Further proof that the biased MSM totally favors and facilitates the Communist/Democrat/anti-American crowd!

I'll tell you what, healthmyths, listen up closely. You have nothing but a story.
Butthurt? Probably, time to move on, son.

So how older than me at 80 years old to call me "son"?
Again... are you a lawyer?
"Negative statements about people or companies appear frequently on social media sites, such as Twitter and Facebook.
If they are false statements of fact, they can be considered defamation in some circumstances, or more specifically libel because they are written statement"
https://www.justia.com/injury/defam...hich side is providing the most proof though!
Now here are some FACTS regarding your slander towards me...

When Can You Sue Someone for Slander?​

You can sue someone for slander in the following situations:
  • A potential defendant made a false statement of fact verbally that caused you harm
  • You have evidence to prove the slander occurred and damaged you
  • The time limit for filing a lawsuit has not passed
So when you write: "All fake news by healthmyths."
That is "slander". I believe someone will be in touch with you.
You have to prove deliberate falsification as well as injury.

You are slandering me, but I don't care, because the truth is obvious: some of the media on both sides have favorites. Some are pretty even-handed.

You know that.
So how older than me at 80 years old to call me "son"?
Again... are you a lawyer?
"Negative statements about people or companies appear frequently on social media sites, such as Twitter and Facebook.
If they are false statements of fact, they can be considered defamation in some circumstances, or more specifically libel because they are written statement"
https://www.justia.com/injury/defam...hich side is providing the most proof though!
If your 80, act like it then, and don't get so butthurt at words.
To have any legal standings in a court of law, you need to prove your damages.
Do you need to be a lawyer to know when you break the law going over the speed limit?
Yeah, it really is that simple.

now go pound sand, old man
If your 80, act like it then, and don't get so butthurt at words.
To have any legal standings in a court of law, you need to prove your damages.
Do you need to be a lawyer to know when you break the law going over the speed limit?
Yeah, it really is that simple.

now go pound sand, old man

Defamation is a false statement presented as a fact that causes injury or damage to the character of the person it is about.
An example is “Tom Smith stole money from his employer.”
If this is untrue and if making the statement damages Tom's reputation or ability to work, it is defamation

When Slow horses made the statement about me..."All fake news by healthmyths."
That damaged my reputation on USMessageBoard as newcomers especially will in some cases say... "Oh yea that's healthmyths comment, you know all fake news comes from healthmyths"!
So if you as the Moderator of US Message Board stand by falsehoods spread by people like Slow horses, then US Message Board is as culpable as Slow Horses for spreading FALSE information.
False information that tarnishes people i.e. my reputation on this board.
Much as some people dislike my contributions, almost everyone except possibly you and your ilk don't find that false spreading like Slow horses did that "All fake news by healthmyths." acceptable! Still you still don't comprehend the damages done by this gross falsehood, well I think I will talk to a lawyer!
With usmessageboard having gross Annual Revenue $2.0M - $5.0M there might be some thing here.
Defamation is a false statement presented as a fact that causes injury or damage to the character of the person it is about.
An example is “Tom Smith stole money from his employer.”
If this is untrue and if making the statement damages Tom's reputation or ability to work, it is defamation

When Slow horses made the statement about me..."All fake news by healthmyths."
That damaged my reputation on USMessageBoard as newcomers especially will in some cases say... "Oh yea that's healthmyths comment, you know all fake news comes from healthmyths"!
So if you as the Moderator of US Message Board stand by falsehoods spread by people like Slow horses, then US Message Board is as culpable as Slow Horses for spreading FALSE information.
False information that tarnishes people i.e. my reputation on this board.
Much as some people dislike my contributions, almost everyone except possibly you and your ilk don't find that false spreading like Slow horses did that "All fake news by healthmyths." acceptable! Still you still don't comprehend the damages done by this gross falsehood, well I think I will talk to a lawyer!
With usmessageboard having gross Annual Revenue $2.0M - $5.0M there might be some thing here.

Here, let me give you something good to take to your lawyer. You are a sniveling, traitorous, terrorist who deserves to be sent to Gitmo. Is that enough or do you need some more.
Defamation is a false statement presented as a fact that causes injury or damage to the character of the person it is about.
An example is “Tom Smith stole money from his employer.”
If this is untrue and if making the statement damages Tom's reputation or ability to work, it is defamation

When Slow horses made the statement about me..."All fake news by healthmyths."
That damaged my reputation on USMessageBoard as newcomers especially will in some cases say... "Oh yea that's healthmyths comment, you know all fake news comes from healthmyths"!
So if you as the Moderator of US Message Board stand by falsehoods spread by people like Slow horses, then US Message Board is as culpable as Slow Horses for spreading FALSE information.
False information that tarnishes people i.e. my reputation on this board.
Much as some people dislike my contributions, almost everyone except possibly you and your ilk don't find that false spreading like Slow horses did that "All fake news by healthmyths." acceptable! Still you still don't comprehend the damages done by this gross falsehood, well I think I will talk to a lawyer!
With usmessageboard having gross Annual Revenue $2.0M - $5.0M there might be some thing here.
"Tom Smith stole money from his employer"
There IS actual damages there, just need to know the amount of the damages.
You don't have that...you have no damages, and you have no case. Run along, old man.
The only thing you have is a bad case of butthurt. That is not actionable.

"Tom Smith stole money from his employer"
There IS actual damages there, just need to know the amount of the damages.
You don't have that...you have no damages, and you have no case. Run along, old man.
The only thing you have is a bad case of butthurt. That is not actionable.

So the following is OK to put on the messagaboard like Slow Horses did with me..."All fake news by healthmyths."
How about this Meister...
"I have read that Meister has pictures of Meister feeling up little girls like Biden did in these photos. Meister smelling their hair, kissing on lips!".
How is your "butthurt" Meister?

Definition of Butthurt: "hurt and offended without reason". Are you hurt and offended because it is true, i.e. you kiss little girls on the lips, smell their hair, fondle their breasts..??
But of course you aren't offended.... if it's true!

By the way, you and USMESSAGEBOARD should check out how "butthurt" is now being used in lawsuits!
So the following is OK to put on the messagaboard like Slow Horses did with me..."All fake news by healthmyths."
How about this Meister...
"I have read that Meister has pictures of Meister feeling up little girls like Biden did in these photos. Meister smelling their hair, kissing on lips!".
How is your "butthurt" Meister?

Definition of Butthurt: "hurt and offended without reason". Are you hurt and offended because it is true, i.e. you kiss little girls on the lips, smell their hair, fondle their breasts..??
But of course you aren't offended.... if it's true!

By the way, you and USMESSAGEBOARD should check out how "butthurt" is now being used in lawsuits!
View attachment 799150
:laughing0301: Other than it's against board rules for you to infer I was a pedo, I could give a flying fuck.

Grow the fuck up healthmyths. If your 80, act the age and not some little butthurt 14 year.
If you're that fragile, don't post on this board. :rolleyes-41:
:laughing0301: Other than it's against board rules for you to infer I was a pedo, I could give a flying fuck.

Grow the fuck up healthmyths. If your 80, act the age and not some little butthurt 14 year.
If you're that fragile, don't post on this board. :rolleyes-41:
Where in the board rules is it against for me to and I quote: " for you to infer I was a pedo"
Prove to me in the board rules that "It is against rules that Healthmyths can not infer Meister is a Pedophile"?
Is there a specific rule like that? Specific regarding YOU? I mean where in the rules is there that Slow horse can state:
"All fake news by healthmyths." Yet you haven't admonished him about the rule?
Why the discrimination? Is it because I'm part American Indian? That I'm a senior citizen?
Are you racist?
Keep it up as you are just adding to the potential lawsuit!
Where in the board rules is it against for me to and I quote: " for you to infer I was a pedo"
Prove to me in the board rules that "It is against rules that Healthmyths can not infer Meister is a Pedophile"?
Is there a specific rule like that? Specific regarding YOU? I mean where in the rules is there that Slow horse can state:
"All fake news by healthmyths." Yet you haven't admonished him about the rule?
Why the discrimination? Is it because I'm part American Indian? That I'm a senior citizen?
Are you racist?
Keep it up as you are just adding to the potential lawsuit!
Add this to your list.....stick your head up your ass and roll down the sidewalk, skippy.
If you had said what you said to any other poster, It would have been a warning for you.
Personally I don't give a fuck, you don't know me, or anything about me. I just consider you a fragile
butthurt boy who doesn't seem to have broad enough shoulders for a messageboard as this.
Now....I will give you the last word on this because you are that immature. :eusa_whistle:
carry on
Add this to your list.....stick your head up your ass and roll down the sidewalk, skippy.
If you had said what you said to any other poster, It would have been a warning for you.
Personally I don't give a fuck, you don't know me, or anything about me. I just consider you a fragile
butthurt boy who doesn't seem to have broad enough shoulders for a messageboard as this.
Now....I will give you the last word on this because you are that immature. :eusa_whistle:
carry on
So where was the warning to Slow horse for saying "Âll fake news by healthmyths." this about me?
Tell me what is the difference between my making a gross exaggeration (I assume???) saying you are a pedophile and what
Slow horse said about me? Both are obviously "butthurtable"! Maybe you can understand that saying YOU are a pedophile and
Slow Horse saying the most gigantic LIE...(ALL FAKE NEWS???? ALL???) to anyone is insulting and I'm as offended by that as much as you
are about being called a Pedophile.
So where was the warning to Slow horse for saying "Âll fake news by healthmyths." this about me?
Tell me what is the difference between my making a gross exaggeration (I assume???) saying you are a pedophile and what
Slow horse said about me? Both are obviously "butthurtable"! Maybe you can understand that saying YOU are a pedophile and
Slow Horse saying the most gigantic LIE...(ALL FAKE NEWS???? ALL???) to anyone is insulting and I'm as offended by that as much as you
are about being called a Pedophile.
Offended? You are offended, I'm not, I don't give a shit.
If Slow Horse thinks you're all fake news, it's his right to think that.
Seems you given him enough ammo for him to think that.
I don't think you comprehend too much. I know you're not 80.
Eighty year olds aren't as stupid as you are.
Offended? You are offended, I'm not, I don't give a shit.
If Slow Horse thinks you're all fake news, it's his right to think that.
Seems you given him enough ammo for him to think that.
I don't think you comprehend too much. I know you're not 80.
Eighty year olds aren't as stupid as you are.
You wrote: "If you had said what you said to any other poster, It would have been a warning for you."
What would be the warning to me if I wrote stating he is a pedophile to Slow horse?
What kind of warning would I get?
You wrote: "If you had said what you said to any other poster, It would have been a warning for you."
What would be the warning to me if I wrote stating he is a pedophile to Slow horse?
What kind of warning would I get?
Have a good day, Healthmyths
Have a good day, Healthmyths
So why should I believe your "have a good day" after you wrote:

Seems you given him enough ammo for him to think that.
I don't think you comprehend too much. I know you're not 80.
Eighty year olds aren't as stupid as you are.

So as a moderator you defend Slow horse statement All fake news by healthmyths."
and further say I gave him enough ammo? I gave him FACTS as I've give you! You make a dumb ass comment like he did and
like you have I'm going to prove you are wrong!
But the proof is in your last statement "Eighty year olds aren't as stupid as you are."
That is so fraudulent as this is the retort again with FACTS!!!
The problem is, MSM is more left than the others and it does cater to that crowd. I enjoy CBS and ABC whom gives a more balanced news.

MSM, Pawxsnooze and others are playing way to far to the fringe.
Ummm...CBS and ABC along with NBC are the MSM. Fox, aka Faux News and all the Internet Tabloids are on the far-right - feeding those who just love The Donald, faux conservatives and the QAnon Set.
The Washington Post's new CEO, Amazon board member and former Microsoft executive Patricia Stonesifer, has contributed more than $600,000 to Democrats, campaign finance disclosures reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon show.

The above with the below articles should make you on-the-fencers who THINK the MSM information is NOT biased...THINK AGAIN!
ABC,CBS,NBC along with their personal donations, donated $2.671 billion in free advertising over 32.7 hours of coverage, from 7/29/2020-10/20/20).
Everything You Need to Know About TV Advertising Costs The average commercial costs $105,000 for a 30 sec. spot.
Therefore in 32.7 hours , two 30 second commercials in a minute or total of 25,440 thirty second commercials @ $105,000 or $2,671,200,000 In television advertising value.
"What they found was, over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history — 92% negative, vs. just 8% positive.from July 29 through October 20"

View attachment 797919
Seems to me the title of this OP is trolling. With most of his "work" and as a Mod I'd put all of healthmyths writing in the Rubber Room.

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