Safe and Effective: The Fauci Moving Target

Delta variant kinda fucked all that up now didn't it?
whats your point?....fake-i already has it planned out---and the scum demonRATS bite it---hook, line, and sinker...
scum demonRATS are so pathetic, and gullible
Like many of us, Fauci assumed that Americans would get vaccinated.

He didn't anticipate all the Trumpster Zombie conspiracy theories.

He was wrong. He's human. Making assumptions isn't a good idea.
he is a mass murderer, the maker of the chinese flu are 1 messed up individual
Everyone with a brain knew there would be variants. What they didnt realize was that there were so many people lacking a brain and would allow the variants to spread exponentially.
if you ass wipes stayed away from the death jab, the chinese flu would be gone already----but hey, you go on being the good little gullible sheep
I see you are anti science. You just lost your conversation privilege's because of that.
take them----you lost your brain......if you are putting your eggs in with---fake-i----you will be dead in 5 years, tops
Everyone with a brain knew there would be variants. What they didnt realize was that there were so many people lacking a brain and would allow the variants to spread exponentially.
What wasn't known was how contagious the Delta variant was or the fact that Magaturds would refuse the vaccine.
Go ahead and provide examples. I'll look at them.
A fact witness gets to preside over and select who asks the questions.

The very definition of a kangaroo court.

Even if that were totally true..who gives a shit..and why should they?
...and that has what to do with with the OP?

They weren't defending their country. That was a suicide bomber who murdered 100 Afghans. It was pure terror.

"If and when the vaccine comes, it’s not likely to go through all the tests that need to be done, and the trials that are needed to be done." Aug. 6, 2020

"Look at what’s happened. Enormous pressure put on the CDC not to put out the detailed guidelines. The enormous pressure being put on the FDA to say they’re going, that the following protocol will in fact reduce, it will have a giant impact on COVID. All these things turn out not to be true, and when a president continues to mislead and lie, when we finally do, God willing, get a vaccine, who’s going to take the shot? Who’s going to take the shot? You going to be the first one to say, ‘Put me — sign me up, they now say it’s OK’? I’m not being facetious." Sept. 2, 2020

"How are you going to distribute the vaccine when it arrives, when it arrives, when it’s there? And the question of whether it’s real, when it’s there, that requires enormous transparency. You’ve got to make all of it available to other experts across the nation, so they can look and see, so there’s consensus this is a safe vaccine. Because already you have, what percent is American people saying if the vaccine were there tomorrow, they wouldn’t take it? And it’s not the usual anti-vaccine crowd. It’s beyond that because people are losing faith in what the president says. Think about it." July 28, 2020

"Charting a clear path of science-based vaccines, free from politics. I get asked the question: ‘If the president announced tomorrow we have a vaccine, would you take it?’ Only if it was completely transparent, that other experts in the country could look at it, only if we knew all of what went into it. Because so far, nothing he’s told us has been true." Sept. 7, 2020

"Americans have had to endure President Trump’s incompetence and dishonesty, when it comes to testing and personal protective equipment. We can’t afford to repeat those fiascos when it comes to a vaccine. … Let me be clear: I trust vaccines, I trust scientists, but I don’t trust Donald Trump, and at this moment, the American people can’t either. Last week, Senator Harris and I laid out three questions this administration’s going to have to answer to assure the American people that politics will not play a role whatsoever in the vaccine process. If Donald Trump can’t give answers and the administration can’t give answers to these three questions, the American people should not have confidence." following week

“If public health professionals, if Dr. Fauci, if the doctors tell us that we should take it, I’ll be the first in line to take it, absolutely,” she said. “But if Donald Trump tells us that we should take it, I’m not taking it.”
It doesn't prevent you from getting covid or spreading covid. But continue to do as fauci tells you.
Actually it does in several ways

It cut the likelihood of catching covid by 50% or better (as much as 80%) and it cuts the number of days that you are contagious from 10 to three.

And oh keep you from dying if you do get it (well over 95%)
Actually it does in several ways

It cut the likelihood of catching covid by 50% or better (as much as 80%) and it cuts the number of days that you are contagious from 10 to three.

And oh keep you from dying if you do get it (well over 95%)
Lol, I got over a 99% chance I won't die if I get it. You also have a good chance of dying taking the vaccine.

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