San Diego: Another shining America city being ruined by a flood of illegal immigrants.

The Cartels are funneling a thousand a day into beautiful San Diego. Nogales Mexico continues releasing their poop into the Ocean just South causing beach closures. This is what the Democrats wanted.

I remember that from the Reagan Administration ... in Sacramento ... this started when the guest worker program ended ...

Have House Republicans send an appropriations bill over to the Senate ... with your changes to the asylum laws ... I'm a liberal so I want to annex the whole damn place, but I may be wrong ... our flag is designed to add more stars, long past time we considered full integration with the twelveth largest economy in the world ...
The Cartels are funneling a thousand a day into beautiful San Diego. Nogales Mexico continues releasing their poop into the Ocean just South causing beach closures. This is what the Democrats wanted.

When I lived in Vegas, we would go to SD at least twice a year and enjoy the beautiful marinas, beaches, Seaworld and then skip down to Disneyland in Anaheim. You could not pay me to go to SD now with all the illegals running around.
The American Indians lost a very long war against an invading army. Just like countless other peoples throughout world history.
The American government also passed laws to kill the Natives. They also broke over 400 treaties to kill the Native.
My daughter's gated community in SD was nicknamed Ft. Apache due to the illegals and homeless that surrounded it.....She GTFO and moved back to Virginia.

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