Samuel L. Jackson rips 'Uncle Clarence' Thomas in racial attack on Supreme Court justice

why is coonin?

yes it’s not 1955…the dems jim crow era has ended…please wake up and think for yourself
Actually you need to wake up, it is Republicans who want to take us back to Jim Crow. Tell me Struth why did Emma Lou have to get on the welfare rolls?
Actually you need to wake up, it is Republicans who want to take us back to Jim Crow. Tell me Struth why did Emma Lou have to get on the welfare rolls?
the gop ended the dems jim crow laws…

Because she needed welfare to make ends meat
…why are you so hung up on that? does it make you feel better about being on it?
Of course, Hollywood liberals, like other liberals, are outraged that some babies in the womb may escape death by abortion. Yet, these are the same folks who lecture us about "love," "tolerance," "inclusion," "kindness," and "sticking up for the defenseless." I'd bet good money that Jackson hasn't even read sentence from the decision.
All of which they dont mean and just pay lip service to…like most lefties they think it makes them sound “ moral”. Because sounding moral is better than actually having morals and being moral.
Actually you need to wake up, it is Republicans who want to take us back to Jim Crow. Tell me Struth why did Emma Lou have to get on the welfare rolls?
The money that goes into communities will reduce. Progs will blame others when this happens, and they do in areas that the Village has been empowered without the funnels of money flowing from the outside. Flint, Michigan could not even bring fresh water to the citizens because of its own corruption and ineptness. But the other side got the blame as usual. Many of the politicians and former politicians live great now.
the gop ended the dems jim crow laws…
No the North ended the South's Jim Crow Laws.
Because she needed welfare to make ends meat
She was working at the time, she didn't need welfare to make ends meet.
…why are you so hung up on that? does it make you feel better about being on it?
Because the boot licker that you hold in such high regard didn't raise a finger to help his sister take care of their bed ridden aunt. She required 24hr care and his sister quit her job and to take care of their bed ridden aunt. That is why she got on welfare and to top things off he stands in front of a group of white folks and talks down on a sister he wouldn't help and you think that is commendable.
The money that goes into communities will reduce. Progs will blame others when this happens, and they do in areas that the Village has been empowered without the funnels of money flowing from the outside. Flint, Michigan could not even bring fresh water to the citizens because of its own corruption and ineptness. But the other side got the blame as usual. Many of the politicians and former politicians live great now.
Hmmm, now how does that show us all the great things Republicans are doing for black folks.
No the North ended the South's Jim Crow Laws.

She was working at the time, she didn't need welfare to make ends meet.

Because the boot licker that you hold in such high regard didn't raise a finger to help his sister take care of their bed ridden aunt. She required 24hr care and his sister quit her job and to take care of their bed ridden aunt. That is why she got on welfare and to top things off he stands in front of a group of white folks and talks down on a sister he wouldn't help and you think that is commendable.
no it was republicans…the entire point of jim crow was so dems could maintain power and keep people from voting for republicans. even northern dems like joey xiden fought to keep them

people don’t get on welfare unless they need it to make ends meat
no it was republicans…the entire point of jim crow was so dems could maintain power and keep people from voting for republicans. even northern dems like joey xiden fought to keep them.
Tell me how many Southern Republicans voted for the CRA or VRA.

By party and region[edit]​

The House of Representatives:

Note that four Representatives voted Present while 13 did not vote.

The Senate:

You need to study some history and stop following the right wing talking points.
people don’t get on welfare unless they need it to make ends meat.
Why are you running from addressing that Uncle Thomas abandoned his family in their time of need and then try to use them as a prop to make himself look good in front of a group of white folks.
Tell me how many Southern Republicans voted for the CRA or VRA.

By party and region[edit]​

The House of Representatives:

Note that four Representatives voted Present while 13 did not vote.

The Senate:

You need to study some history and stop following the right wing talking points.

Why are you running from addressing that Uncle Thomas abandoned his family in their time of need and then try to use them as a prop to make himself look good in front of a group of white folks.
why? that’s not relevant

no he didn’t, he actually raised his nephew and took him in
People love Samuel. Clarance is ethically one dirty ass MFer. SJ needs to unload a Pulp Fiction scene on Clarence. “Say ‘what’ one more time MFer”.
Entitlement Negro? Does that mean you are mad because I believe I should be entitled to everything in this country that you are entitled to. Of course I embrace black men who love black folks, men like Dr. King, Thurgood Marshall, Medgar Evers, Rev. Jackson, Rev Sharpton, etc. I can't roll with black men who hate themselves, Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, Armstrong Williams, etc.
The trouble you entitlement Negros have is that you are use to the weak minded White Guilt pukes kissing your Black asses all the time. Like Citygator.

You never hear reality. You, in you mindless hate, think anybody that doesn't kiss your Black asses are racist.

There are many good hard working Blacks in this country but there are many many more that:

1. Are on welfare

2. Won't take care of their families

3. Are criminals

4. Are druggies

5. Are enablers of the destructive Democrat Party that keeps them in poverty and screws up the rest of the county.

There are sorry ass Whites that also do all those things but not near the same demographic level as Negros.

Clarence Thomas pisses off all you Moon Bats because he isn't a hate mongering dumbass Liberal House Negro. He actually can think for himself and loves this country. He once was a militant Black activist but he pulled his head out of his ass. Other Blacks have no intentions of pulling their heads out of their asses.
why? that’s not relevant
The hell if it isn't, it shows that North Republicans and Democrats voted for the CRA and VRA while Southern Republicans and Democrats voted against it. Thus showing your right wing talking point is bullshit.
no he didn’t, he actually raised his nephew and took him in
The hell if he didn't, I am not talking about no damn nephew I am speaking of their bed ridden aunt of whom he wouldn't lift a damn finger to help.
The hell if it isn't, it shows that North Republicans and Democrats voted for the CRA and VRA while Southern Republicans and Democrats voted against it. Thus showing your right wing talking point is bullshit.

The hell if he didn't, I am not talking about no damn nephew I am speaking of their bed ridden aunt of whom he wouldn't lift a damn finger to help.
nah the dems even in the north…like joey xiden worked with the dems in the south like Eastland, to keep jim crow and segregation

yeah he was too busy raising the nephew he took in

glad his sister could contribute some by helping out with a aunt
The trouble you entitlement Negros have is that you are use to the weak minded White Guilt pukes kissing your Black asses all the time. Like Citygator.

You never hear reality. You, in you mindless hate, think anybody that doesn't kiss your Black asses are racist.
The trouble is there are too many ignorant racist in this country, like you. You think you are entitled to the best that America has to offer and that everyone else is supposed to get the scraps that you throw us.
There are many good hard working Blacks in this country but there are many many more that:

1. Are on welfare

2. Won't take care of their families

3. Are criminals

4. Are druggies

5. Are enablers of the destructive Democrat Party that keeps them in poverty and screws up the rest of the county.

There are sorry ass Whites that also do all those things but not near the same demographic level as Negros.
Is that supposed to be racist double talk?
Clarence Thomas pisses off all you Moon Bats because he isn't a hate mongering dumbass Liberal House Negro. He actually can think for himself and loves this country. He once was a militant Black activist but he pulled his head out of his ass. Other Blacks have no intentions of pulling their heads out of their asses.
When did he start thinking for himself? He sold his soul out to the likes of racist like you, because he thinks then you will accept him as one of you.
Hillary and Biden were right about the Deplorbales
A welcome addition to the Republican Party

You deny they are Deplorable?
Ask the 130 injured Capitol Police
That standard means there are maybe 2 thousand Deplorables. That's not very many.
nah the dems even in the north…like joey xiden worked with the dems in the south like Eastland, to keep jim crow and segregation
Denial is hell isn't it Trump Humper.

  • Northern Democrats: 145–8 (95–5%)
  • Northern Democrats: 45–1 (98–2%)
See we can argue opinion, can't argue facts.
yeah he was too busy raising the nephew he took in

glad his sister could contribute some by helping out with a aunt.
I guess boot lickers have to stick together no matter what. I wonder how many family members you have thrown under the bus.

That isn't the nephew who is spending a 30yr prison term, is it?

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