Sanders Bombshell! Crazy Bernie was investigated by the FBI in the 80s for ties to Marxist party

In 1993, Family and Medical Leave Act passed, which required covered employers to provide employees with job-protected and leave for medical and family reasons. But Bernie wanted it to be leaves instead of unpaid. ~Sep 11, 1992, The Burlington Free Press.





A Burlington Free Press editor noted that Elizabeth Warren is paying to run ads for herself when someone does a Google search for Bernie Sanders:

Very old news. The commies and Democrat left have been known to be pals since the 1960's. Bernie wasn't well known like he is now, and just wasn't headline news in 99% of the country.
So? The current President was investigated for his ties to Russia. Was Bernie guilty of anything?
Andrew Yang supported Bernie in 2016. after he found out about his past, Yang is now running for president by himself!
Bernie Sanders campaigned for Marxist party in Reagan era

“Bernie Sanders campaigned for the Socialist Workers Party in the 1980 and 1984 presidential campaigns and was investigated by the FBI for his ties to the Marxist group.”

A fascinating discovery!
Yawn. You kids dropped this "bombshell" a few years ago.
i've got more. i'm researching Crazy Bernie's time as Burlington mayor. STAY TUNED!
Don't bother. You exhumed all the bodies back in '16.
I had never heard about it, but it's not shocking by any means. The FBI has been investigating people of almost every political ideology for many decades. They overstep their bounds at times, but it makes perfect sense for them to investigate groups of any political extreme, left or right.

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