen on the news that he is an 'erekshunist' that wants to overthrow the country. I felt very sorry for this man because he has become part of the DEI city strategy that knows it has a cognitively compromised community to work on. The city is ground zero for alcohol and drug dementia in the county and there is nothing city leadership and local media can do to hide that fact. The people in the city that publish and edit the newspaper and set the content of local morning radio programming think they can make their woke case by charging the guy I voted for with political crimes. I learned about political crimes in school many years ago when actual history was taught. I never thought it could come here. I hope my classmate will be ok. I said goodbye and good luck. He's going to need it.
He's just a sheep following the shepherd. On a similar note, I still remember many lefties fuming because their grandmother died due to MAGA's not wearing masks.
This belongs in the "yeah, that happened" category.

Trump cultists, you're just phoning in the lies. Put more effort into it.
A new massively over expensive aircraft carrier that took several years to certify that does not even have thew ability to launch the F 35's it was designed for. The follow-on carriers are pushed back years even as they are in different levels of construction due to DEI. The real nation in decline cult. Like England declined.
I ran into a classmate of mine in the supermarket. I said hello and asked how he was doing. His wife is dead; she smoked and drank herself to death. For some reason he is blaming the guy I voted for in 2016. I lead the conversation by expressing concern about the economy and rising prices but I offered no names in the process. He went to the standard city line saying that: "I ain't votin' for that Trump guy cuz I seen on the news that he is an 'erekshunist' that wants to overthrow the country. I felt very sorry for this man because he has become part of the DEI city strategy that knows it has a cognitively compromised community to work on. The city is ground zero for alcohol and drug dementia in the county and there is nothing city leadership and local media can do to hide that fact. The people in the city that publish and edit the newspaper and set the content of local morning radio programming think they can make their woke case by charging the guy I voted for with political crimes. I learned about political crimes in school many years ago when actual history was taught. I never thought it could come here. I hope my classmate will be ok. I said goodbye and good luck. He's going to need it.
Sounds like he’s one of those new air traffic controllers.
A new massively over expensive aircraft carrier that took several years to certify that does not even have thew ability to launch the F 35's it was designed for. The follow-on carriers are pushed back years even as they are in different levels of construction due to DEI. The real nation in decline cult. Like England declined.

England declined because they put Thatcher and the Conservatives in power and they did the same shit to the UK that Republicans did to the US tax system, and with the same result. The Brits drove the Conservatives from power when Thatcher tried to break the unions, so the economic damage hasn't been as bad has it has been in the USA, and they do have the National Health program to shield the British population from medical bankruptcy.

But lack of diversity is what is killing nations like Russia, Hungary, and Japan.
The follow-on carriers are pushed back years even as they are in different levels of construction due to DEI.
You sound less sane with every passing day.

Your masters told you to bleat "DEI" in response to anything, and being that you're especially obedient to your masters, you comply.
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Unfortunately I recently had a friend I met in 1971 tell me she cannot be friends with anyone who does not agree with Rachel Maddow.
England declined because they put Thatcher and the Conservatives in power and they did the same shit to the UK that Republicans did to the US tax system, and with the same result. The Brits drove the Conservatives from power when Thatcher tried to break the unions, so the economic damage hasn't been as bad has it has been in the USA, and they do have the National Health program to shield the British population from medical bankruptcy.

But lack of diversity is what is killing nations like Russia, Hungary, and Japan.
England declined in the 19th century. The had rudimentary social programs then while no one else did and it cost them as the malaise built up. They had first generation industrial prowess and still was 2nd to the United States economically at the end of that century. The world destabilized as their military weakened with their economy. The United States did not want to at that time to have a global influence. We had 1913 and two World Wars with a Federal Reserve purposely engineered Depression to make sure we were ready for the 2nd one. We came out of the 2nd War as the world economic and military power. We peaked y 1970 as the largesse that started in our industries after that war started to e as other nations caught up to us and even surpassed us as they made their products cheaper and with more quality. Quotas, feminism, diversity took hold at the same time and the oil shocks proved our decline with the auto industry. Our tech industries had much of it sold off to overseas interests and the employees got paid pensions and payoffs along with the CEO's who got huge buy outs. Include the Great Society, massive newer social programs, Social Security retirements and huge expansions to pay others off also, Medicaid and Medicare with state, local and city government s doing the same and at some point. Now we are teetering with inflation on our industrial products and a long time to make them due to DEI and other insane practices.
I ran into a classmate of mine in the supermarket. I said hello and asked how he was doing. His wife is dead; she smoked and drank herself to death. For some reason he is blaming the guy I voted for in 2016. I lead the conversation by expressing concern about the economy and rising prices but I offered no names in the process. He went to the standard city line saying that: "I ain't votin' for that Trump guy cuz I seen on the news that he is an 'erekshunist' that wants to overthrow the country. I felt very sorry for this man because he has become part of the DEI city strategy that knows it has a cognitively compromised community to work on. The city is ground zero for alcohol and drug dementia in the county and there is nothing city leadership and local media can do to hide that fact. The people in the city that publish and edit the newspaper and set the content of local morning radio programming think they can make their woke case by charging the guy I voted for with political crimes. I learned about political crimes in school many years ago when actual history was taught. I never thought it could come here. I hope my classmate will be ok. I said goodbye and good luck. He's going to need it.

It's hard to believe that people will keep voting for inflation, crime, wars, social policies which destroy traditional families and meritocracy, open borders.

When people ask me why I support Trump, I mention these things.

Some people I know only get their news from mainstream media, and all they ever hear is how terrible Trump is. Somehow, they believe that, despite everything they see going on around them.
It's hard to believe that people will keep voting for inflation, crime, wars, social policies which destroy traditional families and meritocracy, open borders.

When people ask me why I support Trump, I mention these things.

And so you confirm that you're not living in this reality.

That's why all the normal people walk away from you.

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