Sally Yates: A Long-Neck DUD

but they didn't ...
the american people voted Hillary, overwhelmingly.

That's not true, Trump won the American Popular vote and Cheater Hillary only won the total popular vote counting non Americans illegally voting, besides Californians don't consider themselves Americans, at least most don't act like they do.. :-l
Where is that evidence of 3 million illegal voters? Why isn't the so-called president demanding an investigation on that assertion?

The Dems and liberal media said 0 illegal voters. .

No Dems said there were zero illegal voters- that is just fake news.

What is real news is that Trump lied and said there were 3 million illegal voters.

Absolutely no evidence of 3 million votes cast by illegals.

Actually that can be not to far off or far fethched, and the States who most receal this refuse to investigate.

Actually that was a number that Trump pulled out of his ass- and now Trumpsters are running around trying to find even a few hundred illegal votes.

All of the states have audited their elections and found no significant amount of illegal votes cast.

But Trumpsters prefer to believe what their Dear Leader says- rather than the people who compile the facts.
So Yates was warning about the unmasked Flynn conversations with the Russian Ambassador?
So Trump was warned by Yates that Flynn had lied to his administration and was in a position to be blackmailed?

And then waited until that became public before firing him?

And then Trump fired the FBI Director after the Director requested more money for the Russian investigation.
So Yates was warning about the unmasked Flynn conversations with the Russian Ambassador?
So Trump was warned by Yates that Flynn had lied to his administration and was in a position to be blackmailed?

And then waited until that became public before firing him?

And then Trump fired the FBI Director after the Director requested more money for the Russian investigation.

I can see clearer now.

So Yates was using the improperly obtained FISA warrant to spy on Trump and people close to him. Is that why she unmasked Flynn?
That's not true, Trump won the American Popular vote and Cheater Hillary only won the total popular vote counting non Americans illegally voting, besides Californians don't consider themselves Americans, at least most don't act like they do.. :-l
Where is that evidence of 3 million illegal voters? Why isn't the so-called president demanding an investigation on that assertion?

The Dems and liberal media said 0 illegal voters. .

No Dems said there were zero illegal voters- that is just fake news.

What is real news is that Trump lied and said there were 3 million illegal voters.

Absolutely no evidence of 3 million votes cast by illegals.

Actually that can be not to far off or far fethched, and the States who most receal this refuse to investigate.

Actually that was a number that Trump pulled out of his ass- and now Trumpsters are running around trying to find even a few hundred illegal votes.

All of the states have audited their elections and found no significant amount of illegal votes cast.

But Trumpsters prefer to believe what their Dear Leader says- rather than the people who compile the facts.

What are you talking about? Only a few States investigated, others were to affraid or embarassed. v One state I believe was Ohio of all places found 6% of their total vote count was illegals voted fraudulently.
You just proved why watching only propaganda news networks keeps you in the dark. This is exactly why Trump added the point that Comey on 3 occassions told Trump he's not being investigated for the Russian collusion suspicions, because Trump brilliantly circumvented the propaganda news who has NEVER told you this before, but were forced to in details of his letter.
He exposed the fake news and you just exposed the fake news.
trump and spicey completely disregarded the recommendations of our twice elected president, our attorney general, and our dignified intelligence agencies... these fools acted AS IF the previous trouble with mr flynn was all just political "butt hurt" because they have zero insight or experience.

Spicer: "It's true, Obama wasn't a fan of Flynn ha ha ha"

only fools would rather consult foxes like steve bannon regarding who should guard the national security hen house... our so-called president felt indebted to mr flynn for his revenge driven support of his campaign attacks on hillary and obama, who had hired and then eventually fired him. trump is a simpleton who felt he owed flynn this favor for his loyalty to trump, despite his overt acts of disloyalty toward others.

Other former Obama administration officials said then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper didn't think highly of Flynn, and in fact was the person who recommended Flynn's firing as DNI in 2014. Flynn's focus was generally limited to terrorism and didn't know much about many other issues important for the national security adviser job...

Flynn previously served as the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency under Obama until he was reportedly forced out of the post 2014 over internal disagreements over policy and management.

Trump did not heed Obama's counsel on Flynn, bringing aboard the former military intelligence officer who supported Trump during his campaign as his national security adviser. Trump fired Flynn 24 days later when news broke of Flynn's lies about conversations with Russian Ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak.

Obama warned Trump about hiring Flynn -

so why did mr flynn LIE...?? and WHY, once he got caught, did he ask for immunity...??

ANYone who thinks the answer doesn't matter, is a damned fool... just like our so-called president. :thup:

“If you are not guilty of a crime,” he said, “what do you need immunity for?" Michael Flynn 2016
There Can Be No Non-Combatants in a Combat Zone

There is no substitute for victory. All war zones are free-fire zones. The smugly ignorant air-conditioned ethics of the Geneva Convention intentionally prevent victory.

Flynn liked what Putin did to win in Chechnya. Sissy pacifist Dhimmicrat traitors didn't like it. So they want to prosecute him for associating with winners.
So Yates was warning about the unmasked Flynn conversations with the Russian Ambassador?

Herr Crump should declassify all the conversations so we can all see what Flynn said. I wonder if they have WH tape recordings of Flynn's conversation with da Boss?
Yates was using the improperly obtained FISA warrant

Prove improperly obtained.

Besides did Yates force Flynn to talk with the target of the FISA warrant? What was so damning in their conversation that they allowed the unmasking? I think we deserve to know. I call on President Grabby to declassify all the documents the FBI has pertaining to the Russian influence in the 2016 election investigation.
Yates was using the improperly obtained FISA warrant

Prove improperly obtained.

Besides did Yates force Flynn to talk with the target of the FISA warrant? What was so damning in their conversation that they allowed the unmasking? I think we deserve to know. I call on President Grabby to declassify all the documents the FBI has pertaining to the Russian influence in the 2016 election investigation.

Letting Democrats have the full power of the Federal government is like letting a 9 year old set off firecrackers in a dynamite shed. You have absolutely zero business anywhere near that unfettered power, look what you did with it: vaporized the 4th Amendment
Yates was using the improperly obtained FISA warrant

Prove improperly obtained.

Besides did Yates force Flynn to talk with the target of the FISA warrant? What was so damning in their conversation that they allowed the unmasking? I think we deserve to know. I call on President Grabby to declassify all the documents the FBI has pertaining to the Russian influence in the 2016 election investigation.

FISA warrants, like all search warrants are narrowly defined. You can't go into somebody's home looking for a meth lab, find they've been stealing their neighbor's cable TV feed, and arrest them for it....."fruit of the poisonous tree". Same deal with the FISA warrant....."incidental interception" can't be the basis of an ongoing investigation like Comey was doing. At some point another warrant must be granted and who requests it must be known.

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