San Francisco Is A Sanctuary City ...Tell Her Mom That.


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2011
The man arrested in connection with the seemingly random killing of a woman who was out for a stroll with her father along the San Francisco waterfront is an illegal immigrant who previously had been deported five times, federal immigration officials say.

Further, Immigration and Customs Enforcement says San Francisco had him in their custody earlier this year but failed to notify ICE when he was released.

"DHS records indicate ICE lodged an immigration detainer on the subject at that time, requesting notification prior to his release so ICE officers could make arrangements to take custody. The detainer was not honored," ICE said in a statement Friday afternoon.

Kathryn Steinle was killed Wednesday evening at Pier 14 -- one of the busiest tourist destinations in the city.

Police said Thursday they arrested Francisco Sanchez in the shooting an hour after it occurred.

On Friday, ICE revealed their records indicate the individual has been previously deported five times, most recently in 2009, and is from Mexico.
Sad, very sad. Why as Americans do we put up with this? Oh yeah, rinos, liberals.

Who are you going to vote for again?
If he does nothing else but build a wall, put troops on the border and deport illegal aliens I will vote for Trump.

Death toll in 2006 far overshadows total U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq, Afghanistan

Read more at Illegal aliens murder 12 Americans daily
San Francisco basically executed the young woman by refusing to comply with the ICE order that would have enabled them to detain a repeat criminal who had already been deported FIVE TIMES.

This is appalling. I saw a blurb on the news with the attorney from the city justifying their action.

It's disgusting.
I feel so sorry for her parents.


...Sanchez was on probation for an unspecified conviction, police Sgt. Michael Andraychak said Thursday.

Kice said ICE issued a detainer for Sanchez in March, requesting notification of his release and that he stay in custody until immigration authorities could pick him up. The detainer was not honored, she said.

Freya Horne, counsel for the sheriff's office, said Friday that federal detention orders are not a legal basis to hold someone, so Sanchez was released April 15. San Francisco is a sanctuary city, and local money cannot be spent to cooperate with federal immigration law.

The city does not turn over people who are in the country illegally unless there's an active warrant for their arrest, she said. Horne said they checked and found none. ICE could have issued an active warrant if they wanted the city to keep him, she said.

"It's not legal to hold someone on a request to detain. This is not just us. This is a widely adopted position," Horne said....

San Francisco No legal basis to hold shooting suspect - SFGate

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