Same Old Fascists

The Far Left and Fascism

You’re truly an ignorant putz, along with Edward Feser.

Fascism is on the right side of the political spectrum, having nothing to do with ‘the left,’ ‘far’ or otherwise.

Talk about the ignorant....this moron is the biggest putz!

The most prominent early user of the term left-fascism was Jürgen Habermas, a sociologist and philosopher influenced by the neo-Marxist Frankfurt School. He used the term in the 1960s to distance the Frankfurt School from the violence and authoritarianism of left-wing terrorists.[1][2] Habermas, whose work emphasizes the importance of rational discourse, democratic institutions and opposition to violence, has made important contributions to conflict theory and is often associated with the radical left.
Sociologist Irving Louis Horowitz, in his 1984 book "Winners and Losers", built on Vladimir Lenin's work "Left-Wing" Communism: An Infantile Disorder.[3] Lenin describes the enemies of the working class as opportunists and petty-bourgeois revolutionaries, which he links to anarchism. Horowitz argues that there was a similar political strain in the United States in the 1980s, which he characterizes as "left-wing fascism".
Horowitz argues that it is dangerous to assume clear distinctions between left, centre and right, and that various combinations are possible. He warned of "left fascism" during later years of the European Years of Lead, which were rife with red-black terrorist groups such as the German Rote Armee Fraktion (RAF) and the Italian Red Brigades, which had mixed left- and right-wing influences. Horowitz argues that "left-wing fascism" in the United States, as in Europe, is capable of combining very different ideological strains into a political formula that has the potential for mass appeal. He argues that it operates through mystified language, attributes faults "everywhere and always in an imperial conspiracy of wealth, power or status", and uses anti-Semitism as a pseudo-populist tool.
Horowitz argues that a tenet of "left-wing fascism" in the United States is a rejection of American ideals and the democratic system, and an assertion of socialism as an idealized abstraction. He argues that "left-wing fascists" uniquely examine socialism without comment on the activities in the Soviet Union. He also argues that the potential strength of left-wing fascism, as practiced by Lyndon LaRouche's National Caucus of Labor Committees (NCLC), is in the combination of motivating principles for development of a new fascist social order. The effectiveness of the NCLC is seen in the success in building single-issue alliances with the far right and anti-Semitic Liberty Lobby, Black Muslim movements and conservative Teamsters Union officials.
In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, the term left fascism has been used to describe unusual hybrid political alliances.[4] Historian Richard Wolin has used the term left fascism in arguing that some European intellectuals have been infatuated with post-modernist or anti-enlightenment theories, opening up the opportunity for cult-like, irrational, anti-democratic positions that combine characteristics of the Left with those of fascism.[5] Bernard-Henri Lévy, a philosopher and journalist, calls this political hybrid neo-progressivism, new barbarism or red fascism. Lévy argues that it is anti-liberal, anti-American, anti-empire, anti-Semitic and pro-Islamofascist.[6]

Left-wing fascism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
When you consider the definition of fascism to be "government control over the production and distribution of goods and services" you have to admit we are in it and it's deep shit. When you combine government bureaucracies that have become gigantic out of control weapons directed at citizens and the low information union educated left who seem ignorant of the most basic freedoms, you have a recipe for fascism.


Here is the definition of fascism

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When you consider the definition of fascism to be "government control over the production and distribution of goods and services" you have to admit we are in it and it's deep shit. When you combine government bureaucracies that have become gigantic out of control weapons directed at citizens and the low information union educated left who seem ignorant of the most basic freedoms, you have a recipe for fascism.

Here is the definition of fascism


Sure sounds like today's democrat/subversives!
The Far Left and Fascism

You’re truly an ignorant putz, along with Edward Feser.

Fascism is on the right side of the political spectrum, having nothing to do with ‘the left,’ ‘far’ or otherwise.

You're too stupid to even understand the concepts here. Fascists were "moderate left" in the progressive world. Mussolini who founded the party was a hardcore socialist, he didn't make a right turn and adopt a politic that advanced individual rights and free markets. He adopted an idea that business interests and government could combine and advance the cause of a state you imbecile.

I seriously can't believe "people" like you can take so much effort to resist absorbing knowledge and maintain such blithering ignorance. You really should have been aborted.
When you consider the definition of fascism to be "government control over the production and distribution of goods and services" you have to admit we are in it and it's deep shit. When you combine government bureaucracies that have become gigantic out of control weapons directed at citizens and the low information union educated left who seem ignorant of the most basic freedoms, you have a recipe for fascism.

Here is the definition of fascism


Sure sounds like today's democrat/subversives!

Sure sounds like it has more to do with those involved in a cult of personality and a domineering government than anything anyone on the "right"is advancing. Every country wants and needs a strong military. Calling that a "fascist" cause is like calling the urge to defecate "greedy" for wanting some privacy.
When you consider the definition of fascism to be "government control over the production and distribution of goods and services" you have to admit we are in it and it's deep shit. When you combine government bureaucracies that have become gigantic out of control weapons directed at citizens and the low information union educated left who seem ignorant of the most basic freedoms, you have a recipe for fascism.

When you look back at the propaganda "progressive" parasites had been pushing from the 1920's into the 30's, you will read fawning reports of the great accomplishments of men like:

Mussolini, "the Lion of Socialism"


Hitler, honored on the cover 5 times. Hitler was "man of the year in Jan 1939.


Of course Stalin who holds the title of second most deadly despotic "progressive" killed 20 million according to the most "liberal" reports has been on the cover maybe as much as the moonbat messiah, who is probably jealous he can't even attempt to compete since the proles under his tyranny have the means to resist systematic slaughter.


In their defense at least by the time Mao was slaughtering people the tools of "progressive journalism" realized mass murder was not a resume enhancement. They finally got around to condemning despotic marxist regimes.


Once the left disarms the last country who stands in the way of a collective global government, humanity will become an ant colony. Thinking for yourself is a virtue.

Woody Allen in ANTZ said:
I'm supposed to do everything for the colony? What about my needs?

The last statement of a human drone in the future obozo and his sycophants envision.
Those men represent the Right [Fascist] and Left [Communist].

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