Saint Greta Thunberg's speech to UN Strangely Resembles a 1992 UN Speech by Another 12-year-old

Because children make such reliable witnesses, or experts, or whatever. Adult humans are hard-wired to respond to crying infants. Wah! Wah! Wah! And some will respond, won't they? The same people who respond to the emotional appeals of whining children are the same who will vote for those who promise cradle-to-grave care because they are little more than whining children themselves.
Do you too suffer from GDS - Greta Derangement Syndrome? Then there's help for you. Call the Greta Thunberg Helpline.

Who doesn't love the emotional appeal of puppies and children? Ironically the biggest frauds in the world hide behind the smallest of people.
Funny how Trumpettes can't handle 16 year olds that put them to shame. That show they are better informed, more knowledgeable, and more of a adult.

Do you want to know what child abuse is in this case?

Dumbass, uneducated, ignorant people like you that will condemn every child on this planet & now & those to be born later to a more difficult life . So fuck you & fuck your orange buddy & all you Trumpettes that are so fucking stupid to deny climate change and refuse to do anything to cut emissions to fight the AGW we face,

Instead all you pantry waisted morons can do is pick on a 16 year old girl. Some tough guys you are.

Just how pathetic can you get?
You hide behind your ignorance & stupidity.

Who is behind Greta? SCIENTISTS you Giod damn stupid fuck.
There are NO scientists that back up Greta Thunberg's claims of imminent ecological doom! None! If you knew anything about the subject you would know God damned stupid fuck.

She is a whiny pouting teary eyed Chicken Little.
Do you too suffer from GDS - Greta Derangement Syndrome? Then there's help for you. Call the Greta Thunberg Helpline.

There are many people who will never be fooled by the elites again. You need a new schtick. For it is old and has been going on for decades. You need Saul Alinsky 2. But we live in the Samantha B plus society of above average now as it has replaced the A plus society of excellence. Asia is laughing at us.
The lesson of this thread?

It takes almost nothing to trigger deniers now. For deniers, it's a point of pride to be triggered by everything.
Michael Knowles Banned From Fox News After Calling Greta Thunberg Mentally Ill

Michael Knowles: Climate hysteria movement is not about science. If it were about science it would be led by scientists rather that politicians and a mentally ill Swedish child who’s been exploited by her parents and politicians. It’s fulfilling political goals nut is not doing very much to science.

Chris Hahn: You’re a grown man and you’re attacking a child. Shame on you!

Michael Knowles: No, I’m attacking grown ups who are using a child.

Media hates the truth in USA, even Fox News. Good bye, American freedom of speech.

What an evil and win-win goal of those politicians who keep exploiting her, it makes them so easy to attack everybody who tries to attack that BS she keeps spreading around the world: they just derail all attacks of her BS to alleged attacks of herself, the child. It's so primitive but it works so well especially with big part of the world being already successfully brainwashed.
Fuck off Trump Boy.

There is a cute for what you have. It is called an EDUCATION.

I Schools almost out., Better rush down to see if you can pick on any high schoolers.
Wow! If you had any friends or family you would probably be in rehab by now.
Put down your booze.
You hide behind your ignorance & stupidity.

Who is behind Greta? SCIENTISTS you Giod damn stupid fuck.
There are NO scientists that back up her claims of imminent ecological doom! None! If you knew anything about the subject you would know God damned stupid fuck.

Really? Have we started a mass extinction? How do you know.

We are losing insects populations. Bird populations.

Why insect populations are plummeting—and why it matters

North America Has Lost Nearly 3 Billion Birds Since 1970 | Science | Smithsonian

A you ignore AGW & Pesticides & keep lowering environmental controls, you could very well be startying a mass extinction.

But selfish ass you will be dead & what do you care.
Michael Knowles Banned From Fox News After Calling Greta Thunberg Mentally Ill

Michael Knowles: Climate hysteria movement is not about science. If it were about science it would be led by scientists rather that politicians and a mentally ill Swedish child who’s been exploited by her parents and politicians. It’s fulfilling political goals nut is not doing very much to science.

Chris Hahn: You’re a grown man and you’re attacking a child. Shame on you!

Michael Knowles: No, I’m attacking grown ups who are using a child.

Media hates the truth in USA, even Fox News. Good bye, American freedom of speech.

What an evil and win-win goal of those politicians who keep exploiting her, it makes them so easy to attack everybody who tries to attack that BS she keeps spreading around the world: they just derail all attacks of her BS to alleged attacks of herself, the child. It's so primitive but it works so well especially with big part of the world being already successfully brainwashed.

So it is OK to call a girl with Azburgers, mentally ill in order to denounce what she is saying?

Wow, funny hpw Trump has degraded all of you.

Greta has a huge following of young people. You keep mocking them. You keep calling them mentally ill & too stupid to know what they are doing. With in 4 years, most will be voting & hopefully they will vote out all the ignorant people.

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