San Francisco school board member: Many Asians use ‘white supremacist thinking’ to ‘get ahead.’

To blame this on Asians is stupid. They did well in the system that was set up to rate them. If you want to argue that the system is biased towards certain groups, argue that but you can't argue that it's the fault of those who did well in the system they were told to use.
The "rules" of "the system" are no secret. Anyone can chose to do better by following the rules.

That doesn't mean there isn't any bias in the rules.
If there is bias, I am sure you can point out the specific rules and how they are bias.

How can I do that without access to the tests?
Maybe you can start by telling us why a Democrat controlled city created and applied racist tests.

I don't know that they did.

Then you can provide us with an example of what a racist test question looks like so we can all be on the lookout.

Runner is to marathon as Regatta is to _____?

This was an actual question. Those who have grown up poor may very well have no idea what a Regatta is.
To blame this on Asians is stupid. They did well in the system that was set up to rate them. If you want to argue that the system is biased towards certain groups, argue that but you can't argue that it's the fault of those who did well in the system they were told to use.
The "rules" of "the system" are no secret. Anyone can chose to do better by following the rules.

That doesn't mean there isn't any bias in the rules.
If there is bias, I am sure you can point out the specific rules and how they are bias.

How can I do that without access to the tests?
Maybe you can start by telling us why a Democrat controlled city created and applied racist tests.

I don't know that they did.

Then you can provide us with an example of what a racist test question looks like so we can all be on the lookout.

Runner is to marathon as Regatta is to _____?

This was an actual question. Those who have grown up poor may very well have no idea what a Regatta is.
You Leftards raised the question is the testing racist. All I asked is why Democrats created a racist test and what an example of a racist test looked like.
But maybe it’s racist pencils?
To blame this on Asians is stupid. They did well in the system that was set up to rate them. If you want to argue that the system is biased towards certain groups, argue that but you can't argue that it's the fault of those who did well in the system they were told to use.
The "rules" of "the system" are no secret. Anyone can chose to do better by following the rules.

That doesn't mean there isn't any bias in the rules.
If there is bias, I am sure you can point out the specific rules and how they are bias.

How can I do that without access to the tests?
Maybe you can start by telling us why a Democrat controlled city created and applied racist tests.

I don't know that they did.

Then you can provide us with an example of what a racist test question looks like so we can all be on the lookout.

Runner is to marathon as Regatta is to _____?

This was an actual question. Those who have grown up poor may very well have no idea what a Regatta is.
You Leftards raised the question is the testing racist. All I asked is why Democrats created a racist test and what an example of a racist test looked like.
But maybe it’s racist pencils?

I can only speak for myself.
..totally idiotic...the racism and white supremacy claims are out of control...I laugh every time I see them

The irony is all these 'oppressed minorities' would be slaughtering each other if it weren't for 'Evul Whitey and his racist laws' keeping them apart; they all already self-segregate themselves, but act like it's 'Whitey' forcing them to or something. Totally retarded, and the grownups need to lay off the weed and Prozac and start spanking these yapping puppies and tossing them back on the porch. Deport the assholes if they're unhappy.
They can feel lucky they aren't still living in their homelands.
Many of them I've been to.
For example most of Africa is a desert because of uncontrolled deforestation.
The only places there isn't constant inter-tribal fighting going on is where the Brits (or Europeans) have control.
Somalia is a total shithole....but go 100 miles South and Mombasa Kenya has mass-transit systems.
..totally idiotic...the racism and white supremacy claims are out of control...I laugh every time I see them

The irony is all these 'oppressed minorities' would be slaughtering each other if it weren't for 'Evul Whitey and his racist laws' keeping them apart; they all already self-segregate themselves, but act like it's 'Whitey' forcing them to or something. Totally retarded, and the grownups need to lay off the weed and Prozac and start spanking these yapping puppies and tossing them back on the porch. Deport the assholes if they're unhappy.
They can feel lucky they aren't still living in their homelands.
Many of them I've been to.
For example most of Africa is a desert because of uncontrolled deforestation.
The only places there isn't constant inter-tribal fighting going on is where the Brits (or Europeans) have control.
Somalia is a total shithole....but go 100 miles South and Mombasa Kenya has mass-transit systems.

Former English colonials still send their kids to British schools; many are more British than the British are. Apparently they got over being 'all Oppressed N Stuff' real easy, and weren't stupid enough to go back to the 'good old days'.
Liberals have spent years claiming white supremacists are backwoods ignorant hillbillies from Appalachia.
So, how are Asians using this to get ahead?
Liberals? Hello?

They rely on votes from the demographics with the highest drop out rates, yet they run around claiming they're 'the most educated'. Apparently if that is the case most of their supporters never post here, since not one of the Democrats posting here appears to be educated, just doped up and indoctrinated.
To blame this on Asians is stupid. They did well in the system that was set up to rate them. If you want to argue that the system is biased towards certain groups, argue that but you can't argue that it's the fault of those who did well in the system they were told to use.
The "rules" of "the system" are no secret. Anyone can chose to do better by following the rules.

That doesn't mean there isn't any bias in the rules.
If there is bias, I am sure you can point out the specific rules and how they are bias.

How can I do that without access to the tests?

I have no idea what is on the test she is claiming is biased and neither do you.

They give the black and latino kids different tests, covering material never covered in the same classes, do they?
To blame this on Asians is stupid. They did well in the system that was set up to rate them. If you want to argue that the system is biased towards certain groups, argue that but you can't argue that it's the fault of those who did well in the system they were told to use.
The "rules" of "the system" are no secret. Anyone can chose to do better by following the rules.

That doesn't mean there isn't any bias in the rules.
If there is bias, I am sure you can point out the specific rules and how they are bias.

How can I do that without access to the tests?

I have no idea what is on the test she is claiming is biased and neither do you.

They give the black and latino kids different tests, covering material never covered in the same classes, do they?

I have no idea. I'm not sure how that relates to anything I've said either.
To blame this on Asians is stupid. They did well in the system that was set up to rate them. If you want to argue that the system is biased towards certain groups, argue that but you can't argue that it's the fault of those who did well in the system they were told to use.

Why not?

Don't you believe that if blacks are underrepresented that it is by definition "racism"?

I said exactly what I thought. I can't comment on the testing as I have no idea what is in it.

The woman's logic is sound, if you accept the liberal premise of disparate impact.

If you disagree, that brings in to question the liberal premise.

Do you want to reconsider your earlier statements against the woman, and support her now, or are you prepared to face the implications?

I said what I thought and that's my opinion.

Your opinion contradicts the entire foundation of liberal thought on equality.

You see, that is why extreme examples do serve a purpose. THey reveal when a good sounding premise, is actually NOT a good premise.

I agree with you that this is was a stupid action on their part.

BUT, the implications are staggering. If this action is stupid, then all of liberals's actions and thoughts on race, based on the same disparate impact premise,

are also stupid.

How can you, as a lib who is so concerned about racial matters, not be alarmed by that possibility?
To blame this on Asians is stupid. They did well in the system that was set up to rate them. If you want to argue that the system is biased towards certain groups, argue that but you can't argue that it's the fault of those who did well in the system they were told to use.

Why not?

Don't you believe that if blacks are underrepresented that it is by definition "racism"?

I said exactly what I thought. I can't comment on the testing as I have no idea what is in it.

The woman's logic is sound, if you accept the liberal premise of disparate impact.

If you disagree, that brings in to question the liberal premise.

Do you want to reconsider your earlier statements against the woman, and support her now, or are you prepared to face the implications?

I said what I thought and that's my opinion.

Your opinion contradicts the entire foundation of liberal thought on equality.

I am the utmost expert on my opinion and I care less about your attempt to demonize others over that.
To blame this on Asians is stupid. They did well in the system that was set up to rate them. If you want to argue that the system is biased towards certain groups, argue that but you can't argue that it's the fault of those who did well in the system they were told to use.

Why not?

Don't you believe that if blacks are underrepresented that it is by definition "racism"?

I said exactly what I thought. I can't comment on the testing as I have no idea what is in it.

The woman's logic is sound, if you accept the liberal premise of disparate impact.

If you disagree, that brings in to question the liberal premise.

Do you want to reconsider your earlier statements against the woman, and support her now, or are you prepared to face the implications?

I said what I thought and that's my opinion.

Your opinion contradicts the entire foundation of liberal thought on equality.

I am the utmost expert on my opinion and I care less about your attempt to demonize others over that.

Pointing out the implications of your position on this one example, is not demonizing anyone.

The point is, that this woman's reasoning is based on a certain premise, ie Disparate Impact Theory.

The idea that any racial disparity in impact of a policy or action, that hits a traditionally disadvantaged group, is racist.

If this example disproves that premise, then all the other polices and laws based on that premise, have to be re-examined.
Identity politics is reaching its reductio ad absurdum point. It was always going to end up being minorities attacking other minorities in order to gain the most privileged victimized minority status.
Identity politics is reaching its reductio ad absurdum point. It was always going to end up being minorities attacking other minorities in order to gain the most privileged victimized minority status.
All the animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.
San Franciscans took a stand yesterday and recalled 3 Prog School Board Members.

Even the Deep Blue areas are sick of the Wokeristas.
If those who waste their time whining, rioting, looting, and acting like animals, would work and study just half as hard as most Asians do, they might improve their own situation.

They might even learn how to speak a bit of proper English. 'Course that might be asking way too much of them. Lol...
I don't know that they did.

Runner is to marathon as Regatta is to _____?

This was an actual question. Those who have grown up poor may very well have no idea what a Regatta is.
That can’t be an actual question. A runner is a participant an activity. A regatta is a series of races for boats. If someone actually wrote that question, they are massively ignorant. More likely either you are gullible enough to accept someone’s propaganda at face value without thinking about it, or you are lying to further your agenda. Which is it?
That can’t be an actual question. A runner is a participant an activity. A regatta is a series of races for boats. If someone actually wrote that question, they are massively ignorant. More likely either you are gullible enough to accept someone’s propaganda at face value without thinking about it, or you are lying to further your agenda. Which is it?

Feel free to prove they made it up.

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