Sanders Calls America “Fundamentally Immoral”


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Should, at a time we’re in a competitive global economy, we make public colleges and universities tuition-free? The answer is yes. Look at the issues out there. But I will also say this, John. I think that there is growing resentment, not only among young people, who in many cases are going to have a lower standard of living than their parents. I think that there is an understanding there is something fundamentally immoral and wrong about a nation in which we have three people who own more wealth than the bottom half of the American people. That does not make sense.”

If he and the Dims keep this up, there will be a massive Red Wave in November.

Much more of this insanity @ Sanders: let’s not talk about socialism vs. capitalism. Let’s talk about how ‘fund

Bernie Accuses Republicans Of Being “Bankrupt Intellectually” @ HVEEM: Bernie Accuses Republicans Of Being "Bankrupt Intellectually"

And we’re also immoral.
Did Bernie call Republicans Immoral before or after Hillary Clinton bought him a Million Dollar Summer Home for his support?

Should, at a time we’re in a competitive global economy, we make public colleges and universities tuition-free? The answer is yes. Look at the issues out there. But I will also say this, John. I think that there is growing resentment, not only among young people, who in many cases are going to have a lower standard of living than their parents. I think that there is an understanding there is something fundamentally immoral and wrong about a nation in which we have three people who own more wealth than the bottom half of the American people. That does not make sense.”

If he and the Dims keep this up, there will be a massive Red Wave in November.

Much more of this insanity @ Sanders: let’s not talk about socialism vs. capitalism. Let’s talk about how ‘fund

Bernie Accuses Republicans Of Being “Bankrupt Intellectually” @ HVEEM: Bernie Accuses Republicans Of Being "Bankrupt Intellectually"

And we’re also immoral.
Do you really think people are listening to Bernie right now? We voted for him in the primaries, and even we're not listening to him. At least I'm not hearing anything up here.
Did Bernie call Republicans Immoral before or after Hillary Clinton bought him a Million Dollar Summer Home for his support?
To Socialists America is immoral.
Socialism is based off of government ownership of private companies.
They take over companies so they can control them.
They call it redistribution.
Best way to make this happen is to create class-envy.
Are we a fundamentally moral country?

What makes us “moral”, in your eyes?

When I read an article about a doctor that raped a sedated patient in a hospital room getting no jail time despite being found guilty, because the jury didn’t recommend jail time, I have to wonder if we have any morality left at all.

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