Sally Yates: A Long-Neck DUD

To the subject of the thread, better a long neck than a short one. :biggrin:
She was the one who was finally supposed to "bring Trump down", right?

Talk about a letdown....I watched the whole thing and damn near fell asleep. She reminded me of a Jerry Springer guest who got a job, was almost immediately fired, and wants revenge. How stupid is she thinking she could cross the President? What did she "reveal"?....that she had no idea what she was talking about in refusing to defend the travel-ban. That's it. The rest of it was about Flynn, who we already know got fired for appearances sake, nothing that he did wrong. So that's the end of the Sally Yates saga, unless the Nature Channel wants to do a story on giraffe genes passed down to humans.

Sally's great-great-great-great-granny:



Former acting Attorney General Sally Yates testified to a Senate subcommittee Monday that she had evidence that Michael Flynn was compromised and “could be blackmailed” by Russia.

That information has been previously reported in the course of multiple investigations into the Trump team’s ties to Russia. What was not known until now is that on the very day Yates invited the White House to review the evidence she had on Flynn, she was removed from her position at the Department of Justice.

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YATES: We told them that we were inclined to allow them to look at that underlying evidence, that we wanted to go back to DOJ and be able to make the logistical arrangements for that. This second meeting on the 27th [of January] occurred late in the afternoon, this is Friday the 27th. So, we told them that we would work with the FBI over the weekend on this issue and get back with him on Monday morning. And I called him first thing Monday morning to let him know that we would allow them to come over and to review the underlying evidence.

WHITEHOUSE: And was that the phone call, or was there a separate phone call?

YATES: There was the phone call initially to let him know I needed to come see him —


YATES: — two meetings, and then a phone call at the end to let him know —

WHITEHOUSE: That the material was available if he wanted to see it?

YATES: — that the material was available. He had to call me back, he was not available then, and I did not hear back from him until that afternoon of Monday the 30th.

WHITEHOUSE: And that was the end of this episode? Nobody came over to look the at the material?

YATES: I don’t know what happened after that because that was my last day with DOJ.


Yates’ firing also occurred on the same day she sent a letter to Justice Department lawyers saying Trump’s Muslim ban was unlawful.

The Trump administration initially tried to prevent Yates’ testimony, arguing that executive privilege barred her from testifying to Congress, but the public outcry for her views led to Yates agreeing to testify.

Yates raised her concerns with the Trump team via two meetings with White House Counsel Don McGahn and a phone call with him as well.

Yates first warned the Trump team about Flynn’s problems on January 26, but Flynn was not fired until 18 days later, after news reports revealed that Flynn had made contact with Russian elements.

THE take away should have been that it looks like they were suspicious of this ambassador ahead of Obama ordering Sessions to meet with him, contradicting the request for Flynn not to, which means Obama set Sessions up for political strategy of removing those they don't like or have been opponents. He's very very spiteful that way if you haven't noticed with the whole IRS incident.
Other things one should notice from the questioning and excuses for answers:
1)EVERYONE can be classified as compromised thanks to the previous administration lack of guarding our personal info. Hillary especially over her email debacle was compromised.
2)She was gonna be replaced by Trump's new selection soon anyway=normal process.
3)She got fired because she contradicted former allowed bans from those same countries by Obama thus used her own subjective opinion or political motives for her decisions to block it.
4)During testimony she exposed many hypocracy, double standards, and problems for the liberals.
She inadvertantly is saying Obama's ban was unconstitutional and racial profiling=bigoted.
She inadvertantly admited the gov't has always acted unconstitutionally and racial profiled it's citizens through asking our religion on census requirements and worse the former administration failed to protect that info violating our privacy rights by disclosing that info freely online.
In other words she opened up a huge can of worms making excuses for our rights to protection and right to require countries to better account who we let in as in accurate records they fail to keep. Now if you argue that, then you open up the fact our country violates that very same thing she is arguing, in that they racially profile us to account those records of it's citizens. BUSTED!
Now let's see a Senator use her own argument against her in this manner, if they dare carry brass you know what's to do so.
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trump swabs like to squawk about how there is supposedly "NO EVIDENCE" of collusion with Russia.

trumpswab parrots squawk and squawk the headline, "NO EVIDENCE" !!!

in the middle of trying to investigate in order to prove if there is a legitimate case, do you really think investigators should just openly publish all the EVIDENCE as they go along..?? :lol:


FACT is, the investigation is still ongoing...

naturally, the 'no evidence' assertion is inevitably qualified with a 'YET' or a 'SO FAR' or a 'NOT AT THIS TIME'.

“I know that you and some of your colleagues from the Senate Intelligence Committee drove over to Langley, Virginia yesterday to CIA headquarters and you were briefed,” CNN host Wolf Blitzer said. He continued, “You don’t have to provide us with any classified information, Senator, but do you believe, do you have evidence that there was in fact collusion between Trump associates and Russia during the campaign?”

“Not at this time,” Feinstein replied.

Sen. Feinstein: No evidence of Trump campaign collusion with Russia ‘at this time’ - Hot Air

"Senator Graham opened by asking both Clapper and Yates about whether either had intelligence that would confirm collusion between the Trump administration and the Kremlin. Clapper once again said there is no evidence of such collusion and Yates refused to answer on the basis that such an answer would reveal classified information."




Yates / Clapper Hearing: Flynn In Deep Trouble But Still "No Evidence" Of Trump Collusion With Russia | Zero Hedge

WATCH: Clapper schools GOP senator who doesn’t know difference between classified and unclassified material
Born in Atlanta in 1960, Yates attended the University of Georgia both as an undergrad and a law student -- becoming what the home of the Bulldogs calls a "double dawg."

Three years after graduating from UGA, she began her career that has spanned almost three decades within the Justice Department, according to her DOJ biography page.

In 1996, Yates aided with the prosecution of Eric Rudolph, who pleaded guilty to bombing Centennial Olympic Park in downtown Atlanta during the Olympic ceremonies.

In 2010, Obama appointed her to run the local US attorney's office, the first time a woman had reached the position there.

She subsequently climbed the DOJ ladder almost to the very top. When former Attorney General Eric Holder informed Obama of his intention to leave the office, Obama tapped Loretta Lynch for attorney general and Yates for deputy.

Unlike Lynch, who faced a divided Senate for confirmation, Yates made it through her Senate grilling with wide, bipartisan support. Georgia Sens. Johnny Isakson and David Perdue -- both Republicans -- spoke on her behalf.

Who is Sally Yates? -
Her educational and professional background pales in comparison to tom horn's I am sure. :rolleyes:
Probably why she intimidates him so much.
She was the one who was finally supposed to "bring Trump down", right?

Talk about a letdown....I watched the whole thing and damn near fell asleep. She reminded me of a Jerry Springer guest who got a job, was almost immediately fired, and wants revenge. How stupid is she thinking she could cross the President? What did she "reveal"?....that she had no idea what she was talking about in refusing to defend the travel-ban. That's it. The rest of it was about Flynn, who we already know got fired for appearances sake, nothing that he did wrong. So that's the end of the Sally Yates saga, unless the Nature Channel wants to do a story on giraffe genes passed down to humans.

Sally's great-great-great-great-granny:


She was asked if there is evidence russia is still influencing american politics- her reply was yes.
*sniff sniff* smells like russian rats in the WH.

This is the tip of the iceberg. The russian house of cards is soon to fall.
trump swabs like to squawk about how there is supposedly "NO EVIDENCE" of collusion with Russia.

trumpswab parrots squawk and squawk the headline, "NO EVIDENCE" !!!

in the middle of trying to investigate in order to prove if there is a legitimate case, do you really think investigators should just openly publish all the EVIDENCE as they go along..?? :lol:


FACT is, the investigation is still ongoing...

naturally, the 'no evidence' assertion is inevitably qualified with a 'YET' or a 'SO FAR' or a 'NOT AT THIS TIME'.

“I know that you and some of your colleagues from the Senate Intelligence Committee drove over to Langley, Virginia yesterday to CIA headquarters and you were briefed,” CNN host Wolf Blitzer said. He continued, “You don’t have to provide us with any classified information, Senator, but do you believe, do you have evidence that there was in fact collusion between Trump associates and Russia during the campaign?”

“Not at this time,” Feinstein replied.

Sen. Feinstein: No evidence of Trump campaign collusion with Russia ‘at this time’ - Hot Air

"Senator Graham opened by asking both Clapper and Yates about whether either had intelligence that would confirm collusion between the Trump administration and the Kremlin. Clapper once again said there is no evidence of such collusion and Yates refused to answer on the basis that such an answer would reveal classified information."




Yates / Clapper Hearing: Flynn In Deep Trouble But Still "No Evidence" Of Trump Collusion With Russia | Zero Hedge

WATCH: Clapper schools GOP senator who doesn’t know difference between classified and unclassified material

/---- how long did it take for the evidence of Bill and Monica take to go public?
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trump swabs like to squawk about how there is supposedly "NO EVIDENCE" of collusion with Russia.

trumpswab parrots squawk and squawk the headline, "NO EVIDENCE" !!!

in the middle of trying to investigate in order to prove if there is a legitimate case, do you really think investigators should just openly publish all the EVIDENCE as they go along..?? :lol:


FACT is, the investigation is still ongoing...

naturally, the 'no evidence' assertion is inevitably qualified with a 'YET' or a 'SO FAR' or a 'NOT AT THIS TIME'.

“I know that you and some of your colleagues from the Senate Intelligence Committee drove over to Langley, Virginia yesterday to CIA headquarters and you were briefed,” CNN host Wolf Blitzer said. He continued, “You don’t have to provide us with any classified information, Senator, but do you believe, do you have evidence that there was in fact collusion between Trump associates and Russia during the campaign?”

“Not at this time,” Feinstein replied.

Sen. Feinstein: No evidence of Trump campaign collusion with Russia ‘at this time’ - Hot Air

"Senator Graham opened by asking both Clapper and Yates about whether either had intelligence that would confirm collusion between the Trump administration and the Kremlin. Clapper once again said there is no evidence of such collusion and Yates refused to answer on the basis that such an answer would reveal classified information."




Yates / Clapper Hearing: Flynn In Deep Trouble But Still "No Evidence" Of Trump Collusion With Russia | Zero Hedge

WATCH: Clapper schools GOP senator who doesn’t know difference between classified and unclassified material

/---- how long did it take for The evidence of Bill andMonica take Togo public?

naturally, these things take time...

President Clinton impeached - Dec 19, 1998 -

In November 1995, Clinton began an affair with Monica Lewinsky...

On January 7, 1999, in a congressional procedure, the trial of President Clinton got underway in the Senate.

As instructed in Article 1 of the U.S. Constitution, the chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (William Rehnquist at this time) was sworn in to preside, and the senators were sworn in as jurors.

^ too many trumpswabs to get things going quite yet...
Sally Yates nuked Cruz. You have to love it when a smart person destroys an ignorant hillbilly in public like that.

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