Sadly, unfortunately, RINO McCarthy will be speaker - it'll be more of the betrayal of America


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
I briefly watched as votes were being taken, and as some of the patriotic holdouts were either blackmailed or threatened into voting for establishment RINO Kevin McCarthy, all of the other RINOs who voted for him cheered. This reminded me of when in Star Wars Episode III during a political gathering, all of the cheers for evil, and Padme stated: "So this is how liberty dies...with thunderous applause." The treasonist RINOs cheering just reminded of that scene in which Padme made that statement. This is exactly why I left the Republican Party and became an American Independent.

We already had one pile of anti-America shit from California who was speaker of the house, Nazi Pelosi, the last thing we need is another Californian to be speaker. Oh sure, McCarthy is telling those who have been threatened and blackmailed what they want to hear, but that is as far is it will go. McCarthy will be nothing more than continuing the treasonous direction of Benedict Boehner and Paul Rino. The house reps that stopped holding out will be punished, and they will be thrown under the bus, rest assured. If I was an elected house rep, I would have been one of them that there is nothing McCarthy could have done for my yes vote, I know a pile of shit when I see it and smell it.

So here is what will happen, McCarthy will give us a WWE pro-wrestling style smoke and mirrors show like he is actually taking the fight to the Democrats, but in reality, it will be all scripted just like a wrestling match where the wrestlers in the ring put on the act like they are really fighting, they really hate each other, but within an hour after the match they are laughing it up and having a good time over a nice meal and either premium beer or wine.

If McCarthy wins, America loses. Out of control spending will continue, the massive of invasion of sewage coming across our border will not be stopped, McCarthy will also collude with big tech like he did originally to silence opposition to the radical left - just remember one of his staffers is a lobbyist for big tech. Under McCarthy, between the RINOs and democrats, it'll be business as usual, screwing America all in favor of the rich global elite and of course themselves.
I briefly watched as votes were being taken, and as some of the patriotic holdouts were either blackmailed or threatened into voting for establishment RINO Kevin McCarthy, all of the other RINOs who voted for him cheered. This reminded me of when in Star Wars Episode III during a political gathering, all of the cheers for evil, and Padme stated: "So this is how liberty dies...with thunderous applause." The treasonist RINOs cheering just reminded of that scene in which Padme made that statement. This is exactly why I left the Republican Party and became an American Independent.

We already had one pile of anti-America shit from California who was speaker of the house, Nazi Pelosi, the last thing we need is another Californian to be speaker. Oh sure, McCarthy is telling those who have been threatened and blackmailed what they want to hear, but that is as far is it will go. McCarthy will be nothing more than continuing the treasonous direction of Benedict Boehner and Paul Rino. The house reps that stopped holding out will be punished, and they will be thrown under the bus, rest assured. If I was an elected house rep, I would have been one of them that there is nothing McCarthy could have done for my yes vote, I know a pile of shit when I see it and smell it.

So here is what will happen, McCarthy will give us a WWE pro-wrestling style smoke and mirrors show like he is actually taking the fight to the Democrats, but in reality, it will be all scripted just like a wrestling match where the wrestlers in the ring put on the act like they are really fighting, they really hate each other, but within an hour after the match they are laughing it up and having a good time over a nice meal and either premium beer or wine.

If McCarthy wins, America loses. Out of control spending will continue, the massive of invasion of sewage coming across our border will not be stopped, McCarthy will also collude with big tech like he did originally to silence opposition to the radical left - just remember one of his staffers is a lobbyist for big tech. Under McCarthy, between the RINOs and democrats, it'll be business as usual, screwing America all in favor of the rich global elite and of course themselves.
Yeah, nobody believes you which is why Biden is in the white house. Dems run the senate and McCarthy is getting speaker and not your People
I briefly watched as votes were being taken, and as some of the patriotic holdouts were either blackmailed or threatened into voting for establishment RINO Kevin McCarthy, all of the other RINOs who voted for him cheered. This reminded me of when in Star Wars Episode III during a political gathering, all of the cheers for evil, and Padme stated: "So this is how liberty dies...with thunderous applause." The treasonist RINOs cheering just reminded of that scene in which Padme made that statement. This is exactly why I left the Republican Party and became an American Independent.

We already had one pile of anti-America shit from California who was speaker of the house, Nazi Pelosi, the last thing we need is another Californian to be speaker. Oh sure, McCarthy is telling those who have been threatened and blackmailed what they want to hear, but that is as far is it will go. McCarthy will be nothing more than continuing the treasonous direction of Benedict Boehner and Paul Rino. The house reps that stopped holding out will be punished, and they will be thrown under the bus, rest assured. If I was an elected house rep, I would have been one of them that there is nothing McCarthy could have done for my yes vote, I know a pile of shit when I see it and smell it.

So here is what will happen, McCarthy will give us a WWE pro-wrestling style smoke and mirrors show like he is actually taking the fight to the Democrats, but in reality, it will be all scripted just like a wrestling match where the wrestlers in the ring put on the act like they are really fighting, they really hate each other, but within an hour after the match they are laughing it up and having a good time over a nice meal and either premium beer or wine.

If McCarthy wins, America loses. Out of control spending will continue, the massive of invasion of sewage coming across our border will not be stopped, McCarthy will also collude with big tech like he did originally to silence opposition to the radical left - just remember one of his staffers is a lobbyist for big tech. Under McCarthy, between the RINOs and democrats, it'll be business as usual, screwing America all in favor of the rich global elite and of course themselves.
Cheer up. You can't lose them all, but as a Trump republican, you can certainly try, and then whine about the vote.
I hear you. After a mere 12 votes, it's abundantly clear. Nobody wants this clown.
This is the 14th vote and it boils down to Matt Gaetz
This is wild as a kite, absolutely hilarious! So close, but no cigar! :auiqs.jpg:
One of the GOP members got testy and tried to take a swing at Gaetz.. McCarthy looks pissed, he didn't make it this time either.
McCarthy has to have 217. Gaetz is holding out so far. I hope one of them who voted for Jordan changes his vote to McCarthy. "A speaker has not been elected" says the lady leading the count.
It has been said the No's (Not adjourned) have it. A lot of people are tired and cross. I wish our holdouts would show a little mercy to everyone who is there. The holdouts got what they asked for and now this? :(
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McCarthy has to have 217. Gaetz is holding out so far. I hope one of them who voted for Jordan changes his vote to McCarthy. "A speaker has not been elected" says the lady leading the count.
Clown show. How embarrassing for our country
McCarthy has to have 217. Gaetz is holding out so far. I hope one of them who voted for Jordan changes his vote to McCarthy. "A speaker has not been elected" says the lady leading the count.
Too late for the 14th vote. That vote is over. They are counting the yeas and nays on adjourning until Monday and may not even be able to pass that. :auiqs.jpg:

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