San Francisco guaranteed income program for pregnant black women to expand across California

totaly disagree with this. the money can better be sent on helping the homeless, disabled, vets and mental people. not people who purposely have unprotected sex and get pregnant. Because that is something you can help. Do not get pregnant when you can not afford it and have protected sex.
"The program aims to provide financial relief for those suffering from high degrees of income disparities"
Must have an annual household income of less than $100,000.
Can I move to California and say I identify as a pregnant, black woman who only makes $99K?

totaly disagree with this. the money can better be sent on helping the homeless, disabled, vets and mental people. not people who purposely have unprotected sex and get pregnant. Because that is something you can help. Do not get pregnant when you can not afford it and have protected sex.
The Left does this to encourage fatherless homes.

The Left is at war with Patriarchal families and prefer fatherless families instead that will never be able to escape poverty even though they are given some crumbs under the table in the form of welfare. Children then find their father figure out on the streets, leading to increased crime in the Black community.

Then when the police have to arrest more black men than white men, because about 70% of black families are now fatherless, you blame the cause of it on racism while Blacks murder each other on the streets all across the country.

The racist rhetoric of the DNC, saying whitey and the GOP are to blame, along with free money to fatherless families, then cause Blacks to vote for them in mass.

Wash, rinse, repeat.
"The program aims to provide financial relief for those suffering from high degrees of income disparities"
Must have an annual household income of less than $100,000.
Can I move to California and say I identify as a pregnant, black woman who only makes $99K?
its still ridiculous. can be better spent else were. dont get pregnant when you cant afford it.
"The program aims to provide financial relief for those suffering from high degrees of income disparities"
Must have an annual household income of less than $100,000.
Can I move to California and say I identify as a pregnant, black woman who only makes $99K?
More bullshit counterproductive virtue signaling.
Blatant reverse discrimination
You can watch the whole thing, but from the 4 minute mark, he shows a program of Nazi programs of 'blood purity'.

So, how do we determine who is of pure slavery blood and who isn't? After all, if we want a program that goes to just those deserving, we're going to need a program like the Nazis held to determine pure blood lines, no?


totaly disagree with this. the money can better be sent on helping the homeless, disabled, vets and mental people. not people who purposely have unprotected sex and get pregnant. Because that is something you can help. Do not get pregnant when you can not afford it and have protected sex.
You are paying somebody because they are too stupid and too lazy to use contraceptives???????
You can watch the whole thing, but from the 4 minute mark, he shows a program of Nazi programs of 'blood purity'.

So, how do we determine who is of pure slavery blood and who isn't? After all, if we want a program that goes to just those deserving, we're going to need a program like the Nazis held to determine pure blood lines, no?

I'm Irish, I know full well it wasn't just blacks enslaved. The difference is they called whites indentured servants
Let's try this, Indiana decides to give pregnant white women, but only white women a grand.

Lol, the left would lose their minds
How about we give white women $2,000 to wait until after marriage to get pregnant and maybe La Wanda’s will try also to get the raise.
Now that’s a plan!
There are people who work many years and decades getting the same monthly check as a pension. Ph uk the United States. People become gremlins as it gets worse. What do you owe for eing better when they shit on you? And taking crap from others who you cane allies with who act machismo and helped the downturn y their ways which caused all of this.
There are people who work many years and decades getting the same monthly check as a pension. Ph uk the United States. People become gremlins as it gets worse. What do you owe for eing better when they shit on you? And taking crap from others who you cane allies with who act machismo and helped the downturn y their ways which caused all of this.
blacks are responsable for their own behaviors no one did a thin g to them.
I'm Irish, I know full well it wasn't just blacks enslaved. The difference is they called whites indentured servants
Indentured servants entered the program voluntarily as payment for training and food. They were not captured and forced to work.

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