San Francisco is now LITERALLY: a shit-hole.


Gold Member
Jan 19, 2014
Now... Who among us could have believed that lowering standards would make things WORSE!

But, as weird as it sounds, that is what has happened in Queerville, California.

"A place in San Francisco’s Mission District that was recently named one of the “most beautiful spots” in the city by San Francisco Travel Magazine has turned into an outdoor toilet, the San Francisco Chronicle reports.

San Francisco’s human waste problem has reportedly extended far beyond its downtown region, seeing a 2.5-fold increase since Mayor Ed Lee has taken office four years ago.

“Every time you get between the cars, you can look and see crap, piss, throw-up, whatever,” San Francisco resident Rick Crecy told the Chronicle. “I’ve seen people banging heroin, sleeping, having sex, everything. And it’s much worse now than it ever was.”

San Francisco's 'Most Beautiful' Spot Filled with Human Waste
It became a shithole when they passed a law requiring toilets have a much lowered flush capacity. What began to happen was the city started stinking because there wasn't enough water to keep the sewage system moving, so they started asking residents to flush twice, exceeding the amount of water used by toilets that meet federal standards.

The stupidity of this city knows no bounds.
Because, as we all know, having the highest rents in the US is definitely an indicator of third world status.

Fuck off with your uninformed hate. Don't like SF? Cool, just never come here. We don't want your animal killing kind anyway.
Because, as we all know, having the highest rents in the US is definitely an indicator of third world status.

Fuck off with your uninformed hate. Don't like SF? Cool, just never come here. We don't want your animal killing kind anyway.

High rents is an indication of a wide gulf between rich and poor. Kinda like Saudi Arabia. You're POS city is a 3rd world nation in EVERY way.

And now you smell like it.
Now... Who among us could have believed that lowering standards would make things WORSE!

But, as weird as it sounds, that is what has happened in Queerville, California.

"A place in San Francisco’s Mission District that was recently named one of the “most beautiful spots” in the city by San Francisco Travel Magazine has turned into an outdoor toilet, the San Francisco Chronicle reports.

San Francisco’s human waste problem has reportedly extended far beyond its downtown region, seeing a 2.5-fold increase since Mayor Ed Lee has taken office four years ago.

“Every time you get between the cars, you can look and see crap, piss, throw-up, whatever,” San Francisco resident Rick Crecy told the Chronicle. “I’ve seen people banging heroin, sleeping, having sex, everything. And it’s much worse now than it ever was.”

San Francisco's 'Most Beautiful' Spot Filled with Human Waste
The Mission District was always a place for the Homeless. It's been that way for decades.
It became a shithole when they passed a law requiring toilets have a much lowered flush capacity. What began to happen was the city started stinking because there wasn't enough water to keep the sewage system moving, so they started asking residents to flush twice, exceeding the amount of water used by toilets that meet federal standards.

The stupidity of this city knows no bounds.

While low flow toilets are a problem, this is a different problem because toilets aren't being used at all.
We drove through Vancouver and they have this same problem contained on in one section, no doubt a city policy enforced by the police.

It made me realize that Canada's claim to be our moral superiors is bullshit.
It's 2015 in the United States of America and we have homeless. Keep voting for Republicans and it will get worse.
That's what happens when you get rid of the gays and the middle class and poor. You are left with rich young tekkies and the homeless.
Because, as we all know, having the highest rents in the US is definitely an indicator of third world status.

LOL! Yup... Socialism DOING what Socialism DOES... feeding the effete at the expense of the peasants. San Franqueerdom is a shithole.

Fuck off with your uninformed hate. Don't like SF? Cool, just never come here. We don't want your animal killing kind anyway.

I wouldn't go there on a bet.
Because, as we all know, having the highest rents in the US is definitely an indicator of third world status.

Fuck off with your uninformed hate. Don't like SF? Cool, just never come here. We don't want your animal killing kind anyway.
Yeah high rent means you can keep the negros out, but doesn't mean you still have class. Racist usually don't.
Because, as we all know, having the highest rents in the US is definitely an indicator of third world status.

LOL! Yup... Socialism DOING what Socialism DOES... feeding the effete at the expense of the peasants. San Franqueerdom is a shithole.

Fuck off with your uninformed hate. Don't like SF? Cool, just never come here. We don't want your animal killing kind anyway.

I wouldn't go there on a bet.
No doubt San Franciscans are delighted that you won't be visiting them.

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