Sanctuary cities days are numbered

It's over libs... your secret plan to import voters has been exposed and it will stop.
Its quite simple, do just like we do with the drinking age. Don't enforce the laws, you lose $$. Economic basket cases like CA will straighten up real fast.
I know we shouldn't be surprised but the media has been lying to us big time about this. For years...
California is drowning in debt...crime is out of control even in rural areas of the state. Governor Brown has copied Obama's every move and the dysfunction of California at the border and everywhere else in the state is on full display. Wake up California!
California is drowning in debt...crime is out of control even in rural areas of the state. Governor Brown has copied Obama's every move and the dysfunction of California at the border and everywhere else in the state is on full display. Wake up California!

SFO used to be one of my favorite travel destinations. Sad what they have done to such a beautiful state.
From the San Diego Union-Tribune, the source of the story (I don't know their political leanings, one must always wonder, but...):

An October 2014 report from ICE that was made public in 2015 detailed 276 sanctuary cities that released 8,145 illegal migrants of whom 1,867 were later arrested 4,298 times with multiple violations amounting to 7,491 charges. Illegal migrants are 3.5 percent of the U.S. population but are 37.6 percent of federal sentences and 13.6 percent of all offenders sentenced for crimes nationwide. The undocumented comprise 12 percent of murder sentences, 20 percent of kidnapping sentences and 16 percent of drug trafficking sentences. Unauthorized migrants are about 7 percent of the California population but over 12 percent of the state prison population.

Good for CA.
Interesting how after Obama's reign of terror and control over the media is over we finally are getting the truth. Californians want an end to sanctuary cities. Even 64% of California Hispanics want the program ended.

Poll: 74 Percent of Californians Want to End Sanctuary Cities
A LOT of cities seem to be doubling down on this--not just in California. I looked at a map of where sanctuary cities are, and it looks like there are more of them in Washington, for some reason, than California. Interesting. But anyway, I don't think it's right and I don't understand why cities are doing this. Someone told me it has to do with getting illegals to report crimes. Okay, but that's not a good enough reason, in my book. Shielding ANYONE from prosecution is wrong. Imagine elected officials being proud of it. If someone can correct me here, please enlighten me.
I am sure you relish them...Plus I have first hand knowledge by working wound them for years..
When do the employer fines for employing illegals kick in?
They have never kick off. The way employers have gotten away with hiring illegals are fake documents. Under Obama's executive order the employer is not reasonable for checking the authenticity of the documents. Trump will change that today.

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