If Sam Bankman-Fried spent $10 million backing Biden’s campaign , what about ABC,CBS,NBC that gave $400 million in free advertising for Biden?

You mean the laptop that you have no proof about...

Sorry but the Laptop thing is another bullshit story like Pizzagate...

There is no story, as long as you make a Democrat a villain that ye idiots won't believe.

The Hunter Biden laptop does not exist?

What the fuck are you babbling about?
After how many years of stalling and denying? This was the same thing your fellow retarded fuckstick was complaining about.
Did the democrat committee get the returns? So what? We still haven't got one single action regarding Hunter's laptop...even though there are witnesses that

Hunter Biden’s biz partner called Joe Biden ‘the Big Guy’ in panicked message after Post’s laptop story​

One of Hunter Biden’s former business partners referred to Joe Biden as “the Big Guy” in a panicked message the same day The Post broke news of the infamous laptop from hell left behind by the president’s son, The Post has learned.

By the way... CandyPorn... you make comments but no substantiation! Where's your proof?
Then produce the proof of the hard drives for the laptop and not a copy...
Did the democrat committee get the returns? So what?
Simply pointing out the rather bizarre hypocrisy of your tribe there loser.
We still haven't got one single action regarding Hunter's laptop...even though there are witnesses that

Hunter Biden’s biz partner called Joe Biden ‘the Big Guy’ in panicked message after Post’s laptop story​

One of Hunter Biden’s former business partners referred to Joe Biden as “the Big Guy” in a panicked message the same day The Post broke news of the infamous laptop from hell left behind by the president’s son, The Post has learned.
What laptop? Rudy says he has it.
By the way... CandyPorn... you make comments but no substantiation! Where's your proof?
I did? Your blob said he would release his taxes in 2015 after the audit was over.

He never released them.
NOPE... I'm not suggesting that. But what ABC,CBS,NBC must do is give "equal time". And they didn't!
The federal equal time rule requires broadcasters to treat a candidate for the same political office identically to every other candidate for that office. If a radio or television station sells air time to one candidate, the rule states that it must offer to sell the same amount of time to other candidates for that office.
When the "news content" is considerably biased as it was..
The three broadcast networks,ABC,CBS,NBC donated $400 million in free advertising by providing in 3 months or 32.7 hours of coverage, by TV standards an eternity of news time.
The new study analyzed all coverage of the two contenders on ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts from July 29 through October 20. "Over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history —92% negative, vs. just 8% positive from July 29 through October 20

Now for the LAW!!!
The scope of the news distortion policy is limited in several respects. First, the regulation applies only to the broadcast medium, which means that the FCC has no power to enforce it against cable news networks, newspapers or newsletters (whether online or print), social media platforms, online-only streaming outlets or any other non-broadcast news platform.

Second, broadcasters are subject to sanction only if they can be proven to have deliberately distorted a factual news report. Errors stemming from mistakes are not actionable, nor are expressions of opinion (however unsubstantiated they may seem to some viewers or listeners).

Accordingly, the FCC will investigate a claim only if it first receives evidence, in addition to the broadcast itself, that makes a "substantial showing" that a broadcast news report was deliberately intended to mislead viewers or listeners. Such evidence may include testimony from persons who have direct personal knowledge of an intentional falsification of the news. Examples of such evidence include written or oral instructions from station management, outtakes, or evidence of bribery. Without such documented evidence, per the legal requirements governing the Commission, the FCC generally cannot intervene.
Are you fucking serious...

The Reagan got rid of that and any attempt by Democrats to bring it back has been shut down by GOP....

Because the GOP don't want an actual debate on stuff like proven solutions... They need fear...

Ever ask yourself why other countries actually have universal healthcare? free third level education?
How most those other countries are more fiscal responsible than US?

Then just imagine that maybe the right wing media (which is far larger than you think) is lying... Guess what, big media orgs are owned by big corporations which rich people run... Do you think they are going to tend left or right?
Second, broadcasters are subject to sanction only if they can be proven to have deliberately distorted a factual news report. Errors stemming from mistakes are not actionable, nor are expressions of opinion (however unsubstantiated they may seem to some viewers or listeners).
Two problems.

One. This has NOTHING to do with campaign finance.

Two. You need to show deliberate distortions. Opinions are not actionable.
Two problems.

One. This has NOTHING to do with campaign finance.

Two. You need to show deliberate distortions. Opinions are not actionable.
The OP is nonsense of course.

But here is what I think should happen. Every network has a chyron (the logo on the lower right). Whenever there is explicit opinions being offered for the better part of a program, the network changes the chyron to green (just to pick a color). I don't mean when the talking heads are going at it with one another and a "reporter" who's a moderator essentially asking them to go at it with one another. I mean when there is an evening show like Lawrence O'Donnell or Keith Olberman back in the day. All of this is onion programming and it should let the viewers know that what they are seeing is opinion.
The OP is nonsense of course.

But here is what I think should happen. Every network has a chyron (the logo on the lower right). Whenever there is explicit opinions being offered for the better part of a program, the network changes the chyron to green (just to pick a color). I don't mean when the talking heads are going at it with one another and a "reporter" who's a moderator essentially asking them to go at it with one another. I mean when there is an evening show like Lawrence O'Donnell or Keith Olberman back in the day. All of this is onion programming and it should let the viewers know that what they are seeing is opinion.
Well you are right about the distinction between opinions/editorials and news! The problem is that ABC,CBS,NBC as evening News shows are supposed to be presenting NEWS... not opinions. When 92% of the news as presented by the networks are negative that is the "opinion" news... not factual.
The new study analyzed all coverage of the two contenders on ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts from July 29 through October 20. "Over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history —92% negative, vs. just 8% positive from July 29 through October 20
Are you fucking serious...

The Reagan got rid of that and any attempt by Democrats to bring it back has been shut down by GOP....

Because the GOP don't want an actual debate on stuff like proven solutions... They need fear...

Ever ask yourself why other countries actually have universal healthcare? free third level education?
How most those other countries are more fiscal responsible than US?

Then just imagine that maybe the right wing media (which is far larger than you think) is lying... Guess what, big media orgs are owned by big corporations which rich people run... Do you think they are going to tend left or right?
Well your use of Poynter was a fraud right there!
Read what this biased news source says about Poynter/Politifact.org "bias" efforts.
Well you are right about the distinction between opinions/editorials and news! The problem is that ABC,CBS,NBC as evening News shows are supposed to be presenting NEWS... not opinions. When 92% of the news as presented by the networks are negative that is the "opinion" news... not factual.
The new study analyzed all coverage of the two contenders on ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts from July 29 through October 20. "Over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history —92% negative, vs. just 8% positive from July 29 through October 20
100% of your posts are bullshit.

What was the blob doing during the Spring, Summer and Fall of 2020? Promising miracles that covid would end, say that we will have a case count down to zero, having protesters cleared via force so he could pose for a photo op holding a bible, taking a helicopter back to the White House (after making the secret service ride around the hospital with his infected ass) where he turned around and saluted nobody.

I'm surprised they found 8 out of 100 stories that were positive for the blob.

Was this before or after his historic melt down in the first debate and refusal to have a second debate?
100% of your posts are bullshit.

What was the blob doing during the Spring, Summer and Fall of 2020? Promising miracles that covid would end, say that we will have a case count down to zero, having protesters cleared via force so he could pose for a photo op holding a bible, taking a helicopter back to the White House (after making the secret service ride around the hospital with his infected ass) where he turned around and saluted nobody.

I'm surprised they found 8 out of 100 stories that were positive for the blob.

Was this before or after his historic melt down in the first debate and refusal to have a second debate?
All of which you write is in your imagination! NO proof. No links. Just your personal opinion. And "CandyPorn"... with a name like that it makes sense!
In the 2020 election, Bankman-Fried spent $10 million backing Biden’s campaign — much of that indirectly.
Will ABC,CBS & NBC be CHARGED with $400 million in political donations when they did this?
The three broadcast networks,ABC,CBS,NBC donated $400 million in free advertising by providing in 3 months or 32.7 hours of coverage, by TV standards an eternity of news time. Media Trump Hatred Shows In 92% Negative Coverage Of His Presidency: Study
The new study analyzed all coverage of the two contenders on ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts from July 29 through October 20.
"Over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history —92% negative, vs. just 8% positive from July 29 through October 20."
Now how I came to $400 million donations...
The average TV advertising cost to run a 30-second commercial on a national network is $104,700 X 3,924 commercials-[32.7 hours equals 3,924 thirty second commercials ] or over $410 million in negative news about President Trump.
So with 32.7 hours of 92% negative news, that equates to donating to Biden over $410 million in advertising.
Again... people looked to ABC,CBS,NBC as providing NEWS and so when they presented 92% negative news what do most people believe about Trump?.
For example some people believe what the MSM presented when they reported Trump watched prostitutes pee on the bed Obama slept while in Russia? But the biased MSM believed it.

So will Biden/Democrats give back the $410 million in FREE advertising by ABC,CBS,NBC?
Why doesn't the IRS investigate the networks for writing off expenses in doing the advertising for Biden?

And below are the FACTS as to how the "journalists" voted with their pocketbooks!
View attachment 740024
Awwww, poor conservative Qwatter is a victim.
When is Joey Xiden going to refund the millions of people he ripped off via FTX? Joey Xiden should be charged as a co-conspirator
Two problems.

One. This has NOTHING to do with campaign finance.

Two. You need to show deliberate distortions. Opinions are not actionable.
But the network news are NOT to have "opinions"! That's editorial's department.
Network news is to do what I learned in journalism classes as the "5 Ws".
Who, what, when, where and why. Not my opinion. Not the writer's opinion. Just the facts.
For example: I'm sure you believe Trump ONLY said..
Trump responded: "Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves — and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides."
And that's what the MSM including the network news reported... BUT did you and millions NOT hear the rest of what Trump said?
After further questioning from the reporter, and responses from Trump about people who were at the Charlottesville rally to support keeping the Lee statue, the president said, "You’re changing history. You’re changing culture. And you had people — and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists — because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists."
All you heard from the biased MSM was Trump said there very fine people on both sides!
The biased MSM didn't repeat the rest of what Trump said... "and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists — because they should be condemned totally. "
And of course if you heard that you don't remember it because you are just an emotional runt!
But the network news are NOT to have "opinions"! That's editorial's department.
Newscasters give interpretation of events and situations. They have never been simply repeating verbatim a list of verifiable facts.

You are pretending there is a line which has never existed.
Newscasters give interpretation of events and situations. They have never been simply repeating verbatim a list of verifiable facts.

You are pretending there is a line which has never existed.
It most certainly DID EXIST evidently LONG before you were born obviously!
First of all I don't believe ANYTHING you write as you don't provide any substantiation ! Do you know what the word means anyway?
READ what news reporters USED to do and that's my POINT!!!
Used to be, reporters reported facts, without inserting opinion, priding themselves on objectivity and not revealing their personal stance regarding the object of their reporting.
Nowadays, many reporters purposefully insert their opinion into otherwise straightforward news stories, blurring, if not obliterating the line between objective news reporting and outright editorializing.
At best, readers and viewers come away with confused messages.
At worst, they’re being subtly exposed to agendas and points of view that used to be reserved for the editorial page.
Some argue that true objectivity is impossible to achieve and attempts to do so might be better expended on more important matters.

AGAIN my point is YOU and your minions have bee as the above points out have been given "confused messages" that are totally
suppose to be on the opinion pages, i.e. editorial pages.
But evidently YOU HAVE no idea of what I'm talking about because YOU think that's what the news is suppose to do!
You tell me honestly... after reading the below two articles how can you possibly believe any of the news sources you follow when you know NOW that 96% of news people's donations went to Hillary in 2016. They spent as I pointed out by ABC,CBS,NBC 92% of their news negative towards Trump. So why else would you have your truly biased and uninformed opinion of Trump.
There is one positive action among countless positive things that Trump did that only 2 other Presidents have done.
AND YOU don't know it because the BIASED MSM even when reporting it... make a negative!
Here is a hint...follow the link and tell me what other 2 presidents did that Trump did!
Well your use of Poynter was a fraud right there!
Read what this biased news source says about Poynter/Politifact.org "bias" efforts.
The website you quote seems to only use opinions of others to question facts...

One of the opinions called American Historians falling to group think to say US wasn't built on stole land...

They are claiming it not stolen cause they brought in laws to get them off their own lands... The uses a quote from Jeff Fynn-Paul a far right history revisionist...

Sorry the reason Politifact looks bias to you is because the GOP and Trump have no integrity and lie...

Lied about the election, lied about COVID and many more....

The website you quote seems to only use opinions of others to question facts...

One of the opinions called American Historians falling to group think to say US wasn't built on stole land...

They are claiming it not stolen cause they brought in laws to get them off their own lands... The uses a quote from Jeff Fynn-Paul a far right history revisionist...

Sorry the reason Politifact looks bias to you is because the GOP and Trump have no integrity and lie...

Lied about the election, lied about COVID and many more....

no facts. Zero links. Who the hell do you think YOU ARE making up lies like you did? NOTHING you write is true!
I provide facts. The fact that Trump was the President to do something that that pedophile Biden would never do and the biased MSM doesn't share is enough truth for me! Here check out a link to the FACT I just stated!
Most notably, he is also the first president in history to donate his salary to government agencies—unlike previous presidents who chose to donate their salaries, all of whom gave the money to charity. Trump has donated his salary every quarter. In March 2020, he provided it to the Department of Health and Human Services to “combat coronavirus.
But you support this pedophile liar!

Biden Lies About Giving WWII Vet Uncle a Purple Heart​

All of which you write is in your imagination! NO proof. No links. Just your personal opinion.
Well, all of the events I listed are well documented. Your cult psyche just cannot handle the fact that your blob did all of that.

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