Sanctuary State horror: Illegal Alien Uber Driver Charged With Multiple Rapes In California

Illegals commit crimes at double the rate of native-born: Study

Illegals commit crimes at double the rate of native-born: Study
Forgive my skepticism but when I see an article that won’t release the raw data for the conclusions they are reporting, I can’t give it very much weight or credibility. The findings very well may be true, but they are in contrast of other reports that I’ve seen. So I’m gonna have to see the real numbers and not just an opinion article to believe these claims

The raw data is very simple, convictions, as in folks that have been adjudicated. Methods don't get more simple than that.

So show that data. Simple comparison of per capita data of crimes committed by citizens vs immigrants

Stop the bullshit semantics. Illegals comprised about 3.5% of the total population and are convicted of 8% of the murders. The math isn't complicated, stop pretending it is.

The majority of which could likely be contributed to MS-13 type thugs. Hardly reflective of the greater part of the immigrant population. So if you want to cut the shit then stop trying to use these numbers to paint immigrants as the devil.

Yeah, you keep telling yourself they're all MS13 types if it makes you sleep better. ROFLMFAO

Rick Perry Reports 600K Crimes Committed By Illegals Over 6 Years

'They're Not Stopping at Texas': Rick Perry Reports 600K Crimes Committed By Illegals Over 6 Years

Illegal Alien Crime Wave in Texas: 611,234 Crimes, 2,993 Murders

Illegal Alien Crime Wave in Texas: 611,234 Crimes, 2,993 Murders

Forgive my skepticism but when I see an article that won’t release the raw data for the conclusions they are reporting, I can’t give it very much weight or credibility. The findings very well may be true, but they are in contrast of other reports that I’ve seen. So I’m gonna have to see the real numbers and not just an opinion article to believe these claims

The raw data is very simple, convictions, as in folks that have been adjudicated. Methods don't get more simple than that.

So show that data. Simple comparison of per capita data of crimes committed by citizens vs immigrants

Stop the bullshit semantics. Illegals comprised about 3.5% of the total population and are convicted of 8% of the murders. The math isn't complicated, stop pretending it is.

The majority of which could likely be contributed to MS-13 type thugs. Hardly reflective of the greater part of the immigrant population. So if you want to cut the shit then stop trying to use these numbers to paint immigrants as the devil.

Yeah, you keep telling yourself they're all MS13 types if it makes you sleep better. ROFLMFAO

Rick Perry Reports 600K Crimes Committed By Illegals Over 6 Years

'They're Not Stopping at Texas': Rick Perry Reports 600K Crimes Committed By Illegals Over 6 Years

Illegal Alien Crime Wave in Texas: 611,234 Crimes, 2,993 Murders

Illegal Alien Crime Wave in Texas: 611,234 Crimes, 2,993 Murders


Wow....thanks for posting that...I haven’t seen those figures.
“But, but, but....surely there’s a flaw in the data, and or how the data was acquired, and or in who gathered the data.”
Our boy Slade3200 wont believe any of it....he’s one of “them”.
Have you ever tried to convince a drug addict that drugs are can’t be done. The amount of info you present them has no bearing.
The raw data is very simple, convictions, as in folks that have been adjudicated. Methods don't get more simple than that.

So show that data. Simple comparison of per capita data of crimes committed by citizens vs immigrants

Stop the bullshit semantics. Illegals comprised about 3.5% of the total population and are convicted of 8% of the murders. The math isn't complicated, stop pretending it is.

The majority of which could likely be contributed to MS-13 type thugs. Hardly reflective of the greater part of the immigrant population. So if you want to cut the shit then stop trying to use these numbers to paint immigrants as the devil.

Yeah, you keep telling yourself they're all MS13 types if it makes you sleep better. ROFLMFAO

Rick Perry Reports 600K Crimes Committed By Illegals Over 6 Years

'They're Not Stopping at Texas': Rick Perry Reports 600K Crimes Committed By Illegals Over 6 Years

Illegal Alien Crime Wave in Texas: 611,234 Crimes, 2,993 Murders

Illegal Alien Crime Wave in Texas: 611,234 Crimes, 2,993 Murders


Wow....thanks for posting that...I haven’t seen those figures.
“But, but, but....surely there’s a flaw in the data, and or how the data was acquired, and or in who gathered the data.”
Our boy Slade3200 wont believe any of it....he’s one of “them”.
Have you ever tried to convince a drug addict that drugs are can’t be done. The amount of info you present them has no bearing.

No, drug addicts are the first ones to admit drugs are bad, they're just so far gone they don't care. Regressives are so power hungry, they have to hide the facts from the masses and their propaganda machine (the MSM) has no problem selling out the country to aid them. They have to keep the country divided to prevail. And we can't allow that.

So show that data. Simple comparison of per capita data of crimes committed by citizens vs immigrants

Stop the bullshit semantics. Illegals comprised about 3.5% of the total population and are convicted of 8% of the murders. The math isn't complicated, stop pretending it is.

The majority of which could likely be contributed to MS-13 type thugs. Hardly reflective of the greater part of the immigrant population. So if you want to cut the shit then stop trying to use these numbers to paint immigrants as the devil.

Yeah, you keep telling yourself they're all MS13 types if it makes you sleep better. ROFLMFAO

Rick Perry Reports 600K Crimes Committed By Illegals Over 6 Years

'They're Not Stopping at Texas': Rick Perry Reports 600K Crimes Committed By Illegals Over 6 Years

Illegal Alien Crime Wave in Texas: 611,234 Crimes, 2,993 Murders

Illegal Alien Crime Wave in Texas: 611,234 Crimes, 2,993 Murders

Wow....thanks for posting that...I haven’t seen those figures.
“But, but, but....surely there’s a flaw in the data, and or how the data was acquired, and or in who gathered the data.”
Our boy Slade3200 wont believe any of it....he’s one of “them”.
Have you ever tried to convince a drug addict that drugs are can’t be done. The amount of info you present them has no bearing.

No, drug addicts are the first ones to admit drugs are bad, they're just so far gone they don't care. Regressives are so power hungry, they have to hide the facts from the masses and their propaganda machine (the MSM) has no problem selling out the country to aid them. They have to keep the country divided to prevail. And we can't allow that.
Texas, you and I obviously come from opposite sides of the ideological spectrum for most issues, however, we have engaged in enough substantive debate to where i'd hope you realize that I do move off facts and reason. I look for the letter of the law over partisan opinion and try to draw fair conclusions. You do the same which I respect about you. If you disagree then perhaps i'm wrong and I overestimated you.

This debate feels like a climate debate where yall cherry pick data to draw conclusions that go against the vast majority of reports and analysis that experts have conducted. I am not an expert in immigration or law enforcement. I don't see with own eyes who is committing crimes and getting arrested. I'm assuming neither of you guys are either. I see studies, reports and use common sense to draw my conclusions. I provide a report that clearly says, “Analyses of census data from 1980 through 2010 show that among men ages 18 to 49, immigrants were one-half to one-fifth as likely to be incarcerated as those born in the United States." BrokerLoser responds by taking cherry picked data and some special math to try and make the point that this report actually shows that immigrants are 2x more likely to be incarcerated. I can't keep responding to people that keep throwing oranges into the apple barrel.

Now you Texas, with your article seem to be trying to show that there is a crime wave coming from immigrants? I just don't understand the tactic. Yes there is a fraction of noncitizens in this country that are part of a very ugly criminal enterprise. We see them in MS-13 and as drug and human traffickers and it is a serious problem and bad situation. I'm not denying that. Lets wipe them out and target THEM, not all immigrants. For the most part, when people immigrate to this country, they are doing so to make a better life for themselves and their family. That means they work hard and stay on their best behavior so that they can achieve success and citizenship and don't get arrested or deported. Think about how you act when you are in a foreign country. You are extra conscious to mind yourself because you don't want to go to jail in a foreign country. Logic and reason.

In the end, I think this is a pointless debate. You are not going to convince me that immigration is bad. You are not going to convince me that an entire group of people are corrupt and criminal based on the actions of others. That is straight up racism and discrimination. Yes, the poor and impoverished commit more crimes, yes more minorities are in poverty than whites in this country. I'm not going to start an anti poor campaign or an anti-minority campaign and paint all poor minorities as criminals. That is just idiotlogic and it is not productive.
That is the least of illegal's issues, it really is. Millions of these wankers ignoring immigration law, THAT is the problem. Ignoring THAT, pretending that isn't an issue, THAT is the issue.
like Prohibition?
Stop the bullshit semantics. Illegals comprised about 3.5% of the total population and are convicted of 8% of the murders. The math isn't complicated, stop pretending it is.

The majority of which could likely be contributed to MS-13 type thugs. Hardly reflective of the greater part of the immigrant population. So if you want to cut the shit then stop trying to use these numbers to paint immigrants as the devil.

Yeah, you keep telling yourself they're all MS13 types if it makes you sleep better. ROFLMFAO

Rick Perry Reports 600K Crimes Committed By Illegals Over 6 Years

'They're Not Stopping at Texas': Rick Perry Reports 600K Crimes Committed By Illegals Over 6 Years

Illegal Alien Crime Wave in Texas: 611,234 Crimes, 2,993 Murders

Illegal Alien Crime Wave in Texas: 611,234 Crimes, 2,993 Murders

Wow....thanks for posting that...I haven’t seen those figures.
“But, but, but....surely there’s a flaw in the data, and or how the data was acquired, and or in who gathered the data.”
Our boy Slade3200 wont believe any of it....he’s one of “them”.
Have you ever tried to convince a drug addict that drugs are can’t be done. The amount of info you present them has no bearing.

No, drug addicts are the first ones to admit drugs are bad, they're just so far gone they don't care. Regressives are so power hungry, they have to hide the facts from the masses and their propaganda machine (the MSM) has no problem selling out the country to aid them. They have to keep the country divided to prevail. And we can't allow that.
Texas, you and I obviously come from opposite sides of the ideological spectrum for most issues, however, we have engaged in enough substantive debate to where i'd hope you realize that I do move off facts and reason. I look for the letter of the law over partisan opinion and try to draw fair conclusions. You do the same which I respect about you. If you disagree then perhaps i'm wrong and I overestimated you.

This debate feels like a climate debate where yall cherry pick data to draw conclusions that go against the vast majority of reports and analysis that experts have conducted. I am not an expert in immigration or law enforcement. I don't see with own eyes who is committing crimes and getting arrested. I'm assuming neither of you guys are either. I see studies, reports and use common sense to draw my conclusions. I provide a report that clearly says, “Analyses of census data from 1980 through 2010 show that among men ages 18 to 49, immigrants were one-half to one-fifth as likely to be incarcerated as those born in the United States." BrokerLoser responds by taking cherry picked data and some special math to try and make the point that this report actually shows that immigrants are 2x more likely to be incarcerated. I can't keep responding to people that keep throwing oranges into the apple barrel.

Now you Texas, with your article seem to be trying to show that there is a crime wave coming from immigrants? I just don't understand the tactic. Yes there is a fraction of noncitizens in this country that are part of a very ugly criminal enterprise. We see them in MS-13 and as drug and human traffickers and it is a serious problem and bad situation. I'm not denying that. Lets wipe them out and target THEM, not all immigrants. For the most part, when people immigrate to this country, they are doing so to make a better life for themselves and their family. That means they work hard and stay on their best behavior so that they can achieve success and citizenship and don't get arrested or deported. Think about how you act when you are in a foreign country. You are extra conscious to mind yourself because you don't want to go to jail in a foreign country. Logic and reason.

In the end, I think this is a pointless debate. You are not going to convince me that immigration is bad. You are not going to convince me that an entire group of people are corrupt and criminal based on the actions of others. That is straight up racism and discrimination. Yes, the poor and impoverished commit more crimes, yes more minorities are in poverty than whites in this country. I'm not going to start an anti poor campaign or an anti-minority campaign and paint all poor minorities as criminals. That is just idiotlogic and it is not productive.

As I've said many, many times, there are two wars the US will never win, the war on drugs and the war on poverty. Our fine federal government insures adequate supplies of each are imported daily.

The first thing you need to do is lose the commiecrat talking point that all immigrants are equal, they're not. I'm giving numbers on ILLEGAL ALIENS, not immigrants as a whole the way your BS left wing site is, they're lumping all foreign born together. There are several classes of LEGAL immigrants and refugees, then there are ILLEGAL ALIENS. Stop trying to conflate the former with the latter. Although I disagree with the numbers of LEGAL immigrants allowed, too many have no means of supporting themselves, they are at least doing it the right way and are showing respect for our laws.

Hell I'll even give you legal status for the DACA folks, the rest of the ILLEGAL ALIENS can go right back to the country they came from or hell which ever comes first. That would include all the unaccompanied minors that are flooding in. That's the LAW. We are a country of laws, or we're not, which do you want to live in?

The majority of which could likely be contributed to MS-13 type thugs. Hardly reflective of the greater part of the immigrant population. So if you want to cut the shit then stop trying to use these numbers to paint immigrants as the devil.

Yeah, you keep telling yourself they're all MS13 types if it makes you sleep better. ROFLMFAO

Rick Perry Reports 600K Crimes Committed By Illegals Over 6 Years

'They're Not Stopping at Texas': Rick Perry Reports 600K Crimes Committed By Illegals Over 6 Years

Illegal Alien Crime Wave in Texas: 611,234 Crimes, 2,993 Murders

Illegal Alien Crime Wave in Texas: 611,234 Crimes, 2,993 Murders

Wow....thanks for posting that...I haven’t seen those figures.
“But, but, but....surely there’s a flaw in the data, and or how the data was acquired, and or in who gathered the data.”
Our boy Slade3200 wont believe any of it....he’s one of “them”.
Have you ever tried to convince a drug addict that drugs are can’t be done. The amount of info you present them has no bearing.

No, drug addicts are the first ones to admit drugs are bad, they're just so far gone they don't care. Regressives are so power hungry, they have to hide the facts from the masses and their propaganda machine (the MSM) has no problem selling out the country to aid them. They have to keep the country divided to prevail. And we can't allow that.
Texas, you and I obviously come from opposite sides of the ideological spectrum for most issues, however, we have engaged in enough substantive debate to where i'd hope you realize that I do move off facts and reason. I look for the letter of the law over partisan opinion and try to draw fair conclusions. You do the same which I respect about you. If you disagree then perhaps i'm wrong and I overestimated you.

This debate feels like a climate debate where yall cherry pick data to draw conclusions that go against the vast majority of reports and analysis that experts have conducted. I am not an expert in immigration or law enforcement. I don't see with own eyes who is committing crimes and getting arrested. I'm assuming neither of you guys are either. I see studies, reports and use common sense to draw my conclusions. I provide a report that clearly says, “Analyses of census data from 1980 through 2010 show that among men ages 18 to 49, immigrants were one-half to one-fifth as likely to be incarcerated as those born in the United States." BrokerLoser responds by taking cherry picked data and some special math to try and make the point that this report actually shows that immigrants are 2x more likely to be incarcerated. I can't keep responding to people that keep throwing oranges into the apple barrel.

Now you Texas, with your article seem to be trying to show that there is a crime wave coming from immigrants? I just don't understand the tactic. Yes there is a fraction of noncitizens in this country that are part of a very ugly criminal enterprise. We see them in MS-13 and as drug and human traffickers and it is a serious problem and bad situation. I'm not denying that. Lets wipe them out and target THEM, not all immigrants. For the most part, when people immigrate to this country, they are doing so to make a better life for themselves and their family. That means they work hard and stay on their best behavior so that they can achieve success and citizenship and don't get arrested or deported. Think about how you act when you are in a foreign country. You are extra conscious to mind yourself because you don't want to go to jail in a foreign country. Logic and reason.

In the end, I think this is a pointless debate. You are not going to convince me that immigration is bad. You are not going to convince me that an entire group of people are corrupt and criminal based on the actions of others. That is straight up racism and discrimination. Yes, the poor and impoverished commit more crimes, yes more minorities are in poverty than whites in this country. I'm not going to start an anti poor campaign or an anti-minority campaign and paint all poor minorities as criminals. That is just idiotlogic and it is not productive.

As I've said many, many times, there are two wars the US will never win, the war on drugs and the war on poverty. Our fine federal government insures adequate supplies of each are imported daily.

The first thing you need to do is lose the commiecrat talking point that all immigrants are equal, they're not. I'm giving numbers on ILLEGAL ALIENS, not immigrants as a whole the way your BS left wing site is, they're lumping all foreign born together. There are several classes of LEGAL immigrants and refugees, then there are ILLEGAL ALIENS. Stop trying to conflate the former with the latter. Although I disagree with the numbers of LEGAL immigrants allowed, too many have no means of supporting themselves, they are at least doing it the right way and are showing respect for our laws.

Hell I'll even give you legal status for the DACA folks, the rest of the ILLEGAL ALIENS can go right back to the country they came from or hell which ever comes first. That would include all the unaccompanied minors that are flooding in. That's the LAW. We are a country of laws, or we're not, which do you want to live in?

Those are fine arguments and I agree with your premise. I don't think we need to lump everybody together, which is why it frustrates me to hear immigrants, legal and illegal characterized as criminals, murders and rapists etc. I think its funny that we think we know how many undocumented there are in this country given the fact that they are UNDOCUMENTED! So when we throw all these numbers and stats together it makes it difficult for me to take them as truth. I don't think we should allow a free flow through our border. People should come here legally. I agree with you about DACA. I don't think we can starve millions of people who are hear without documentation out. So I support some form of a system that gets them out from under the radar and accountable for their actions.
Yeah, you keep telling yourself they're all MS13 types if it makes you sleep better. ROFLMFAO

Rick Perry Reports 600K Crimes Committed By Illegals Over 6 Years

'They're Not Stopping at Texas': Rick Perry Reports 600K Crimes Committed By Illegals Over 6 Years

Illegal Alien Crime Wave in Texas: 611,234 Crimes, 2,993 Murders

Illegal Alien Crime Wave in Texas: 611,234 Crimes, 2,993 Murders

Wow....thanks for posting that...I haven’t seen those figures.
“But, but, but....surely there’s a flaw in the data, and or how the data was acquired, and or in who gathered the data.”
Our boy Slade3200 wont believe any of it....he’s one of “them”.
Have you ever tried to convince a drug addict that drugs are can’t be done. The amount of info you present them has no bearing.

No, drug addicts are the first ones to admit drugs are bad, they're just so far gone they don't care. Regressives are so power hungry, they have to hide the facts from the masses and their propaganda machine (the MSM) has no problem selling out the country to aid them. They have to keep the country divided to prevail. And we can't allow that.
Texas, you and I obviously come from opposite sides of the ideological spectrum for most issues, however, we have engaged in enough substantive debate to where i'd hope you realize that I do move off facts and reason. I look for the letter of the law over partisan opinion and try to draw fair conclusions. You do the same which I respect about you. If you disagree then perhaps i'm wrong and I overestimated you.

This debate feels like a climate debate where yall cherry pick data to draw conclusions that go against the vast majority of reports and analysis that experts have conducted. I am not an expert in immigration or law enforcement. I don't see with own eyes who is committing crimes and getting arrested. I'm assuming neither of you guys are either. I see studies, reports and use common sense to draw my conclusions. I provide a report that clearly says, “Analyses of census data from 1980 through 2010 show that among men ages 18 to 49, immigrants were one-half to one-fifth as likely to be incarcerated as those born in the United States." BrokerLoser responds by taking cherry picked data and some special math to try and make the point that this report actually shows that immigrants are 2x more likely to be incarcerated. I can't keep responding to people that keep throwing oranges into the apple barrel.

Now you Texas, with your article seem to be trying to show that there is a crime wave coming from immigrants? I just don't understand the tactic. Yes there is a fraction of noncitizens in this country that are part of a very ugly criminal enterprise. We see them in MS-13 and as drug and human traffickers and it is a serious problem and bad situation. I'm not denying that. Lets wipe them out and target THEM, not all immigrants. For the most part, when people immigrate to this country, they are doing so to make a better life for themselves and their family. That means they work hard and stay on their best behavior so that they can achieve success and citizenship and don't get arrested or deported. Think about how you act when you are in a foreign country. You are extra conscious to mind yourself because you don't want to go to jail in a foreign country. Logic and reason.

In the end, I think this is a pointless debate. You are not going to convince me that immigration is bad. You are not going to convince me that an entire group of people are corrupt and criminal based on the actions of others. That is straight up racism and discrimination. Yes, the poor and impoverished commit more crimes, yes more minorities are in poverty than whites in this country. I'm not going to start an anti poor campaign or an anti-minority campaign and paint all poor minorities as criminals. That is just idiotlogic and it is not productive.

As I've said many, many times, there are two wars the US will never win, the war on drugs and the war on poverty. Our fine federal government insures adequate supplies of each are imported daily.

The first thing you need to do is lose the commiecrat talking point that all immigrants are equal, they're not. I'm giving numbers on ILLEGAL ALIENS, not immigrants as a whole the way your BS left wing site is, they're lumping all foreign born together. There are several classes of LEGAL immigrants and refugees, then there are ILLEGAL ALIENS. Stop trying to conflate the former with the latter. Although I disagree with the numbers of LEGAL immigrants allowed, too many have no means of supporting themselves, they are at least doing it the right way and are showing respect for our laws.

Hell I'll even give you legal status for the DACA folks, the rest of the ILLEGAL ALIENS can go right back to the country they came from or hell which ever comes first. That would include all the unaccompanied minors that are flooding in. That's the LAW. We are a country of laws, or we're not, which do you want to live in?

Those are fine arguments and I agree with your premise. I don't think we need to lump everybody together, which is why it frustrates me to hear immigrants, legal and illegal characterized as criminals, murders and rapists etc. I think its funny that we think we know how many undocumented there are in this country given the fact that they are UNDOCUMENTED! So when we throw all these numbers and stats together it makes it difficult for me to take them as truth. I don't think we should allow a free flow through our border. People should come here legally. I agree with you about DACA. I don't think we can starve millions of people who are hear without documentation out. So I support some form of a system that gets them out from under the radar and accountable for their actions.

The numbers I gave were for ILLEGALS, I don't lump them together. The site you quoted did. Legals know if they screw up they will lose their status and will be deported. Illegals have already proven they don't give a shit about our laws, 100,000 criminal acts, including almost 500 murders per year are committed by illegals just in TX annually. And the damned commiecrats want to protect them, yeah I'm pissed. But feel free to show where I've made disparaging comments about legal immigrants at large, other than disagreeing with existing policy.

Wow....thanks for posting that...I haven’t seen those figures.
“But, but, but....surely there’s a flaw in the data, and or how the data was acquired, and or in who gathered the data.”
Our boy Slade3200 wont believe any of it....he’s one of “them”.
Have you ever tried to convince a drug addict that drugs are can’t be done. The amount of info you present them has no bearing.

No, drug addicts are the first ones to admit drugs are bad, they're just so far gone they don't care. Regressives are so power hungry, they have to hide the facts from the masses and their propaganda machine (the MSM) has no problem selling out the country to aid them. They have to keep the country divided to prevail. And we can't allow that.
Texas, you and I obviously come from opposite sides of the ideological spectrum for most issues, however, we have engaged in enough substantive debate to where i'd hope you realize that I do move off facts and reason. I look for the letter of the law over partisan opinion and try to draw fair conclusions. You do the same which I respect about you. If you disagree then perhaps i'm wrong and I overestimated you.

This debate feels like a climate debate where yall cherry pick data to draw conclusions that go against the vast majority of reports and analysis that experts have conducted. I am not an expert in immigration or law enforcement. I don't see with own eyes who is committing crimes and getting arrested. I'm assuming neither of you guys are either. I see studies, reports and use common sense to draw my conclusions. I provide a report that clearly says, “Analyses of census data from 1980 through 2010 show that among men ages 18 to 49, immigrants were one-half to one-fifth as likely to be incarcerated as those born in the United States." BrokerLoser responds by taking cherry picked data and some special math to try and make the point that this report actually shows that immigrants are 2x more likely to be incarcerated. I can't keep responding to people that keep throwing oranges into the apple barrel.

Now you Texas, with your article seem to be trying to show that there is a crime wave coming from immigrants? I just don't understand the tactic. Yes there is a fraction of noncitizens in this country that are part of a very ugly criminal enterprise. We see them in MS-13 and as drug and human traffickers and it is a serious problem and bad situation. I'm not denying that. Lets wipe them out and target THEM, not all immigrants. For the most part, when people immigrate to this country, they are doing so to make a better life for themselves and their family. That means they work hard and stay on their best behavior so that they can achieve success and citizenship and don't get arrested or deported. Think about how you act when you are in a foreign country. You are extra conscious to mind yourself because you don't want to go to jail in a foreign country. Logic and reason.

In the end, I think this is a pointless debate. You are not going to convince me that immigration is bad. You are not going to convince me that an entire group of people are corrupt and criminal based on the actions of others. That is straight up racism and discrimination. Yes, the poor and impoverished commit more crimes, yes more minorities are in poverty than whites in this country. I'm not going to start an anti poor campaign or an anti-minority campaign and paint all poor minorities as criminals. That is just idiotlogic and it is not productive.

As I've said many, many times, there are two wars the US will never win, the war on drugs and the war on poverty. Our fine federal government insures adequate supplies of each are imported daily.

The first thing you need to do is lose the commiecrat talking point that all immigrants are equal, they're not. I'm giving numbers on ILLEGAL ALIENS, not immigrants as a whole the way your BS left wing site is, they're lumping all foreign born together. There are several classes of LEGAL immigrants and refugees, then there are ILLEGAL ALIENS. Stop trying to conflate the former with the latter. Although I disagree with the numbers of LEGAL immigrants allowed, too many have no means of supporting themselves, they are at least doing it the right way and are showing respect for our laws.

Hell I'll even give you legal status for the DACA folks, the rest of the ILLEGAL ALIENS can go right back to the country they came from or hell which ever comes first. That would include all the unaccompanied minors that are flooding in. That's the LAW. We are a country of laws, or we're not, which do you want to live in?

Those are fine arguments and I agree with your premise. I don't think we need to lump everybody together, which is why it frustrates me to hear immigrants, legal and illegal characterized as criminals, murders and rapists etc. I think its funny that we think we know how many undocumented there are in this country given the fact that they are UNDOCUMENTED! So when we throw all these numbers and stats together it makes it difficult for me to take them as truth. I don't think we should allow a free flow through our border. People should come here legally. I agree with you about DACA. I don't think we can starve millions of people who are hear without documentation out. So I support some form of a system that gets them out from under the radar and accountable for their actions.

The numbers I gave were for ILLEGALS, I don't lump them together. The site you quoted did. Legals know if they screw up they will lose their status and will be deported. Illegals have already proven they don't give a shit about our laws, 100,000 criminal acts, including almost 500 murders per year are committed by illegals just in TX annually. And the damned commiecrats want to protect them, yeah I'm pissed. But feel free to show where I've made disparaging comments about legal immigrants at large, other than disagreeing with existing policy.
See but you are lumping them together. Maybe you don't even realize it. You are equating the criminal act of over staying a visa or illegally crossing the border with committing violent crimes. Some crossing the border illegally do so to run drugs and feast on the fruits our country has to offer. Those are bad dudes and I don't think anybody is fighting to protect them. That is another false narrative you are inflating. Many that illegally cross the border or overstay their visas are doing so to make a better life for their families. Many have been here for decades and made a life. I'm not saying that excuses their actions but it also means they are very different than the others I just described. Those who are looking for a better life, like the immigrants you described, have a lot to lose if they get arrested or caught. So they mind their behavior, keep their heads down and work hard for their families.

Your cute little commiecrat diss is absolutely conflating a complicated situation and a variety of different people committing a variety of different offenses with a variety different effects on our nation. A solution is isn't going to be reached by people who use your kind of rhetoric. A solution will only work when rational people from both sides can objectively and honestly speak about these things.
No, drug addicts are the first ones to admit drugs are bad, they're just so far gone they don't care. Regressives are so power hungry, they have to hide the facts from the masses and their propaganda machine (the MSM) has no problem selling out the country to aid them. They have to keep the country divided to prevail. And we can't allow that.
Texas, you and I obviously come from opposite sides of the ideological spectrum for most issues, however, we have engaged in enough substantive debate to where i'd hope you realize that I do move off facts and reason. I look for the letter of the law over partisan opinion and try to draw fair conclusions. You do the same which I respect about you. If you disagree then perhaps i'm wrong and I overestimated you.

This debate feels like a climate debate where yall cherry pick data to draw conclusions that go against the vast majority of reports and analysis that experts have conducted. I am not an expert in immigration or law enforcement. I don't see with own eyes who is committing crimes and getting arrested. I'm assuming neither of you guys are either. I see studies, reports and use common sense to draw my conclusions. I provide a report that clearly says, “Analyses of census data from 1980 through 2010 show that among men ages 18 to 49, immigrants were one-half to one-fifth as likely to be incarcerated as those born in the United States." BrokerLoser responds by taking cherry picked data and some special math to try and make the point that this report actually shows that immigrants are 2x more likely to be incarcerated. I can't keep responding to people that keep throwing oranges into the apple barrel.

Now you Texas, with your article seem to be trying to show that there is a crime wave coming from immigrants? I just don't understand the tactic. Yes there is a fraction of noncitizens in this country that are part of a very ugly criminal enterprise. We see them in MS-13 and as drug and human traffickers and it is a serious problem and bad situation. I'm not denying that. Lets wipe them out and target THEM, not all immigrants. For the most part, when people immigrate to this country, they are doing so to make a better life for themselves and their family. That means they work hard and stay on their best behavior so that they can achieve success and citizenship and don't get arrested or deported. Think about how you act when you are in a foreign country. You are extra conscious to mind yourself because you don't want to go to jail in a foreign country. Logic and reason.

In the end, I think this is a pointless debate. You are not going to convince me that immigration is bad. You are not going to convince me that an entire group of people are corrupt and criminal based on the actions of others. That is straight up racism and discrimination. Yes, the poor and impoverished commit more crimes, yes more minorities are in poverty than whites in this country. I'm not going to start an anti poor campaign or an anti-minority campaign and paint all poor minorities as criminals. That is just idiotlogic and it is not productive.

As I've said many, many times, there are two wars the US will never win, the war on drugs and the war on poverty. Our fine federal government insures adequate supplies of each are imported daily.

The first thing you need to do is lose the commiecrat talking point that all immigrants are equal, they're not. I'm giving numbers on ILLEGAL ALIENS, not immigrants as a whole the way your BS left wing site is, they're lumping all foreign born together. There are several classes of LEGAL immigrants and refugees, then there are ILLEGAL ALIENS. Stop trying to conflate the former with the latter. Although I disagree with the numbers of LEGAL immigrants allowed, too many have no means of supporting themselves, they are at least doing it the right way and are showing respect for our laws.

Hell I'll even give you legal status for the DACA folks, the rest of the ILLEGAL ALIENS can go right back to the country they came from or hell which ever comes first. That would include all the unaccompanied minors that are flooding in. That's the LAW. We are a country of laws, or we're not, which do you want to live in?

Those are fine arguments and I agree with your premise. I don't think we need to lump everybody together, which is why it frustrates me to hear immigrants, legal and illegal characterized as criminals, murders and rapists etc. I think its funny that we think we know how many undocumented there are in this country given the fact that they are UNDOCUMENTED! So when we throw all these numbers and stats together it makes it difficult for me to take them as truth. I don't think we should allow a free flow through our border. People should come here legally. I agree with you about DACA. I don't think we can starve millions of people who are hear without documentation out. So I support some form of a system that gets them out from under the radar and accountable for their actions.

The numbers I gave were for ILLEGALS, I don't lump them together. The site you quoted did. Legals know if they screw up they will lose their status and will be deported. Illegals have already proven they don't give a shit about our laws, 100,000 criminal acts, including almost 500 murders per year are committed by illegals just in TX annually. And the damned commiecrats want to protect them, yeah I'm pissed. But feel free to show where I've made disparaging comments about legal immigrants at large, other than disagreeing with existing policy.
See but you are lumping them together. Maybe you don't even realize it. You are equating the criminal act of over staying a visa or illegally crossing the border with committing violent crimes. Some crossing the border illegally do so to run drugs and feast on the fruits our country has to offer. Those are bad dudes and I don't think anybody is fighting to protect them. That is another false narrative you are inflating. Many that illegally cross the border or overstay their visas are doing so to make a better life for their families. Many have been here for decades and made a life. I'm not saying that excuses their actions but it also means they are very different than the others I just described. Those who are looking for a better life, like the immigrants you described, have a lot to lose if they get arrested or caught. So they mind their behavior, keep their heads down and work hard for their families.

Your cute little commiecrat diss is absolutely conflating a complicated situation and a variety of different people committing a variety of different offenses with a variety different effects on our nation. A solution is isn't going to be reached by people who use your kind of rhetoric. A solution will only work when rational people from both sides can objectively and honestly speak about these things.

Everyday an illegal stays in this country and everyday they go to work, without authorization, they are breaking the LAW. The law says they got to go, their motives are irrelevant, end of story. I'll reserve my compassion for the Americans they are screwing over by taking jobs and holding down wages. Oh and the tax payers that are footing the bill for their childrens education and medical care.

No, drug addicts are the first ones to admit drugs are bad, they're just so far gone they don't care. Regressives are so power hungry, they have to hide the facts from the masses and their propaganda machine (the MSM) has no problem selling out the country to aid them. They have to keep the country divided to prevail. And we can't allow that.
Texas, you and I obviously come from opposite sides of the ideological spectrum for most issues, however, we have engaged in enough substantive debate to where i'd hope you realize that I do move off facts and reason. I look for the letter of the law over partisan opinion and try to draw fair conclusions. You do the same which I respect about you. If you disagree then perhaps i'm wrong and I overestimated you.

This debate feels like a climate debate where yall cherry pick data to draw conclusions that go against the vast majority of reports and analysis that experts have conducted. I am not an expert in immigration or law enforcement. I don't see with own eyes who is committing crimes and getting arrested. I'm assuming neither of you guys are either. I see studies, reports and use common sense to draw my conclusions. I provide a report that clearly says, “Analyses of census data from 1980 through 2010 show that among men ages 18 to 49, immigrants were one-half to one-fifth as likely to be incarcerated as those born in the United States." BrokerLoser responds by taking cherry picked data and some special math to try and make the point that this report actually shows that immigrants are 2x more likely to be incarcerated. I can't keep responding to people that keep throwing oranges into the apple barrel.

Now you Texas, with your article seem to be trying to show that there is a crime wave coming from immigrants? I just don't understand the tactic. Yes there is a fraction of noncitizens in this country that are part of a very ugly criminal enterprise. We see them in MS-13 and as drug and human traffickers and it is a serious problem and bad situation. I'm not denying that. Lets wipe them out and target THEM, not all immigrants. For the most part, when people immigrate to this country, they are doing so to make a better life for themselves and their family. KThat means they work hard and stay on their best behavior so that they can achieve success and citizenship and don't get arrested or deported. Think about how you act when you are in a foreign country. You are extra conscious to mind yourself because you don't want to go to jail in a foreign country. Logic and reason.

In the end, I think this is a pointless debate. You are not going to convince me that immigration is bad. You are not going to convince me that an entire group of people are corrupt and criminal based on the actions of others. That is straight up racism and discrimination. Yes, the poor and impoverished commit more crimes, yes more minorities are in poverty than whites in this country. I'm not going to start an anti poor campaign or an anti-minority campaign and paint all poor minorities as criminals. That is just idiotlogic and it is not productive.

As I've said many, many times, there are two wars the US will never win, the war on drugs and the war on poverty. Our fine federal government insures adequate supplies of each are imported daily.

The first thing you need to do is lose the commiecrat talking point that all immigrants are equal, they're not. I'm giving numbers on ILLEGAL ALIENS, not immigrants as a whole the way your BS left wing site is, they're lumping all foreign born together. There are several classes of LEGAL immigrants and refugees, then there are ILLEGAL ALIENS. Stop trying to conflate the former with the latter. Although I disagree with the numbers of LEGAL immigrants allowed, too many have no means of supporting themselves, they are at least doing it the right way and are showing respect for our laws.

Hell I'll even give you legal status for the DACA folks, the rest of the ILLEGAL ALIENS can go right back to the country they came from or hell which ever comes first. That would include all the unaccompanied minors that are flooding in. That's the LAW. We are a country of laws, or we're not, which do you want to live in?

Those are fine arguments and I agree with your premise. I don't think we need to lump everybody together, which is why it frustrates me to hear immigrants, legal and illegal characterized as criminals, murders and rapists etc. I think its funny that we think we know how many undocumented there are in this country given the fact that they are UNDOCUMENTED! So when we throw all these numbers and stats together it makes it difficult for me to take them as truth. I don't think we should allow a free flow through our border. People should come here legally. I agree with you about DACA. I don't think we can starve millions of people who are hear without documentation out. So I support some form of a system that gets them out from under the radar and accountable for their actions.

The numbers I gave were for ILLEGALS, I don't lump them together. The site you quoted did. Legals know if they screw up they will lose their status and will be deported. Illegals have already proven they don't give a shit about our laws, 100,000 criminal acts, including almost 500 murders per year are committed by illegals just in TX annually. And the damned commiecrats want to protect them, yeah I'm pissed. But feel free to show where I've made disparaging comments about legal immigrants at large, other than disagreeing with existing policy.
See but you are lumping them together. Maybe you don't even realize it. You are equating the criminal act of over staying a visa or illegally crossing the border with committing violent crimes. Some crossing the border illegally do so to run drugs and feast on the fruits our country has to offer. Those are bad dudes and I don't think anybody is fighting to protect them. That is another false narrative you are inflating. Many that illegally cross the border or overstay their visas are doing so to make a better life for their families. Many have been here for decades and made a life. I'm not saying that excuses their actions but it also means they are very different than the others I just described. Those who are looking for a better life, like the immigrants you described, have a lot to lose if they get arrested or caught. So they mind their behavior, keep their heads down and work hard for their families.

Your cute little commiecrat diss is absolutely conflating a complicated situation and a variety of different people committing a variety of different offenses with a variety different effects on our nation. A solution is isn't going to be reached by people who use your kind of rhetoric. A solution will only work when rational people from both sides can objectively and honestly speak about these things.

Many that illegally cross the border or overstay their visas are doing so to make a better life for their families.”
TRUE....a better life for themselves at the expense of Americans compromising their own lives. (Flooded emergency rooms, over crowded public schools, traffic on roadways, uninsured/underinsured drivers, mass community degradation, higher taxes...etc etc)

Your cute little commiecrat diss is absolutely conflating a complicated situation”
Actually the “situation” isn’t complicated at’s actually real fucking simple....they’re fucking ILLEGAL...period....the bleeding heart fools have tried their best to make it’s what they do...they love complexity...more complex they can make an issue the less likely said issue will be resolved....they hate resolve.

See, what noble piles of shit like to do....(with my checking account) pretend we have a responsibility to spoon feed foreigners that shit in our face.....they like to pretend there’s a law that WE THE PEOPLE voted on the books that indicates that once a foreign cockroach has invaded our sovereignty, shit on our laws, degraded our society and gone undetected for X period of time they somehow are granted some weird form of made up ammunity. What the fuck happened to you as a child that makes you believe this shit should be so arbitrary?
Texas, you and I obviously come from opposite sides of the ideological spectrum for most issues, however, we have engaged in enough substantive debate to where i'd hope you realize that I do move off facts and reason. I look for the letter of the law over partisan opinion and try to draw fair conclusions. You do the same which I respect about you. If you disagree then perhaps i'm wrong and I overestimated you.

This debate feels like a climate debate where yall cherry pick data to draw conclusions that go against the vast majority of reports and analysis that experts have conducted. I am not an expert in immigration or law enforcement. I don't see with own eyes who is committing crimes and getting arrested. I'm assuming neither of you guys are either. I see studies, reports and use common sense to draw my conclusions. I provide a report that clearly says, “Analyses of census data from 1980 through 2010 show that among men ages 18 to 49, immigrants were one-half to one-fifth as likely to be incarcerated as those born in the United States." BrokerLoser responds by taking cherry picked data and some special math to try and make the point that this report actually shows that immigrants are 2x more likely to be incarcerated. I can't keep responding to people that keep throwing oranges into the apple barrel.

Now you Texas, with your article seem to be trying to show that there is a crime wave coming from immigrants? I just don't understand the tactic. Yes there is a fraction of noncitizens in this country that are part of a very ugly criminal enterprise. We see them in MS-13 and as drug and human traffickers and it is a serious problem and bad situation. I'm not denying that. Lets wipe them out and target THEM, not all immigrants. For the most part, when people immigrate to this country, they are doing so to make a better life for themselves and their family. KThat means they work hard and stay on their best behavior so that they can achieve success and citizenship and don't get arrested or deported. Think about how you act when you are in a foreign country. You are extra conscious to mind yourself because you don't want to go to jail in a foreign country. Logic and reason.

In the end, I think this is a pointless debate. You are not going to convince me that immigration is bad. You are not going to convince me that an entire group of people are corrupt and criminal based on the actions of others. That is straight up racism and discrimination. Yes, the poor and impoverished commit more crimes, yes more minorities are in poverty than whites in this country. I'm not going to start an anti poor campaign or an anti-minority campaign and paint all poor minorities as criminals. That is just idiotlogic and it is not productive.

As I've said many, many times, there are two wars the US will never win, the war on drugs and the war on poverty. Our fine federal government insures adequate supplies of each are imported daily.

The first thing you need to do is lose the commiecrat talking point that all immigrants are equal, they're not. I'm giving numbers on ILLEGAL ALIENS, not immigrants as a whole the way your BS left wing site is, they're lumping all foreign born together. There are several classes of LEGAL immigrants and refugees, then there are ILLEGAL ALIENS. Stop trying to conflate the former with the latter. Although I disagree with the numbers of LEGAL immigrants allowed, too many have no means of supporting themselves, they are at least doing it the right way and are showing respect for our laws.

Hell I'll even give you legal status for the DACA folks, the rest of the ILLEGAL ALIENS can go right back to the country they came from or hell which ever comes first. That would include all the unaccompanied minors that are flooding in. That's the LAW. We are a country of laws, or we're not, which do you want to live in?

Those are fine arguments and I agree with your premise. I don't think we need to lump everybody together, which is why it frustrates me to hear immigrants, legal and illegal characterized as criminals, murders and rapists etc. I think its funny that we think we know how many undocumented there are in this country given the fact that they are UNDOCUMENTED! So when we throw all these numbers and stats together it makes it difficult for me to take them as truth. I don't think we should allow a free flow through our border. People should come here legally. I agree with you about DACA. I don't think we can starve millions of people who are hear without documentation out. So I support some form of a system that gets them out from under the radar and accountable for their actions.

The numbers I gave were for ILLEGALS, I don't lump them together. The site you quoted did. Legals know if they screw up they will lose their status and will be deported. Illegals have already proven they don't give a shit about our laws, 100,000 criminal acts, including almost 500 murders per year are committed by illegals just in TX annually. And the damned commiecrats want to protect them, yeah I'm pissed. But feel free to show where I've made disparaging comments about legal immigrants at large, other than disagreeing with existing policy.
See but you are lumping them together. Maybe you don't even realize it. You are equating the criminal act of over staying a visa or illegally crossing the border with committing violent crimes. Some crossing the border illegally do so to run drugs and feast on the fruits our country has to offer. Those are bad dudes and I don't think anybody is fighting to protect them. That is another false narrative you are inflating. Many that illegally cross the border or overstay their visas are doing so to make a better life for their families. Many have been here for decades and made a life. I'm not saying that excuses their actions but it also means they are very different than the others I just described. Those who are looking for a better life, like the immigrants you described, have a lot to lose if they get arrested or caught. So they mind their behavior, keep their heads down and work hard for their families.

Your cute little commiecrat diss is absolutely conflating a complicated situation and a variety of different people committing a variety of different offenses with a variety different effects on our nation. A solution is isn't going to be reached by people who use your kind of rhetoric. A solution will only work when rational people from both sides can objectively and honestly speak about these things.

Many that illegally cross the border or overstay their visas are doing so to make a better life for their families.”
TRUE....a better life for themselves at the expense of Americans compromising their own lives. (Flooded emergency rooms, over crowded public schools, traffic on roadways, uninsured/underinsured drivers, mass community degradation, higher taxes...etc etc)

Your cute little commiecrat diss is absolutely conflating a complicated situation”
Actually the “situation” isn’t complicated at’s actually real fucking simple....they’re fucking ILLEGAL...period....the bleeding heart fools have tried their best to make it’s what they do...they love complexity...more complex they can make an issue the less likely said issue will be resolved....they hate resolve.

See, what noble piles of shit like to do....(with my checking account) pretend we have a responsibility to spoon feed foreigners that shit in our face.....they like to pretend there’s a law that WE THE PEOPLE voted on the books that indicates that once a foreign cockroach has invaded our sovereignty, shit on our laws, degraded our society and gone undetected for X period of time they somehow are granted some weird form of made up ammunity. What the fuck happened to you as a child that makes you believe this shit should be so arbitrary?
DACA kids are also “fucking illegal” as you like to say, but not so simple right? You support giving hem amnesty, right? Their parents who came here illegally are more clear violators but the law is vague and doesn’t mandate deportation as punishment. That is up to the AG and administration to determine how they want to enforce and manage that situation. We have millions and millions of people who have been living here for decades in some cases. Many are ingrained in their communities, living and working and paying taxes. Married to American citizens with American citizen children. It is logistically impossible to deport all undocumented people, so perhaps more realistic solutions should be explored.

So yes, it is a very fucking complicated situation.

What happened to me as a child was gaining a stronger sense of the American Dream as it seems you got. An appreciation for the rags to riches stories that immigrants who came here with nothing got... the story of my great grandfather. This rhetoric that you are laying out against the “cockroaches” as you call them IS getting conflated towards legal immigrants, especially brown ones. If you can’t see that then you got blinders on.
As I've said many, many times, there are two wars the US will never win, the war on drugs and the war on poverty. Our fine federal government insures adequate supplies of each are imported daily.

The first thing you need to do is lose the commiecrat talking point that all immigrants are equal, they're not. I'm giving numbers on ILLEGAL ALIENS, not immigrants as a whole the way your BS left wing site is, they're lumping all foreign born together. There are several classes of LEGAL immigrants and refugees, then there are ILLEGAL ALIENS. Stop trying to conflate the former with the latter. Although I disagree with the numbers of LEGAL immigrants allowed, too many have no means of supporting themselves, they are at least doing it the right way and are showing respect for our laws.

Hell I'll even give you legal status for the DACA folks, the rest of the ILLEGAL ALIENS can go right back to the country they came from or hell which ever comes first. That would include all the unaccompanied minors that are flooding in. That's the LAW. We are a country of laws, or we're not, which do you want to live in?

Those are fine arguments and I agree with your premise. I don't think we need to lump everybody together, which is why it frustrates me to hear immigrants, legal and illegal characterized as criminals, murders and rapists etc. I think its funny that we think we know how many undocumented there are in this country given the fact that they are UNDOCUMENTED! So when we throw all these numbers and stats together it makes it difficult for me to take them as truth. I don't think we should allow a free flow through our border. People should come here legally. I agree with you about DACA. I don't think we can starve millions of people who are hear without documentation out. So I support some form of a system that gets them out from under the radar and accountable for their actions.

The numbers I gave were for ILLEGALS, I don't lump them together. The site you quoted did. Legals know if they screw up they will lose their status and will be deported. Illegals have already proven they don't give a shit about our laws, 100,000 criminal acts, including almost 500 murders per year are committed by illegals just in TX annually. And the damned commiecrats want to protect them, yeah I'm pissed. But feel free to show where I've made disparaging comments about legal immigrants at large, other than disagreeing with existing policy.
See but you are lumping them together. Maybe you don't even realize it. You are equating the criminal act of over staying a visa or illegally crossing the border with committing violent crimes. Some crossing the border illegally do so to run drugs and feast on the fruits our country has to offer. Those are bad dudes and I don't think anybody is fighting to protect them. That is another false narrative you are inflating. Many that illegally cross the border or overstay their visas are doing so to make a better life for their families. Many have been here for decades and made a life. I'm not saying that excuses their actions but it also means they are very different than the others I just described. Those who are looking for a better life, like the immigrants you described, have a lot to lose if they get arrested or caught. So they mind their behavior, keep their heads down and work hard for their families.

Your cute little commiecrat diss is absolutely conflating a complicated situation and a variety of different people committing a variety of different offenses with a variety different effects on our nation. A solution is isn't going to be reached by people who use your kind of rhetoric. A solution will only work when rational people from both sides can objectively and honestly speak about these things.

Many that illegally cross the border or overstay their visas are doing so to make a better life for their families.”
TRUE....a better life for themselves at the expense of Americans compromising their own lives. (Flooded emergency rooms, over crowded public schools, traffic on roadways, uninsured/underinsured drivers, mass community degradation, higher taxes...etc etc)

Your cute little commiecrat diss is absolutely conflating a complicated situation”
Actually the “situation” isn’t complicated at’s actually real fucking simple....they’re fucking ILLEGAL...period....the bleeding heart fools have tried their best to make it’s what they do...they love complexity...more complex they can make an issue the less likely said issue will be resolved....they hate resolve.

See, what noble piles of shit like to do....(with my checking account) pretend we have a responsibility to spoon feed foreigners that shit in our face.....they like to pretend there’s a law that WE THE PEOPLE voted on the books that indicates that once a foreign cockroach has invaded our sovereignty, shit on our laws, degraded our society and gone undetected for X period of time they somehow are granted some weird form of made up ammunity. What the fuck happened to you as a child that makes you believe this shit should be so arbitrary?
DACA kids are also “fucking illegal” as you like to say, but not so simple right? You support giving hem amnesty, right? Their parents who came here illegally are more clear violators but the law is vague and doesn’t mandate deportation as punishment. That is up to the AG and administration to determine how they want to enforce and manage that situation. We have millions and millions of people who have been living here for decades in some cases. Many are ingrained in their communities, living and working and paying taxes. Married to American citizens with American citizen children. It is logistically impossible to deport all undocumented people, so perhaps more realistic solutions should be explored.

So yes, it is a very fucking complicated situation.

What happened to me as a child was gaining a stronger sense of the American Dream as it seems you got. An appreciation for the rags to riches stories that immigrants who came here with nothing got... the story of my great grandfather. This rhetoric that you are laying out against the “cockroaches” as you call them IS getting conflated towards legal immigrants, especially brown ones. If you can’t see that then you got blinders on.

DACA kids are also “fucking illegal” as you like to say, but not so simple right? You support giving hem amnesty, right?”

FUCK NO I don’t support amnesty for ANY illegal EVER....PERIOD!
I get you now...for some weird reason you’ve fabricated some weird law that doesn’t exist in your own head. Somehow you believe that should a federal criminal be able to evade apprehension for X period of time they somehow become immune to prosecution for their crime and should be rewarded with U.S. citizenship for being so good at hiding for so long....Let go of emotion for a minute and stop to think about how fucking stupid that all sounds bud.

What happened to me as a child was gaining a stronger sense of the American Dream”

Listen to what you said....”The American Dream”
Not the Mexico Dream...the American Dream is intended for know this right?
Your great Grandfather was an immigrant wanted by the American people...he was invited, vetted and Americanized.
You’re working your ass off, trying to build in lots of trivia through emotion....but there’s nothing trivial about it outside of your head. Use logic and let it be as simple as it actually is and as simple as our laws say it is.
Last edited:
Those are fine arguments and I agree with your premise. I don't think we need to lump everybody together, which is why it frustrates me to hear immigrants, legal and illegal characterized as criminals, murders and rapists etc. I think its funny that we think we know how many undocumented there are in this country given the fact that they are UNDOCUMENTED! So when we throw all these numbers and stats together it makes it difficult for me to take them as truth. I don't think we should allow a free flow through our border. People should come here legally. I agree with you about DACA. I don't think we can starve millions of people who are hear without documentation out. So I support some form of a system that gets them out from under the radar and accountable for their actions.

The numbers I gave were for ILLEGALS, I don't lump them together. The site you quoted did. Legals know if they screw up they will lose their status and will be deported. Illegals have already proven they don't give a shit about our laws, 100,000 criminal acts, including almost 500 murders per year are committed by illegals just in TX annually. And the damned commiecrats want to protect them, yeah I'm pissed. But feel free to show where I've made disparaging comments about legal immigrants at large, other than disagreeing with existing policy.
See but you are lumping them together. Maybe you don't even realize it. You are equating the criminal act of over staying a visa or illegally crossing the border with committing violent crimes. Some crossing the border illegally do so to run drugs and feast on the fruits our country has to offer. Those are bad dudes and I don't think anybody is fighting to protect them. That is another false narrative you are inflating. Many that illegally cross the border or overstay their visas are doing so to make a better life for their families. Many have been here for decades and made a life. I'm not saying that excuses their actions but it also means they are very different than the others I just described. Those who are looking for a better life, like the immigrants you described, have a lot to lose if they get arrested or caught. So they mind their behavior, keep their heads down and work hard for their families.

Your cute little commiecrat diss is absolutely conflating a complicated situation and a variety of different people committing a variety of different offenses with a variety different effects on our nation. A solution is isn't going to be reached by people who use your kind of rhetoric. A solution will only work when rational people from both sides can objectively and honestly speak about these things.

Many that illegally cross the border or overstay their visas are doing so to make a better life for their families.”
TRUE....a better life for themselves at the expense of Americans compromising their own lives. (Flooded emergency rooms, over crowded public schools, traffic on roadways, uninsured/underinsured drivers, mass community degradation, higher taxes...etc etc)

Your cute little commiecrat diss is absolutely conflating a complicated situation”
Actually the “situation” isn’t complicated at’s actually real fucking simple....they’re fucking ILLEGAL...period....the bleeding heart fools have tried their best to make it’s what they do...they love complexity...more complex they can make an issue the less likely said issue will be resolved....they hate resolve.

See, what noble piles of shit like to do....(with my checking account) pretend we have a responsibility to spoon feed foreigners that shit in our face.....they like to pretend there’s a law that WE THE PEOPLE voted on the books that indicates that once a foreign cockroach has invaded our sovereignty, shit on our laws, degraded our society and gone undetected for X period of time they somehow are granted some weird form of made up ammunity. What the fuck happened to you as a child that makes you believe this shit should be so arbitrary?
DACA kids are also “fucking illegal” as you like to say, but not so simple right? You support giving hem amnesty, right? Their parents who came here illegally are more clear violators but the law is vague and doesn’t mandate deportation as punishment. That is up to the AG and administration to determine how they want to enforce and manage that situation. We have millions and millions of people who have been living here for decades in some cases. Many are ingrained in their communities, living and working and paying taxes. Married to American citizens with American citizen children. It is logistically impossible to deport all undocumented people, so perhaps more realistic solutions should be explored.

So yes, it is a very fucking complicated situation.

What happened to me as a child was gaining a stronger sense of the American Dream as it seems you got. An appreciation for the rags to riches stories that immigrants who came here with nothing got... the story of my great grandfather. This rhetoric that you are laying out against the “cockroaches” as you call them IS getting conflated towards legal immigrants, especially brown ones. If you can’t see that then you got blinders on.

DACA kids are also “fucking illegal” as you like to say, but not so simple right? You support giving hem amnesty, right?”

FUCK NO I don’t support amnesty for ANY illegal EVER....PERIOD!
I get you now...for some weird reason you’ve fabricated some weird law that doesn’t exist in your own head. Somehow you believe that should a federal criminal be able to evade apprehension for X period of time they somehow become immune to prosecution for their crime and should be rewarded with U.S. citizenship for being so good at hiding for so long....Let go of emotion for a minute and stop to think about how fucking stupid that all sounds bud.

“What happened to me as a child was gaining a stronger sense of the American Dream”

Listen to what you said....”The American Dream”
Not the Mexico Dream...the American Dream is intended for know this right?
Your great Grandfather was an immigrant wanted by the American people...he was invited, vetted and Americanized.
You’re working your ass off, trying to build in lots of trivia through emotion....but there’s nothing trivial about it outside of your head. Use logic and let it be as simple as it actually is and as simple as our laws say it is.
Your compadre who I was speaking to OKTexas made the comment about being cool with DACA. I mistook you for him. My mistake. You are much much more of a douche, I should have known.

You think all my points are simply fed off emotion? Ok well lets just go to hard facts. Please show me the law that mandates deportation for being undocumented in this country.

Also, don't mischaracterize my words. That is a lazy way of debating, try honesty for a change. I never said undocumented shouldn't be punished or penalized for breaking the law. I've actually said quite the opposite.
Every foreign national in the US should have a federal id; even if it takes a fine or a fee.
Thats fine. Lets facilitate that. Maybe at the same time we can get every gun owner to register their weapons. Get a joint effort of accountability going!
So toss him in jail and/or deport him to a foreign jail... his actions don’t characterize the type of people that millions of others are.
If he's guilty he should be shot and his body sent back to Mexico, postage due.
Well, well, we go again.
What did Trump say again?
"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. ... They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people,"

Mexican Uber driver in US illegally charged with four rapes
A California Uber driver living in the country illegally has been charged with raping, assaulting and robbing at least four young women.

Alfonso Alarcon-Nunez, 39, faces 10 criminal charges, including forcible rape, rape of an intoxicated victim, oral copulation of an intoxicated victim and first degree burglary. He pleaded not guilty to all 10 counts Monday and was being held on $1.4 million bail.


No harm, no foul, so long as none of the California Elite in San Fransisco's Presidio Terrace are inconvenienced.

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