San Francisco Chronicle Admits: Some Anti-Trump Protesters are Paid

The biggest issue with all of this, is that, as Clinton rightfully said about Bernie, "it's easy to identify the problems but where are your answers?" This is quite accurate. So you rally some people together who go and protest, complain, whine and generally take counter positions to the administration, but, they don't suggest answers.

The answer to illegal immigration isn't to double the number of illegals, or to shelter criminals. The answer to healthcare issues, isn't to increase entitlements. Doing so the last 8 years doubled the National debt to the point that I agree with Rand Paul, its a security threat. I could go on and on.

By allowing them to engage on work hours; apparently with the support of shareholders and the Board of Directors, they are passively supporting these political agendas. Cutting into their own efficiency and profitability I imagine as well. All while proudly patting each other on the back for defying a democratically elected President because all the other alt-left approve of such tactics.

From the article:

Since the beginning of the year, an increasing number of companies have unveiled policies that allow employees to take paid time off work for political or civic activities, such as protesting, canvassing, voting, volunteering or even running for office.

Big corporations like Comcast and outdoor-apparel maker Patagonia have been offering social-justice benefits to their employees for years. But several executives said the election of President Trump, and the backlash that followed, turned them on to the idea of giving their employees time off to express themselves politically.

“Democracy is a participatory institution; it’s not just something that takes place every four years when you have a candidate in a race,” said Adam Kleinberg, CEO of San Francisco marketing firm Traction, which is allowing employees two paid “Days of Action” for civic engagement per year. The company’s policy includes a list of approved activities and requires employees to state their plans in advance.

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