Same-Sex Marriage Fraud Exposed!


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Oct 6, 2008
1. Mark Regnerus is associate professor of sociology at the University of Texas at Austin, and a research associate of the university's Population Research Center. His areas of research are sexual behavior and family formation. He's the author of two books (2007 and 2011) on the sexual behavior of teenagers and young adults.

2. "Children Reared by 'Mom and Dad' Are Better Off Than Those in Same-Sex Couple Households: New parenting study questions politically correct view that kids raised by two homosexuals exhibit 'no differences.'

3. For the past decade, a cadre of social scientists has claimed that kids raised by homosexuals show “no differences” from kids raised by opposite-sex couples….a large national study of the well-being of young adults reared in different types of families challenges this widely circulated “no differences” thesis.

4. In this month’s Social Science Research, University of Texas sociologist Mark Regnerus reports that Americans ages 18 to 39 who grew up in families where either parent had a same-sex romance fared significantly worse on 25 of 40 measures.

a. They were three and a half times likelier to be unemployed and almost four times likelier to be on public assistance than children raised in biological, intact mom-and-dad marriages. Children reared by same-sex-wooing adults were also more likely to have been arrested, to have pled guilty to a minor criminal offense, to smoke marijuana, and to have thought about suicide during the previous year.

5. In a 2005 brief, the American Psychological Association (APA) stated: “Not a single study has found children of lesbian or gay parents to be disadvantaged in any significant respect relative to children of heterosexual parents.” The APA’s primary stated objective for publishing the brief was to influence family law. The preface declared that “the focus of the publication … [is] to serve the needs of psychologists, lawyers and parties in family-law cases.”… The “no differences” thesis has been used in many legal briefs, articles and expert testimonies to sway state and federal judges on same-sex “marriage” decisions.

a. …Judge Vaughn Walker of the U.S. district court in San Francisco repeatedly cited the “no differences” thesis in his 2010 decision, which overturned California’s Proposition 8 voter initiative defining marriage as between one man and one woman. Judge Walker said the research supporting the conclusion that children raised by homosexual parents are as likely to be “healthy, successful and well-adjusted” as other children was “beyond serious debate.”

6. In a thorough critique of the 2005 APA brief, which also appears in this month’s issue of Social Science Research, Louisiana State University associate professor Loren Marks writes that “strong assertions” about same-sex parents, “including those made by the APA,” are not “empirically warranted.”… 77% of the 59 studies cited in the APA paper were conducted on small, non-representative samples of fewer than 100 people, with one study including only five participants….tend to study a few privileged lesbians (predominantly white, well-educated and middle-class), then unscientifically generalize their findings to all same-sex couples nationwide.

7. Among the most disturbing of the new findings were those regarding childhood sexual abuse. Sadly, when asked if they were ever touched sexually by a parent or an adult, grown children of lesbian mothers were 11 times more likely to say “Yes” than those from intact biological mom-and-dad families.

8. The new study plainly shows that to be reared by an intact biological family presents clear advantages for children over all other family forms, including those in which parents are divorced, cohabiting, single or adoptive….“The biologically intact, stable nuclear family may seem like an endangered species — it is not — but it remains the most secure environment for child development,” Regnerus writes.

a. …what sociologists Sara McLanahan and Gary Sandefur, authors of Growing Up With a Single Parent: What Hurts, What Helps, observed in 1994 remains true today: “If we were asked to design a system for making sure that children’s basic needs were met, we would probably come up with something quite similar to the two-parent family ideal.”

9. …his findings have ignited a political firestorm. His carefully designed, peer-reviewed study, published in a highly reputable journal and funded to the tune of nearly $800,000, has been called everything from “ill-conceived” to “junk science.”… Writing in The New Republic, Molly Redden called the NFSS an “embarrassing piece of statistical acrobatics” and openly called for “respectable news outlets” to blackball Regnerus and “decide that his isn’t a voice we need at all.”

a. Regnerus quipped, “I think the decibel level of the critics is in keeping with the quality of the study: high.”
Children Reared by 'Mom and Dad' Are Better Off Than Those in Same-Sex Couple Households | Daily News |

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