Sally Yates: A Long-Neck DUD

lies and personal attacks are all the trumpswabs ever have...

How does it feel sitting on the sidelines watching the right run the show ?
Clearly the LWers feel like it's sitting on a bicycle without the seat.

My guess....they do that anyway....on purpose.

They probably turn bar stools over and sit on those too.
I find it amusing. Chelsea Handler's show on Netflix is equally amusing. Leading up to the election, she and guest LWers were so smug about Hillary winning and constantly not only shitting on Trump, but also slinging mud and walking all over Melania. Talk about a basket of deplorables.

Watching them cry and wear sackcloth and ashes after the election was fucking hilarious in contrast to their previously catty smugness.
So just talking to the Russian Ambassador makes you a blackmail target....interesting
Ah, Pogo's Law*. Still paying royalties. I should buy a Maserati.

*In any point about Orange Rumpy that stops short of slobbing his tiny knob, his sycophants will be in like --- well like Rump when he sees a camera --- with desperate ploys to change the topic to "Hillary Clinton", "Bill Clinton", "George Clinton", or anything else they can think of, yea that the orangutan might be spared the slings and arrows of outrageous sunshine.
Wish for that Maserati in one hand and shit in the other, let me know which one happens first.


  • Editing quotes. You may selectively quote, provided that it does not change the context or meaning of the quote. When you comment on the quote, do it outside of the quote box. Do not post inside of the quote box. --- Site posting guidelines
*DO NOT* pull that shit again.
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So just talking to the Russian Ambassador makes you a blackmail target....interesting

Talking to nobody makes you a blackmail target. What you talk about though, that's a whole 'nother smoke.
And then lying about talking to someone.....well.....

I'm sure you're terribly upset about what Flynn said to Pence.
Is that the sound of you shitting in your hand and not finding a Maserati?

You should read the rules:
  • No Direct or implied threats of violence/harm towards another member, or members family and/or threats with the intent of interfering in or disrupting a member's life.
So just talking to the Russian Ambassador makes you a blackmail target....interesting

Talking to nobody makes you a blackmail target. What you talk about though, that's a whole 'nother smoke.
And then lying about talking to someone.....well.....

Zackly. You'd think those lied TO would be kinda pissed for the position it put them in. You'd think. But noooooooo, not if it backs a hopeless narcissist into a corner where he'd have to actually admit that he FUCKED UP.

Ah, Pogo's Law*. Still paying royalties. I should buy a Maserati.

*In any point about Orange Rumpy that stops short of slobbing his tiny knob, his sycophants will be in like --- well like Rump when he sees a camera --- with desperate ploys to change the topic to "Hillary Clinton", "Bill Clinton", "George Clinton", or anything else they can think of, yea that the orangutan might be spared the slings and arrows of outrageous sunshine.
Wish for that Maserati in one hand and shit in the other, let me know which one happens first.


  • Editing quotes. You may selectively quote, provided that it does not change the context or meaning of the quote. When you comment on the quote, do it outside of the quote box. Do not post inside of the quote box. --- Site posting guidelines
*DO NOT* pull that shit again.
Is that the sound of you shitting in your hand and not finding a Maserati?

You should read the rules:
  • No Direct or implied threats of violence/harm towards another member, or members family and/or threats with the intent of interfering in or disrupting a member's life.

You're actually asking the class to believe that citing the site rules implies "violence/harm" do ya?

Poor li'l fucking snowflake wimp. :gay:

That was just a friendly warning. Now you're getting reported for it.
So just talking to the Russian Ambassador makes you a blackmail target....interesting

Talking to nobody makes you a blackmail target. What you talk about though, that's a whole 'nother smoke.
And then lying about talking to someone.....well.....

I'm sure you're terribly upset about what Flynn said to Pence.

A lie is a lie. Whether it is about your ties to Russia or about getting blown......

The Grabber was told, but chose to believe his fantasy over the experts.
What did she "reveal"?....that she had no idea what she was talking about in refusing to defend the travel-ban.

Soooo, Tom, what then exactly did ol' Sally accomplish by giving up a very good paying cushy job refusing to uphold a travel ban
Swampy Sally Shills for Sleeper-Cell Sharia

Becoming a martyr for Islam will gain her political capital with the Dhimmicrats.
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lies and personal attacks are all the trumpswabs ever have...

Funny. I was about to say the same thing about you . . . .

We must be looking at TWO different forums.

about me, huh? fuck off, n00b.

please note, that's the very first time i've ever addressed you. NOW you can go play victim! :thup:

Says the far left drone!


Yes all you far left drones do is post fake news!
...You're actually asking the class to believe that citing the site rules implies "violence/harm" do ya?

Poor li'l fucking snowflake wimp. :gay:

That was just a friendly warning. Now you're getting reported for it.
No, it was your comment at the end. Nice trying lying about it.

Thanks for the homophobic "limp wrist" reference. Once again the hypocrisy of the "diverse and tolerant" Left Wing Loonies is on display.

Go for it. I figured you already had chronic liars always do. Besides, the more you cry wolf, the less likely you'll ever be taken seriously. Win-win!

Read the rules:
  • No Direct or implied threats of violence/harm towards another member, or members family and/or threats with the intent of interfering in or disrupting a member's life.
Trying to get someone banned can be seen as "harm" since it deprives them of their voice on this forum.
...You're actually asking the class to believe that citing the site rules implies "violence/harm" do ya?

Poor li'l fucking snowflake wimp. :gay:

That was just a friendly warning. Now you're getting reported for it.
No, it was your comment at the end. Nice trying lying about it.

Thanks for the homophobic "limp wrist" reference. Once again the hypocrisy of the "diverse and tolerant" Left Wing Loonies is on display.

Go for it. I figured you already had chronic liars always do. Besides, the more you cry wolf, the less likely you'll ever be taken seriously. Win-win!

Read the rules:
  • No Direct or implied threats of violence/harm towards another member, or members family and/or threats with the intent of interfering in or disrupting a member's life.
Trying to get someone banned can be seen as "harm" since it deprives them of their voice on this forum.


"Oh woe is me, I'm gonna get busted for my own post and you did it" :rofl:

I called out YOUR violation, Wimples. Which no one is responsible for but *YOU*. It's right here on the page. Grow a fucking pair, man up, break open the piggy bank and buy some big boy pants and take fucking responsibility for your own violations, Asswipe.
She was the one who was finally supposed to "bring Trump down", right?

Talk about a letdown....I watched the whole thing and damn near fell asleep. She reminded me of a Jerry Springer guest who got a job, was almost immediately fired, and wants revenge. How stupid is she thinking she could cross the President? What did she "reveal"?....that she had no idea what she was talking about in refusing to defend the travel-ban. That's it. The rest of it was about Flynn, who we already know got fired for appearances sake, nothing that he did wrong. So that's the end of the Sally Yates saga, unless the Nature Channel wants to do a story on giraffe genes passed down to humans.

Sally's great-great-great-great-granny:



Yates came across as a credible public servant. She made Ted Cruz look the partisan. She did raise more questions about Trump's handling of the Flynn situation.

She said the order was unconstitutional and she was right. Trump was forced to abandon his first executive order because of it.
Yeah, even an Obama lackey wouldn't go along with the Democrat scam. That's gotta sting for the rabid Trump-Hater loonies.
lies and personal attacks are all the trumpswabs ever have...

Funny. I was about to say the same thing about you . . . .

We must be looking at TWO different forums.

about me, huh? fuck off, n00b.

please note, that's the very first time i've ever addressed you. NOW you can go play victim! :thup:

Says the far left drone!


Yes all you far left drones do is post fake news!

:lol: first of all, i am not "left wing", so that is fake news coming from YOU.

also, you should get your head out of our so-called president's ass and learn how to recognize REAL NEWS. :thup:

President Trump fires FBI Director Comey

Behind Comey’s firing: An enraged Trump, fuming about Russia

^ maybe you could ask ask mr comey if today's news is REAL. :uhoh3:

Federal prosecutors have issued grand jury subpoenas to associates of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn seeking business records, as part of the ongoing probe of Russian meddling in last year's election, according to people familiar with the matter. CNN learned of the subpoenas hours before President Donald Trump fired FBI director James Comey.

The subpoenas represent the first sign of a significant escalation of activity in the FBI's broader investigation begun last July into possible ties between Trump campaign associates and Russia.

CNN exclusive: Grand jury subpoenas issued in FBI's Russia investigation -
trump and spicey completely disregarded the recommendations of our twice elected president, our attorney general, and our dignified intelligence agencies... these fools acted AS IF the previous trouble with mr flynn was all just political "butt hurt" because they have zero insight or experience.

Spicer: "It's true, Obama wasn't a fan of Flynn ha ha ha"

only fools would rather consult foxes like steve bannon regarding who should guard the national security hen house... our so-called president felt indebted to mr flynn for his revenge driven support of his campaign attacks on hillary and obama, who had hired and then eventually fired him. trump is a simpleton who felt he owed flynn this favor for his loyalty to trump, despite his overt acts of disloyalty toward others.

Other former Obama administration officials said then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper didn't think highly of Flynn, and in fact was the person who recommended Flynn's firing as DNI in 2014. Flynn's focus was generally limited to terrorism and didn't know much about many other issues important for the national security adviser job...

Flynn previously served as the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency under Obama until he was reportedly forced out of the post 2014 over internal disagreements over policy and management.

Trump did not heed Obama's counsel on Flynn, bringing aboard the former military intelligence officer who supported Trump during his campaign as his national security adviser. Trump fired Flynn 24 days later when news broke of Flynn's lies about conversations with Russian Ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak.

Obama warned Trump about hiring Flynn -

so why did mr flynn LIE...?? and WHY, once he got caught, did he ask for immunity...??

ANYone who thinks the answer doesn't matter, is a damned fool... just like our so-called president. :thup:

“If you are not guilty of a crime,” he said, “what do you need immunity for?" Michael Flynn 2016
All over but the admission that snowflakes couldn't accept the American people giving Hildabeast and white trash like you the red-state finger(s).
but they didn't ...
the american people voted Hillary, overwhelmingly.

That's not true, Trump won the American Popular vote and Cheater Hillary only won the total popular vote counting non Americans illegally voting, besides Californians don't consider themselves Americans, at least most don't act like they do.. :-l
Where is that evidence of 3 million illegal voters? Why isn't the so-called president demanding an investigation on that assertion?

The Dems and liberal media said 0 illegal voters. .

No Dems said there were zero illegal voters- that is just fake news.

What is real news is that Trump lied and said there were 3 million illegal voters.

Absolutely no evidence of 3 million votes cast by illegals.

Actually that can be not to far off or far fethched, and the States who most receal this refuse to investigate.
Now when you get the evidence of 20 million people left uncovered with the health plan let me know protector of the Tin foil Hat!
Talk about throwing numbers out there. *L*

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