Sam Bankman-Fried, Donald Trump Jr, Eric Trump - 3 peas in a pod

The Trump boys all worked their way up from nothing.
Donald was given millions by his dad and then still declared bankruptcy multiple times. If he had not cheated all the businesses and people out of millions through his bankruptcies, he would be broke.
Don jr. and Eric have done nothing on their own. They are indentured servants to their dad. Even repeating his fraudulent business practices. The poor kids never had a chance.
They were born into immorality.
Trump built things. Maybe that's why the socialist left hates him so much. Bankman-Fried is a thief who defrauded mom and pop investors and contributed dirty money to democrat politicians. Maybe that's why the left likes him.
You are clueless in life.

The valuations of the property were just that valuations.

Banks don’t rely solely on a prospective borrower’s assessments. You moron.

If Trump and his people believe their own value assessments are fair and accurate, banks generally make use of their own valuation assessments, anyway.

Third, if Trump and his team happen to believe their valuations, it couldn’t possibly be fraud.

Fourth, for ANY fraud, civil or criminal, the law requires a victim. Here, there are no victims. None at all. Loans were granted. Loans were paid off.

I can’t remedy your life long inability to learn. Your ignorance is on you, Elmo.
No victims. You are clueless.
The victims are Trump corps competitors. Honest business people who did not lie on financila statements and as a result paid higher interests rates or were turned down for loans.
They have to ammortize the added millions they pay in loan interst into their cost structure putting them at a disadvantage to Trump corp.

There are norms that must be met by anyone who does real estate assessment. It is bot a subjective practice, you idiot. The Trump's went way outside of those limits. An example being lying about the square footage of some properties. That is not subjective.

The Trump's love having a trained bitch like you to make excuses for whatever they do. The Trumps have many bitches that do their bidding. Some of those being Rudy Giuliani, Sydney Powell, Jenna Ellis and Kenneth Chesebro. Being one of Trump's bitches has not worked out well for them and many more. How dumb do people have to be to continue to lie and cheat for Trump after seeing the way he treats people who have.
Trump built things. Maybe that's why the socialist left hates him so much. Bankman-Fried is a thief who defrauded mom and pop investors and contributed dirty money to democrat politicians. Maybe that's why the left likes him.
Normal people do not like criminals or criminal behavior no matter one political leanings.
A person who judges criminality based on political leaning has no idea of what is right or wrong. They have no moral compass.
Normal people do not like criminals or criminal behavior no matter one political leanings.
A person who judges criminality based on political leaning has no idea of what is right or wrong. They have no moral compass.

So Orange Man Bad but Potato is clean? Like that? Lol
Normal people do not like criminals or criminal behavior no matter one political leanings.
A person who judges criminality based on political leaning has no idea of what is right or wrong. They have no moral compass.
Tell it to Hunter and Bill Clinton and that guy who pulled a fire alarm to disrupt the system.
No victims. You are clueless.
The victims are Trump corps competitors. Honest business people who did not lie on financila statements and as a result paid higher interests rates or were turned down for loans.
They have to ammortize the added millions they pay in loan interst into their cost structure putting them at a disadvantage to Trump corp.

There are norms that must be met by anyone who does real estate assessment. It is bot a subjective practice, you idiot. The Trump's went way outside of those limits. An example being lying about the square footage of some properties. That is not subjective.

The Trump's love having a trained bitch like you to make excuses for whatever they do. The Trumps have many bitches that do their bidding. Some of those being Rudy Giuliani, Sydney Powell, Jenna Ellis and Kenneth Chesebro. Being one of Trump's bitches has not worked out well for them and many more. How dumb do people have to be to continue to lie and cheat for Trump after seeing the way he treats people who have.
False. No victims at all.

You’re utterly mindless.

“A” gets a big old business loan.

You imagine that this means that “B” is unable to get a big old business loan?

You could be more retarded, I guess. But it isn’t clear how. I mean once your frontal lobes are gone, they’re gone.
Trump risked capital, offered good jobs to workers and built things. Joe Biden never had a real job and Bankman Fried is a thief who defrauded mom and pop investors to contribute dirty money to democrat politicians.
Tell it to Hunter and Bill Clinton and that guy who pulled a fire alarm to disrupt the system.
He was wrong.
Only idiots excuse crimes and mistakes if they agree with ones politics or think a political leader is god like.
False. No victims at all.

You’re utterly mindless.

“A” gets a big old business loan.

You imagine that this means that “B” is unable to get a big old business loan?

You could be more retarded, I guess. But it isn’t clear how. I mean once your frontal lobes are gone, they’re gone.
No, you cannot be this dense.
The interest rate is based on the risk associated with a loan. Having higher assets, as a borrowing entity, lessens the risk for the lending institution. As a result there is a lower interst rate.
A lower interst rates means millions of dollars less paid in interest.

Another thing you are wrong about is a lender will double check the value of all assets declared by the borrower. Probably not unless the loan is is backed by assets as formal collateral. If the loan is guaranteed by an asset the lender will double check the value.
You don't know what you don't know and you don't know a lot.
Dumb is as dumb does.

And if a borrower has limited assets they may not get the loan.
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No, you cannot be this dense.
The interest rate is based on the risk associated with a loan. Having higher assets, as a borrowing entity, lessens the risk for the lending institution. As a result there is a lower interst rate.
A lower interst rates means millions of dollars less paid in interest.

Another thing you are wrong about is a lender will double check the value of all assets declared by the borrower. Probably not unless the loan is is backed by assets as formal collateral. If the loan is guaranteed by an asset the lender will double check the value.
You don't know what you don't know and you don't know a lot.
Dumb is as dumb does.

And if a borrower has limited assets they may not get the loan.
You’re intensely stupid. The banks made their loans. Their interests rates were calculated on their own risk assessments.

They didn’t make those assessments in a void. You persist in ignorantly pretending that the Trump team valuations somehow led to the offers. You’re ridiculous.

And, more importantly, the loans cost the banks nothing. They got exactly what then attained for. They were repaid in full.
There are absolutely zero “victims.”

Bottom line: you either are “this dense” or you just to don’t give a shit about facts.

Either way, your posts are a waste of electrons.
You’re intensely stupid. The banks made their loans. Their interests rates were calculated on their own risk assessments.

They didn’t make those assessments in a void. You persist in ignorantly pretending that the Trump team valuations somehow led to the offers. You’re ridiculous.

And, more importantly, the loans cost the banks nothing. They got exactly what then attained for. They were repaid in full.
There are absolutely zero “victims.”

Bottom line: you either are “this dense” or you just to don’t give a shit about facts.

Either way, your posts are a waste of electrons.
Your density is proven with everyone of your posts.
You are correct that the banks do not make their assessment in a void. A big part of the assessment is the financial statements provided them by THE COMPANY.

Enron and World com were well publicized companies over stating assets.

Deceptive accounting practices that can be prosecutesd are the following.
fictitious revenues, timing differences, hidden liabilities and expenses, improper asset valuation, or impairment recognition.

There is no cure for stupid.
Can't stop lying huh?
I cannot stop telling the truth. I am a truth teller, not a Trump cult member.
The truth will set you free.
Down deep you know I am speaking the truth.
Free yourself from the cult.
Sam Bankman-Fried, Donald Trump Jr, Eric Trump - 3 peas in a pod
The testimony of Sam Bankman-Fried, Donald Trump Jr, and Eric Trump, in their trials, is very similar.
Many "I don't recalls". "Other people are responsible for the financial statements that have proved to be fradulent". These are suppose to be successful businessman. How can the head of a major company be so detached from financial statements. They are all frauds.

Maybe all three of them will end up sharing a cell together. Donald Sr. will be next door.
Another spaz thread ??????

Which is why your affliction is so tragic. Yep. There is no hope for you at all.
The comeback of a very stupid, juvenile person.
"I know you are what am I?"
Most people quit using that one in 6th grade.
Every one of your posts proves your stupidity; juvenile stupidity. Maybe you are a juvenile.

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